Principle of the Day

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Principle:  To the extent that you destroy freedom; you destroy inequality.  True freedom, the right to succeed, the right to fail.

..............original photography and artwork by bleujay.

'Two Dogs.....Expectsmuch and Worksalot.'

Thank you Steemit readers.

Principles are timeless truths/concepts/proverbs for our ponderance.

A kind note to all new Steemians......good manners and thoughtfulness of others will take you for those who leave notes and links directing members to their site.....please be advised this is not the Steemit way.

Welcome to Steemit.


lovely dog

Please be so kind as to remove this picture from the reply is not needed

Please remove ....

It will be flagged as spam...

yes, sorry~
I understand

Thank you.....once you remove the picture.....bleujay will be happy to remove the flag.

If you enjoyed the post....please upvote ......

I can't Access
because your flag
and I was upvote

Please try removing the picture again......flag is removed

intriguing principle
and the dogs specially ;)
more so their names!

Thank you for your reply @englishtchrivy.

The names are their stage names of course.....haha ^_^

So glad you enjoyed the post.

You are too kind.....with all this catching worries, mon ami.....we look forward to when you can join us and do not have any concerns regarding catching up.

All the best. Cheers.


This is one of the best ones, so far. EVERYBODY trying to fight for "equality" should be aware. I might add a Benjamin Franklin quote:

Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.

Thank you for your lovely reply

Lovely quote. Indeed freedom must be stated by Mr Franklin....too many of us...individually and collectively have surrendered...not maintained....our freedom.

Benjamin Franklin is a favourite.

Appreciate you dropping by as always.

Thank you for your support.

Wishing you and your family all the best. Cheers.

A fantastic pair of dogs, clever names :0)

Thank you for your reply @meesterboom.

Do tell bleujay you did not miss the principle....dogs do have a habit of being a they not.

Of course....the names are their stage names...... ^_^

Lovely post you have out there.......with linen and things!

All the best. Cheers.

Oh the principle is absolutely sound. You are right however, as I scrolled down and saw the dogs I was completely taken by their playful beach manner. It threw me right off!

They are rather good stage names! I presume the little smashers are yours?

This comment has received a 4.04 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @bleujay.

The state would have us all equalized, straitjacketed into the same mold.

"Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould..."
- Romans 12:2

Thank you, and Cheers!



Thank you for your reply @creatr.

Appreciate you stopping by.

Query....can Steemit handle freedom and free enterprise?

It was founded on opportunity....will it remain so?

All the best to you and yours. Cheers.

A very interesting question, one that I wonder about at times.

Steemit certainly is weighted heavily in favor of the founders and their friends, but perhaps that is as it should be.

I have thus far been granted the liberty to speak of my own enterprise and product on Steemit pages, although I've not as yet found anyone here who has chosen to purchase it. I am not sure what might change it. The large influx of opportunists has been a bit of a problem in the "spam" realm.

What are your thoughts?

Thank you for your reply.....yes...Steemians enjoy hearing from you, your thoughts and about your inventions.

The thought on bleujays mind is the collective rush to set up systems for new commers...the support systems popping up here and there when really half the fun of joining Steemit was to see if you could really stick with it and persevere. And those who did come along and encourage you on your way became your cyber colleagues and you supported each other not joining a group in order to get group help.....which is impersonal and sterile and really built on someone's personal agenda.

The other thought is the propensity of some on Steemit to somehow set up vigilante teams going about flagging whatever they in their opinion think is not right.....not set up or sanctioned by Steemit as far as bleujay knows..........this is not a reference to cheetah....however to go into futher detail is not neccessary. It is just a hope that Steemit can live and let live as a mind set and choose to influence policy by leading rather than by bullying.

Thank you for inquiring and the opportunity to think on these things

Thanks, friend, for sharing your thinking in the matter.

I've been concerned about "flagging" ever since I became aware of it. Not that I've ever been much afflicted by it, but it has been used once or twice to reduce my awards.

In the past I've expressed my opinion in writing that "flagging" and "down-voting" ought to be semantically separated. This would of course require coding changes to create a true "flag" function with the intended meaning of "observing/reporting seriously bad behavior."

I do share your concern about how flagging has actually been used.

After I completed an initial "link-back," @cheetah has never bothered me; however, I did recently see a cheetah report on someone else's post that concerned me to the extent that I commented below it. It seemed that cheetah had truly lost its mind for at least that one instance...

Thanks for a thought provoking discussion! :)

Thank you for your reply @creatr.

Oh did have a post concerning the semantics of it.

Flagging to protect one's post from the stated reasons on the flag measure itself seems reasonable and acceptable. It is flagging from above that can seem arbitrary and unreasonable.....especially when there is no written policy. Where is the counter measure for balance?

It is true any of these measures can get out of hand and need check and balance....thank you for giving cheetah some feedback....she belongs to ....a.n.y. x.

.....and thank you. Kind Regards, bleujay.

Reminds me of being on the beach with my two dogs in Northern California. Where are you in the world? Lovely photos. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for your reply and upvote @budsnow.

So glad you had a frame of reference for the photograph and that you found them pleasing.

Thank you for your kind words regading the photographs.

Welcome to Steemit. Cheers

Hey Bleujay,

Thank's for sharing this works.

And the both are GoodBoys.


Thank you for your kind reply and upvote @zeuss11.

Yes....both are good boys. Cheers.

An excellent principle, so that the world would be more beautiful if people were to respect each other's equality!
Dogs are so cute and footsteps of dogs in the sand are adorable :)))

Thank you for your kind words dear @pepe.maya.

Yes...equality in the sense of opportunity.....allow those who wish to run with and those who wish to stay in place.....remain in place.........freedom.

So glad you enjoyed the photograph of the dogs at the beach and the principle.

Appreciate you dropping by for a cuppa. ^_^

All the best. Cheers.

Beautiful dogs bleujay! As for the principle, people deserve what they work for! I know a lot of bums. Haha. They can still be great friends though!

Thank you for your reply @hansenator.

Appreciate you stopping by and your support.

So glad you enjoyed the post.......sounds like you have it covered...

P. Live and let live......when I let...then I live.......of course there are times when this does not if you are in charge/held responsible for something....etc.

All the best to you. Cheers.

NB Thank you for the reSteem....very kind of you.

I try to do my best! Haha. Yes, of course... not all the time! I teach. No one is allowed to do anything. Lol.

Thank you for your reply @hansenator.

....and that is as it should be. ^_^

Someone has to be in charge.

All the best. Cheers.

I absolutely agree with your principle, I love freedom and that means everyone is equal! Yes, "True freedom, the right to succeed, the right to fail".

The two dogs are really cute and cheerful! They work a lot on the beach....(a lot of footprints there) and they have true freedom to do so! Very creative names!

It seems to be nice atmosphere at the beach and seeing the dogs playing would be a lot of fun!

Great works!

Thank you for your reply @tangmo.

Yes...everyone under freedom has equal opportunity to fail or succeed

......rather like the freedom here at Steemit.

The dog's names are their stage names....that they might assist with the learning of the principle. ^_^

They are cheerful dogs to be sure. Thank you for your kind compliments. Cheers.

With my great pleasure! Cheers! ;)

Beautiful dogs!
Thank you for another useful principle of the day! )

Thank you for your kind words @deleni.

So glad you can appreciate both the photographs and the principle.

Lovely post you have out there.

All the best to you. Cheers.

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