Teamwork Creates Far More Success

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Teamwork far outweighs individuality

Francis Galton a British Scientist applied statistical methods to demonstrate that groups made up of people at all intellectual levels, often performed better than any one individual. In one example he pointed out that a group of local residents could almost exactly guess the weight of an ox at a town fair.

The point he makes is: Under the right circumstances, groups are remarkably intelligent, and are often smarter than the smartest people in them. So basically groups can usually do better, have better information then the smartest individuals.

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No man is an Island

It is proven over and over again that working with others is often the only way to massive success in business and all aspects of life. The best companies and people have been built with others by their side. Rarely does any one of us have all that’s required to succeed with the complex tasks we face every day in this turbulent world. You need your counter partner to fill in the strengths where you may have weaknesses.

When you play the role of enabler over 'disabler', you can have people contribute to improve problems, even at times people who are causing you problems. When you fight your critic to and prevent their contribution to avert pain they may cause you, this may very well be doing a disservice to your progress that they could contribute to. This is one way your enemies could actually help you in certain ways as sometimes your friends may never tell you the hard hitting criticism you need to hear to make the right change. Turn your me problems into we problems. This is how you can resolve persistent and resistant behaviors you hold.

Businesses Function Efficiently in Teamwork

This is how almost all great functioning businesses perform. They have employees that specialize in certain areas of expertise but all work in unisex to get the job completed in the best and most efficient way. Nobody is great at all aspects of everything in the world and all tasks can’t be done by one person.

This is why the best business people delegate tasks and not necessary have to perform them themselves. There is a saying of the man who chases 2 rabbits catches none. You can be performing 2 or many tasks at once but you are never becoming an expert in anything or at least doing them well. I believe multi tasking is for fools. If you are doing two things at once, you are doing them both at 50% capacity. It’s best to know what your strengths are and find others who are good at your lacking ones to fill them in.

This Applies to Specific Personally Skills

It is best to learn from others who are better than you are and even if you are the best, it is highly beneficial to have somebody watching to give you key critical criticism in the moment. We often have blind spots we are missing as we are in the game or hard at work in our moments. An outside pair of eyes is crucial to improve on the small details that make up our biggest improvements. This is why the best athletes have coaches, the richest most successful have mentors; businesses have managers and a hierarchy. This all helps us improve to continue to progress to the top and stay that way when we get there.

Don’t be shy to work with others and don’t let your ego prevent it. It is the very reason most people go down the school of hard knocks... failing over and over until they get it. This is not needed to achieve your goals, partner with others or get people to give you valid in the moment criticism to improve what you are doing.

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If you read, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Covey describes 3 types of people...Dependent, Independent, and Interdependent. Interdependent individuals are most likely to be the most successful. Synergy effect. Nice share.

I will put it on my reading list, thanks @pbgreenpoint for this insight.

Yup, it's pretty amazing how successful one can be just by putting two heads together and sharing responsibility and joy.
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Teamwork is an essential part of our day to day life. I believe our need to socialize is hardwired into our brains, like a survival instinct. Without people coming together and helping each other’s we would tremendously fail as a species.

Nice article!

Yes I believe so too and it is needed to survive sometimes because we may not have the answers. Thanks for sharing!

Fantastic article, @bitdollar! Everything you've said here is spot on! There's so much more power in working together with others!

I've upvoted and resteemed this post, and I'm following you now, too. I found the link to this article on #unmentionables.


Thank you so much @mitneb!

You're welcome, @bitdollar!

people never really get to understand that interdependence is key.
I mean, being dependent has its perks but there is only so much you can achieve.

working with people who share a common goal with you can produce results faster.

thanks for this..

Yes this is excellent and learning more on interdependence thanks to you and my commentators today. Thank you @klynic and I agree!

yes team work also increase your skill power ..nice post..

Very good post.... Followed.

Absolutely. Teamwork is always better than trying to go it alone.

Yes and you just proved it with sharing your strategy! :D

That is also why I like EarnCrypto - you make 10 % from Referrals - I have about 20 referrals and make an extra .30 SBD a day from their activity.

Fantastic to know buddy thanks so much

No doubt about it, it really is all about teamwork

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