Smokers and their inconsiderate Butts! Just me blowing off some Steem here...

in #life7 years ago

Today I saw a man finish smoking a cigarette and throw it on the floor before climbing on the waiting bus. There was a bin less than 2 meters away which he could have used. It was raining lightly, so he decided to smoke directly under the bus shelter, while exhaling his second-hand smoke almost directly through the back door of the bus, which I was sitting in. I thought about saying something to him, but he looked like the kind of guy who would snap anyone who looked at him the wrong way.

It's not so much the fact that he smokes that gets to me. It is rather the inconsiderate behavior of the man towards the environment and people around him, which seems to be quite common among some smokers here in Perth. It seems you can't go very far without seeing a cigarette butt lying on the pavement, in the gutter or in a garden bed, or someone throwing their still glowing cigarette butt out of the car wind in rush hour traffic. Why could he not extinguish the cigarette in the puddle at his feet, and throw the butt in the bin? Why did he have to light up under the bud shelter, which is a non-smoking area, and blow his smoke in the direction of the bus?

I know smoking is a terrible addiction, and very hard to quit, and I'm not painting all smokers with the same dirty brush here, but there is no excuse for people smoking where they shouldn't be, blowing their smoke into areas where non-smokers are, and there being so much cigarette litter lying all over the place. Yes, there is also other litter that lies around, but I'm talking specifically about smokers and their inconsiderateness towards others. The other litter doesn't exhale secondhand smoke into peoples faces.

Perhaps it's just me being inconsiderate towards them, because I suffer from allergic rhinitis, and it can get triggered at the slightest whiff of cigarette smoke. If I'm walking behind a smoker, I either have to get past quickly, or move to the other side of the road to get away from the smoke. If it does trigger, then it takes hours to clear up, and comes with severe sinus headaches attached. I have learnt to deal with it, and take antihistamines almost every day to reduce the chances of it flaring up, but why can't smokers drop this self-entitled attitude and be more aware of the people and environment around them.

So thank you to the smokers out there who do go out of their way to try to keep their smoke away from the general public, and who do extinguish and dispose of their butts properly. I just wish more smokers would do the same.

Rant over! I feel slightly better now. Now where is my Claritin? Thanks for reading :)



It was a bad move on his part. He was polluting. If he can just toss a butt on the ground when a trash is nearby, he probably pollutes regularly. Sucks just gotta be the bigger person and throw his butt in the trash. Hopefully some other people see your example and will do the same.

I saw someone throw a still lit one of a balcony a few days ago that almost hit a lady and her kid in a stroller. I quit years ago it's totally not hard

dirty arse smokers. I'm with you on this one mate.

I'm with you man, what I can not believe is when I have friend over and they just throw there buts all over my damn yard and driveway like it's no thing. I tell em man, and they pick them up!

Cigarette butts are awful. I hate seeing them in drinks dregs after a party or night out as well. Gross.

a justifiable rant mate.. I'm with you!

I am a smoker and I understand what you are saying. I do see some pretty inconsiderate behaviour. If I am with a non smoking friend like @holozor I am always conscious of what way te wind is blowing and try to stand down wind. If there is a lady pushing a pram or a pregnant woman I put my smoke behind my back while they walk passed. It honestly may not do much but I feel we have to do something.

Looking to quit soon and who knows maybe my new found funds can be reinvested into this amazing platform.

Great post thanks for sharing!

Thanks for your reply @necromortis. I'm glad you're so considerate to others around you. All the best with quitting. Power up that smoke into Steem for sure!!

Best way to quit smoking is to never start at all 😁 I'll have to make sure I get that message across to my 9 year old clearly 😳

For sure man! Kids need to learn from a young age that it's not cool to smoke.

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