If You Can't Fix It - Cleanse It With Fire!

in #life6 years ago

Little Miss Prissy Bridges Here Reporting Live:

Right, those of you following my posts, or have gotten to know me a little better
throughout my Steemit journey should know that I am pretty much a

If however, you are not one the above mentioned, I will tell you:


Unicorn Farts and Pixies Puking Rainbows All the Way!

But lets face it - that's not always the case!

I mean what are the probable chances of
being positively happy 100% of the time.


I would love to believe that we have permission to quote
the tiny little booklet, that gets manufactured,
thoroughly explained and handed to;
every-single-being that is born onto this earth

However if these books does exist, they have managed to remain elusive thus far,
so in short, we can not lay claim by expecting life to be fair. The best we can do,
is take it on the chin, make the best of the situation, and learn something in the process.
** ~ if life throws a curve ball, play it ~ If life gives you lemons, grab the tequila ~**

I believe that;
Everything happens for a reason & Every action has a reaction.
I believe every action has a reaction.
But I alsobelieve that sometimes, it all just feels about as hairy as hairy balls can be!


The past few months, has been hectic to say the least!

I think my curve-balls were throwing curve-balls, and wherever they landed;
~ They ended up making little incest ball baby's who swarm around your feet
whenever you try gain your footing!

and don't even let me get started on the lemons!!

Tonight, I found myself at the end of my means trying to understand and cope
with everything, and I realized that I had to do something - and fast, or risk my
sanity being completely BALL BASHED!


Oh, but what is a girl to do in times like these?

In that moment, knowing that the world still spins and that, this deathly feel
of utmost frustration, was no measuring staff I cared to use when counting my days.

So, I took a deep breath - and did the rational thing.... I built a huge ass fire!


But what good is a fire without some company? And I decided to get my personal best friend over, the one that has always been there for me - no matter what; the one that I knew would never let me down and always made me feel better!

That friend was MUSIC!

And why settle for just any music, when we are granted access to the most amazing music talent right here on the Steemit platform? Oh man ~ It was the best I felt for weeks, and as I sat there, simply marinating in that amazing moment of gratitude, not only for the music - for the calmness within.

As well as the pair of poi that I recently noticed laying under the chair...

Here are some pics, to show you how it all played out! (taken with the ISO set slow.)









Hope you enjoy the fire as much as I did!


You got some talent breezin. I hear ya. The Tragically Hip has been on my house and I've been singing along with Gord.

I have to ask though; did you mean insect ball babies?

No - I meant the curve balls that life throws at you when you least expect it, they go forth and inbreed and make more curve-balls, like problems leading to more problems LOL

BTW who (or what) is The Tragically Hip & Gord

They are Canada's all time best band. Alas Gord (Gordon Downie, who was a also phenomena)l poet passed away recently. It was a big loss for us. My ex-husband is a kiwi and even he had to admit that The Hip is hands down the best band he ever heard. But they never broke in the States and so it was possible right up to the end to see them in a small club in the states or a huge venue up north. Here is a playlist of some of their harder hitting stuff. They have some melodic pieces too.

AAAAAAHHHHH - I see! makes sense now!

I couldn't resists. :)

Bwahahaha I hear you, I probably would have done the same. I am actually quite grateful - It really made me LOL myself. I want to be able to dance like that guy one day when I am a grownup!!

That fire dancing is amazing! Hope the curve balls start to straighten up.... if that’s possible.

It was fun, listened to your music and couldn't help wanting to set shit on fire. I wanted to link in one of your songs to the post but was not sure if you would be ok with that, and you weren't available to ask. So I just left it at an open statement.

What’s mine is yours! Any of my music you are free to use how ever and whenever

I sometimes get motherlessly despondent. For a while I will be lost and then remember to eat something and to sit and just breathe for a while. Usually helps me.

Nice fire bending skills there! So very very hot!

We all do at some point, but we can not allow that to define us!

Why, thank you! :D

amazing, this is very good picture, its words, all make @jhoni terlena read it, thanks for sharing @ breezin. 😊

I am glad that they made you smile!!

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