Principle of the Day

in #life6 years ago

Principle:  To whom much is given, much is expected.

........original photography and editing by bleujay.

'An Autumn Stroll'

Principles are timeless truths/concepts/proverbs presented here for our ponderance.

Thank you for stopping by.

Kind Regards, @bleujay

A kind note to all.....

Good manners and thoughtfulness of others will take you for those who leave notes and links directing members to their site.......please be advised this is not an acceptable practice.

bleujay does request that Steemians be so kind as to not leave gifs/photographs, etc. so as not to distract from the post.

Thank you Steemit for the opportunity to participate at this fine site.

NB  All photographs taken with EOS Rebel.

Will be cross-posted at Whaleshares.


I ageee wholeheartedly with your principle. The expectation and responsibility can be humbling at times... also loved the autumn colors in your photos!

Greetings @brian.rrr.

How very kind of you to drop by with this lovely can be quite humbling. ^__^

The film 'Spiderman' has an illustration of the principle.

Appreciate hearing you enjoyed the post.

bleujay reads everyone of your posts.....great fun, learning and teaching...going on just as it should.

All the best to you and your good lady.


mon ami, sorry..
I was very busy this week so I saw this just now
will make it up to you
am too late .. 26 mins to payment

Greetings mon ami.....

Please no worries......appreciate you stopping by.

Hope you are enjoying your week......busy is good.. ^__^

All the best to you.

A bientot! xox

thank you for understanding mon ami

you as well.. it's weekend soon
have a great weekend xox!

btw, am no longer hangin out in rocket chat just in case you left a message
am always on discord these days btw
see you around!

Thank you @englishtchrivy for your kind wishes. ^__^

Here's wishing you and yours a lovely weekend.

All the best.

A bientot mon ami! xox!

It’s great to see your post again…

The principle is good, I absolutely agree.

Your photos are beautiful with the bright colorful leaves in Autumn…. I love them all. Great shot, as always! ;)

Greetings @tangmo.

Lovely to 'see' you here. ^__^

Appreciate hearing you enjoyed the post....thank you for your kind compliments.

Wishing you and yours all the best.


You are very much welcome. All your posts were great and I always enjoyed them.

Wishing you and your family have a good day. ;)

Huum Nice principle.
Do you understand it as if somebody gives to you, you “have to giveback”.
If your parents invest a lot in you they expect you to grow as a great individual maybe ?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Greetings @vlemon.

Thank you for stopping by with this splendid I thought this very thing when first being presented with the principle.

It is the latter......not having to do with anything of monetary value but of responsibility. Taking responsibility, realising one's duty essentially maturing into what one has been given....whether it is opportunity, talent, education, rearing, etc.

A visual illustration is presented in the film 'Spiderman'. ^__^

All the best.


I was thinking of course it is deeper than just a "transaction" ;).

If you have time, here is the link to my Steemit Statistics & Big Data: End of October 2018 Update

It will give you an overview of our Steem Ecosystem and how we need to bring more people to this community :D

Lovely work @vlemon.

We certainly would appreciate being able to bring in more.

All the best.


NB Have you looked at Whaleshares?

Thank you for this wise quote, as always there is a truth about that, if we give much freedom to our children we expect them o be responsible and keep an eye on their time table and their tasks themselves, that is just now what we do with our son, as a teen he thinks that he is already grown up, therefore we try to treat him as adult, not always works but we have fun both sides.

Beautiful autumn picture, noticeable that much more yellow leaves covered the ground, love oak, the pattern always fascinated me as a kid we collected the leaves and dried them between the pages of a book :)

Greetings @stef1.

Appreciate your lovely comment and expression of thought.

Ah...yes....the opportunity to make some those hard decisions whilst still inside the cocoon of the an excellent experience for them.

Happy to hear you enjoyed the post.

All the best to you and yours. ^__^


Thank you @pikto......very kind of you to stop by.

Greetings to all.


Those trees have the capacity to make us feel very small and insignificant when we are in a particular ponderous mindset.

They also have the ability to mock the short-span of our lives, although I do not believe anything in the natural world is there to mock, a better concept may be that they have a lesson to share if we but listen to the rustling of the leaves when they are carressed by the breeze.

I believe this ties in beautifully with your principle of the day...We have been gifted this life, what we do with it is up to us entirely, but surely there is some onus on us to live well and create meaning wherever we can...Let our time here count for something greater than the sum of it's parts.

I have been exposed to a sizable body of your photography now and if I was to state where I believe your greatest gift lies. ((I am not at all qualified to speak from a technical standpoint and even if I was, I prefer the emotional aspect)) The thing I most admire and enjoy is the vibrancy that you are able to capture, especially when it is captured in a mundane shot like the 4th photo in the sequence...

We see autumnal leaves in various states of decay that have been thrust from their lofty position and abandoned to the cruel and unforgiving ground to be reduced to mulch by the harsh and unyielding winter frost...BUT they still speak of hope and renewal with regard to springtime, a time for rebirth in the natural world.

My friend the back and forth dialogue that we share has been one of the highlights of my blockchain journey. I'm sure you long-since realised that I adore real engagement and real conversation. YOU have been one of the few avenues for true discourse since we first crossed paths I am incredibly grateful for this so thankYOU.

You have an eye for that which is so often over-looked and perceived as ordinary and everyday. The composition is often thought-provoking and rewarding. I hope you go from strength to strength and receive the recognition you deserve 😃

Thank you @stevenwood for your kind comment/chapter. ^__^

Enjoyed the reading of your thoughts.

A fine principle comes to mind with your reply.....The greater one's vocabulary, the greater one's thought pattern.

Interesting your comment regarding the photographs....

I shall tell you the story of how bleujay came to this presentation of the principles. When bleujay first came to was the principles that were important nothing they still are.....they were presented alone.....four times a day..... ^__^

Several kind Steemians pointed out the need for accompanying interest.....and thus began the camera journey.....interestingly enough, bleujay is not the least bit interested in machines of any kind......however bleujay was trained in art and design and applies those skills to photography. Your kind observant words are much appreciated.

As if we were in one of the famous salons of Paris.....the dialoguing over matters great and small is appreciated......and rare.

Thank you for your kind wishes.....bleujay is content and thankful for the opportunity to present truth.

Wishing you and yours all the best.


very beautiful those pictures that you share with us, nature is very special and inspires tranquility and peace

wonderful photos

Greetings @slowwalker,nim.

How very kind of you to drop by with these kind words......thank you.

All the best to you.


Lovely picture of autumn leaves! @bleujay! I saw similar contents somewhere on another platform but the same author .. Lol.

Greetings @victordaniels.

Very kind of you to stop by.

Thank you for your kind compliment.

Appreciate hearing you enjoyed the post twice.... ^__^


NB Thank you for the resteem of the previous post....very kind of you.

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