Principle of the Day

in #life7 years ago

Principle:  In order to control others, people resort to flattery and or bullying.

...............original photography and artwork by @bleujay.

Thank you Steemit readers.  Principles are for our ponderance.  Cheers.


It is a kinds of the power game.
Human being 's nature is power game.
flattery and bullying is the expression of the human being's nture

Thank you for your wise words @slowwalker.

How very kind of you to visit.

So true of the human experience.

Wishing you and your family all the best. Cheers.

People usually try flattery first ... then bullying if it doesn't work.
Method tried and tested.
There's a another method to control. And that is debt.
If you are in debt - your debtors try to control you.
C'est la vie!
BTW, lovely colors bleujay!

Thank you for your are so right.

C'est la vie.....indeed.

Appreciate your kind comment with regard to the art.

All the best to you. Cheers.

It is so true @bleujay Thank you for the beautiful work. :)

Thank you for your reply @bontonstory.

Very kind of you to drop by.

So happy to hear you enjoyed the post. Appreciate your compliment regarding the artwork.

Lovely series you have out there with regard to your visit to Japan. ^_^

Wishing you all the best. A bientot.

Yes :)

Thank you for your reply @foxkoit.

So glad to hear you enjoyed the principle. They are timeless truths to be savoured.

All the best to you......Lovely post you have out there. Cheers.

you are welcome :) And Thank you!!

lets try both wahahah just kidding :D
why control?
do they have an RC? aahahha
love the tones my dear!

Thank you for your reply @englishtchrivy.

So very kind of you to drop by.

What does RC stand for?

So glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for your kind words with regard to the artwork.

All the best. Abientotlater.

kind words - flattery?
I mean them!

RC = remote control
I just came back from weeding hahaha
I always love your artwork - always very soft ..
tender - gentle .. like you I guess - whipping and lashing but very lightly hihihi

Oh very humourous......yes...they wish remote control. ^_^

hahaha......yes.....this is a series in this experimenting with the skye-flowers.....we will see where it goes.

Thank you for your kind be sure it is not flattery coming from are more likely to advise bleujay to step it up a notch. ^_^

All the best. A bientotl.

advise you to step it up a notch I shan't - I see you often do :)
hahah no not my style to flatter ..rather not comment than send empty words
would want to try bullying though wahahahha
just kidding noooo
what we send out comes back better not

Flattery works though, bullying just puts your back up!

Thank you for your reply.

Flattery works to the extent of one's arrogance on the part of both parties.

Bullying right you are.

All the best. Cheers.

Such a true statement , many business books have been written on this topic. The art reminds me of the inside of a flower

Thank you for your reply @azfix.

So glad to hear you enjoyed the post and yes...the inside of a flower petal.

Lovely posts you have out there...keep up the good work.



Thank you for your reply.

So glad you can appreciate the principle. Cheers.

Hello friend @bleujay,

I'm so delighted to see that your posts have become more highly valued in recent weeks! :D

Steem on! ;)



Thank you for your reply @creatr.

Very kind of you to stop by.

Wishing you and yours all the best. Cheers.

As my friend say... "flattery will get you everywhere".
I know he is messing (most of the time) ;)

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