Love needs more than a yearly commercialized debut!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Why wait 365 days for a special day to show the person you love that you love them, especially if we are not even certain that both of us will still be here, Life is short and love is precious.

Every day should be valentine’s day when you love someone, I am not suggesting that you should do the entire commercialized drill every day, I am merely stating that there is so many ways and opportunities to show the person that you love just how much you care every day.

Sure, some woman loves the idea of being spoilt rotten on one day of the year, me for one I appreciate the smaller things in life, like a wild flower or a cup of coffee or an unexpected hug.

If there is one thing that I have learnt over the years is that love is not easy to attain and even harder to maintain, especially if you take into account how rushed and busy our everyday lives has become.

So; when you do find love, it is so important to embrace it to the full and nurture it with all your heart.

Over the years tv and general media as well as social media has over romanticized the concept of love, what they don’t tell you is that it is not always easy, you can’t fall in love with someone and then stop putting any effort in from your side, love is an enduring process of getting to know each other day by day grow together and enrich each other’s lives, while at the same time enriching our own lives so that we can be a better person for the one we love as well as ourselves.

Why be a better person?

I think when it comes to love being a better person, or improving ourselves where we can should not only be done directly for the one we love, this should be done for ourselves.

I know that this might sound selfish initially, but when you think about it when we improve ourselves, there is a certain sense of self confidence and self-respect being exhumed out of just about every single pore of our bodies, and in my opinion that is super sexy.

More so this opens up the realization gate, showing your partner that you respect yourself, and in my opinion if someone can not put in the commitment to love and respect themselves, how are they going to be capable of loving and respecting another to the full.

Love without reserve

We never know when or last breath will be and life is a fleeting moment in the linage of time. Just take every moment of every day and make the most of every single opportunity to show your loved one that you love and care for them, don’t wait for one single appointed day in a year to do so.

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Nice post @breezin
It turns out the boys have their own reasons why the phrase 'I Love You' is very difficult to say. Just saying it looks easy, but beyond that, they have some considerations that make these words very difficult to say to gf and his partner.

Feel that you already know
For many men, action is far more important than indulgence in love. That's why many of the men who thought that the act of love he showed to gf or his partner has been captured so well that he no longer need to say the word 'I Love You'.

So less memorable
Men do not want if he too often say love statement, because it will make the meaning of affection no longer memorable. For them, words of affection should be spoken at the right time and moment. So be advised if the statement of love you expect from the mouth of the he has not come out, maybe it's one sign that time and moment is not right.

Feel awkward
Another thing that causes why men often difficult to say three sentences of love to women is a shame and awkward that is in him. Maybe when dealing only with you, he can smoothly say it, but when in front of many people, he can silence a thousand languages. Awkwardness can make men difficult to say the phrase 'I Love You'.

I hear you, thank you for your opinion, I really do appreciate it

I love all people. I just wonder if I can feel this special love every one speak of.

I wonder am I ever going to feel that love! and to tell you the truth I don't know if I want to because every single person I know that speak of that type of love hurt each other.

How can I give myself to one person and then sit and wonder when that person will hurt me perfectly? Isn't that love like drugs makes you feel good, but at the same time you know it's going to damage you and damage you properly.
I will continue to be loving and be caring to all

What about intimacy? I believe that should be shared with your best friend someone you feel comfortable with and free minded around.

As someone tell you they love you it comes with all these rules and boundries like prison. Look how free we are and Jesus loves us and their is no greater love like his, our creator should get our all.

Well in that case the best I can say is that it comes down to faith in more ways than one. I believe that there are more than one kinds of love, your spiitual love and your love for a spouse, however I believe that our creator does want us to be happy on all plains.

Love is the greatest gift, to be treasured. every day!!!

I think the biggest problem is making someone the object of your love. Like that love doesn't exist without them. That isn't love, that's obsession and infatuation. Love is an entire state of being. Love everyone! <3 Especially @breezin cuz she cool like a breeze. :)

Guess what song I got dressed to this morning LOL
Thank you @clayboyn

You're very welcome and now I am going to try to be cool like the other side of the pillow and see what the dreams have in store for me tonight. 😁

tee hee, I hope to read all about it if it is something interesting...

Come on people now, smile on your brother everybody get together try to love one another right now.... :)

back atcha. And now for something put out a poem about sex, though I suppose it's not exactly your first time, unless I've missed others beyond your dream then it certainly is a lot more descriptive. And now Paul...though Paul has not ever written anything sexual let alone, well this, haha--check it out:

It's funny because I believe in balancing our own energies for the purpose of creation. Positive and negative, masculine and femenine, neither is better or worse and ultimately life is about finding that inner balance. It actually makes a lot of sense to me even if it is meant to be funny. :)

It may have been meant to be funny in a certain way, but I know him, and he would weave the truth he perceives through it too :)

Do love really exist? I don;t think so.

I've been with my husband for 28 years. Love does exust. 😁 But not so easy to find.

May be you are right. It's like a diamond in the soil hard to find the true love for life time. Congratulations for your 28 years journey.

Thank you, I am fortunate.

I have also wondered that, and despite everything that I have experienced, I still choose to believe that it does

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