How to Think Like a Genius

in #life3 years ago

Learning how to think like a genius can change your life forever. To those of you who doubt greatness, or think of it as something just out of your reach; I will counter those notions with absolute proof that genius is within reach. All you have to do is look at yourself in the mirror. If you are unable to see yourself as a genius, or think you are a genius, then you haven't found your "I" thinking that much differently than the rest of us.

On the other hand, if you are able to see yourself as a genius, or better yet, you are able to visualize yourself as a genius, than you know what it is you are truly capable of achieving. When you use the help of an effective tool such as an I.T. software program, your ability to think and focus better, becomes second nature. When reading test papers, reviewing information, writing essays, and mastering difficult concepts; all these tasks become effortless.

So now that you know how to think like a genius, how are you going to apply it to your life? You can start off by reading books with difficult topics. Read each book three times; after each read, think about what you learned and why you did it. What kind of creative insight did you gain from this reading? Use this process for all of your reading test.

Once you have mastered the habit of thinking like a genius, you may want to think of it as a daily habit. Whenever you read a difficult book, write down everything you learned and why you found the information valuable. This will keep your mind sharp and your reading test scores high.

Another way to think of genius is to remember to always look to the outcome. Although you want to think of it as something that is outside of yourself, you must also understand that when you use the "I" word in your head, you are really talking to yourself; and therefore, your own outcome is ultimately up to you. When you think like a genius, you will see that anything is possible; and therefore, you will be open to possibilities and opportunities that otherwise might be shut out to you.

If you are looking for ways on how to think like a genius, these are just two of the techniques that will help you achieve your goals. Mastering these techniques will take time and practice. Once you have done it a few times, you will realize that thinking of genius does not have to be difficult. In fact, it can be easy and fun.

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