This Is About All Of Them

in #life7 years ago (edited)


So I would like to take some time right now to tell you a story. It isn't going to be a pleasant one but it moved me and made me realize that just because some of the horrible things that happen to people around the world, don't happen to me doesn't mean that they don't effect me at some point/way in my life. I am going to do my best to be as descriptive as possible to help you envision the events as they take place.

While the names and actual events of this story are fabricated, the nature of the story is 100% real. This story is about the McManny family who lived in rural NY. Richard McManny worked for a small community bank as a Branch Manager and Susan McManny was a registered nurse at a retirement home not more than 20 min drive from their home. They had two children, Sam who was 5 and Nicole, who was 8. Both children attended the local day care three days per week and stayed with their aunt, whom lived about an hour away, the off days. By all accounts the McManny family was your typical American family. They worked hard for everything they had and when they weren't working spent as much time as they could with their kids. During the summer of 2015 (4th of July weekend) the family decided to take a camping trip in Pennsylvania near a National Park. The family was very outdoorsy and the kids were absolutely ecstatic at not only another camping trip, but a road trip at that.

The day before their weekend started the family loaded up the van and started out on their 10 hour road trip, taking lots of pictures and stopping to see some preplanned sites a long the way. It was the perfect day, to what should have been the perfect vacation. As the family arrived near the National Park later that afternoon they decided to get a hotel room and head to their campsite first thing in the morning. Richard pulled into the hotel parking lot to see if there were any available rooms. After settling the proper payments and signing of documents the family proceeded to their room to get cleaned up and changed for dinner. The hotel restaurant wasn't overly crowded and they didn't have to wait long to be sat. After dinner Richard and Susan took the kids back to the room and settled them for bed. Once the kids were fast asleep the couple decided to head back to the restaurant bar for a drink and conversation. Their room was quite close to the restaurant so they felt the kids would be safe.

After about an hour they headed back to their room. Entering quietly as to not wake the children Richard headed towards the bathroom as his wife went to get changed. As Richard stand in front of the toilet he was snapped out of his trance by the loud shrieks of his wife, frantically calling the names of their children. Rushing to see what the shouting was he realized she as his wife had that their children were not in their beds, or in the room at all.

As the couple sit in their room, distraught, confused and devastated the police and hotel management tried to assess the situation and look for any type of clue that might help them figure things out. As Richard outline the events of the evening to the detective, the General Manager of the hotel came in with his laptop and surveillance footage from the camera located at the opposite end of the hall. As the McManny's embraced each other their worst nightmares were being displayed on the laptop monitor. Watching in horror the footage shows two figures using what appears to be a room key to unlock their room door. After just a few minutes the to bodies are seen leaving the room with their children sleeping in their arms. The footage then switches to another camera near the bottom of the stairwell. Their faces covered, making sure not to directly look at the camera the two rushed down the steps with the McManny children (who are still asleep) and around a corner. The monitor then flickers for a few seconds and another frame shows the two rushing through the parking lot and towards the back where it is unclear where they went from there. Closing the laptop shut Susan let out an uncontrollable scream. The realization had hit her like a ton of bricks; her children, her babies had been kidnapped!

As the children woke up and their eyes adjusted the to daylight creeping through the window Nicole started to understand that something was terribly wrong. As she shot up she quickly bobbled her head back and forth to see where Sam was. She was alone. Alone and now increasingly frightened. She started screaming out for her parents, for her brother and after what felt like an eternity the door to the room she was in opened. In walked a tall man dressed in a suit. As he approached the bed Nicole tried to make herself as small as possible near the top of the bed, cringing as he sat next to her. "Don't be afraid", the man calmly said to her. "You're home now"! The children were shipped off in different directions to far corners of the world, where they were broken to accept their new life. Nicole and Sam, like so many unfortunate children globally were now a part of a very large and very powerful trafficking ring where children are passed around like cattle for the amusement of those with too much money to fathom. Sex, slavery, rape, mutilation, body parts and occult rituals are what these poor innocent children are being subjected to day in and day out.

Listen to this mans testimony and watch the way his entire demeanor changes when he starts to talk about what these sycophants do to our children!

After reading the story...I want you to all sit and imagine if Nicole and Sam were your kids! What if it was you going through the horrors of trying to find yourchild! The horrible thoughts that will plague your minds!!!!! Go ahead!!


Our children are being trafficked and tortured by the very people that we send to government, direct our favorite movies and royals and dignitaries the world over. Preying on them like its a game! To EVERYONE who is reading this and outraged we MUST stand up and put an end to this! ALL OF US!!! From America to Australia, China to England; we MUST stop these sick, sick criminals from ever touching another innocent child again!

This man....Someone tell me those two voices aren't the same! Tell me that isn't John Podesta screaming at these poor children?!?!


Please Share


This is just like Fukushima. It's too distressing for most people to contemplate for an extended amount of time, especially mothers. It's a very depressing topic, but something needs to done to stop these vile people (I hesitate to even call them people, more like maggots).

I concur....And as a father the thought terrifies me to the core. But like you said, we as a people must take the stand against this sick obsession so many of the super rich have with children! The fact that they can just throw money at this is just sick and everyone in a position to stop it, and allows it anyways is an accomplice! I mean how on earth did Epstein walk away after a GUILTY plea? How does NO ONE question why Bill Clinton was on this mans plane (called the "Lolita Express") or in this mans home, on an island where it was documented underage children were there!?!?

Its just sickening mate but I will continue to speak out and as soon as I come up with a decent model I am going to try and start something to do my part, because the point I was trying to get across is that just because it isn't your kid today..

Doesn't mean it can't be your child tomorrow (knocks on wood)

But we really need to spread this information to as many people as possible. We remove the heads from the sand one at a time!

I assume you are familiar with Liz Crokin, but just in case you are not here is an interview:

She use to write for Townhall and WND, but they wanted her to stop writing about child sex trafficking and she refused. They will no longer hire her, so she is now working independently.

Thank You, for I am not. I will definitely read this article. Its people like that who give me faith for humanity. I know screaming from a keyboard isn't really helping but as soon as I realize the gift I can give in a more physical effort I am on it....

Thanks again for the link

Very good post. Thank you for sharing. Let's hope more people will realize what's going on and being done to children.

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