Principle of the Day

in #life7 years ago

Principle:  You have two enemies, ignorance and arrogance. and artwork by @bleujay.               ' Not Knowing and All Too Knowing'

Thank you Steemit readers.  Principles are timeless truths for our ponderance.  Cheers.


I have to admit that out of there I am arrogant, it is not something that I like and I try to correct it day by day. I do not consider myself an ignorant person, perhaps uneducated in some respects. I loved your photo, thank you for sharing my friend!

I don't have enemies

Reflection it is
Thanks for posting @bleujay

I have three, ignorance, arrogance and Jeremy from down the road. I know he let his dog poop on my own. I just know it! :0)

😂😂😂😂😃 bad Jeremy, is he on steemit @meesterboom ?

If he's not be should be!! Lol

Thank you for your reply @meesterboom.

Appreciate you stopping by........oh be sure...we have more than just two enemies....the material ones...that which we can see are indeed irritating and a distraction from this dangerous twosome......don't let them slip up on you. ^_^

Wishing you and yours all the best. Cheers.

edit....some interesting friends you have here....blind and mute......what a combination.

A terrible combination, one that I would never condone. Tsk tsk, manners are very important.

Appreciate your reply @meesterboom.

Reminds bleujay of the play day story the other day.....well what can one say.....just have a good laugh and a cuppa.

All the best to you. Cheers.

I know what you mean. All the best to you too matey

very interesting priciple! Sometime the arrogance and the ignorance walk together.
I love the images! ^_^

Thank you for you kind comments @silviabeneforti.

Lovely way of saying it.........indeed they do.

So glad you enjoyed the post.

Lovely post you have out there.......beautiful painting.

Wishing you and yours all the best. Ciao.

Some very beautifull artwork again @bleujay. Especially like the first one with the fishes.

Thank you for stopping by @oaldamster.

Appreciate your kind compliments and so glad to hear you enjoyed the artwork.

Have so enjoyed your bitcoin articles.

Wishing you all the best. Abientotlater.

It is my pleasure @bleujay.
You are a gifted artist, I think. Some would do well on canvas.

Glad to know that you enjoyed my Bitcoin posts. :-)

All the best in return.


You are very kind @oaldamster.

Yes, your articles are superb.....watching really must read them a couple of times....please keep them coming....bleujay hears some will have a rocky methinks you will have loads to write about. ^_^

By the way.....thank you for reStreeming the article regarding Ripple and just spied bleujay's post in the feed......thank you.

Wishing you and yours all the best. Cheers.

You're welcome @bleujay!

Thank you for your kind compliment. It is inspiring for me to keep writing knowing it is appreciated. EOS is very exciting, want to dive into that as soon as the info is released. For me that is going to be the next game changer, in line with bitshares and steem.

Plenty of crypto inspiration the upcoming time. :-)

It is my pleasure to ReSteem. :-)

All the best in return.

Thank you for your reply @oaldamster.

A game changer indeed......bleujay's thought is the very cannot come soon enough. It may take some time in the making of it....however that does not diminish the pure genius of it and its potential.

Yes.....have read whatever one can discover...yours included and is exciting. Looking forward to reading and rereading your posts. ^_^

All the best to you. Cheers.

I'm always careful about being arrogance for people. I want to be respected and I want to respect good people. @bleujay See you again. :)

Thank you for your reply @bontonstory. So very kind of you to visit.

Good thoughts. ^_^

All the best to you. A bientot.

Lovely series you have out there....looking forward to learning more about Japan.

Just darling!......bleujay knows what you mean......a heron visited today....should have had a sign out. ^_^


Appreciate the visit.

Excellent principle bleujay. Arrogance is worse than ignorance I think.

Thank you for your kind reply @koskl.

To be sure....and it is always at our elbow.

Good to see you posting once again.

Lovely posts you have out there.

All the best to you. Cheers.

The first is the most dangerous (ignorance) ... because arrogance is ignorance too
; )
Thank you @bleujay for this reflection.
I love those fish !!! : O

Thank you for your insight ......indeed it is. Just the pondering of it......a slippery slope.

Appreciate your kind compliment regarding the fish. Very kind of you indeed. ^_^

So glad you enjoyed the post.

Wishing you all the best. Ciao.

There are people who are ignorant, not because they are arrogant, but because they have no ability/time/resources to learn about things. Their ignorance is not their fault, because some of them would like to be enlightened, but they can't.These people never CHOSE to be like that.
For example, if you deprive somebody of basic education, they never learn to read/write, etc., and will end up being ignorant on many things. Is it their fault?

On the other hand, all arrogant people think they know everything, they are always right, etc. They miss then looking at the other side of the coin, they are biased towards their own opinion, and therefore end up being ignorant about something, when their opinion is wrong. They are not always wrong, much as they are not always right. Their arrogance though, is their fault: they CHOSE to be like that.

In my own arrogant (8-) opinion, that is often the case.

Bonjour @koskl.

Apologies....for lack of clarity.

This 'ignorance' herein referred to is willful ignorance.......refusal to learn....rejection of truth....apathy toward truth.....not a reference to deprivation of education due to circumstanses....although one could say they are far more educated in other areas than so called educated peoples and in many cases far happier.

These principles are for our ponderance from our own and varied frame of references.

All the best to you. Cheers.

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