Wonderful World of Breastfeeding

in #life7 years ago

Breastfeeding has become such a controversial topic. Mainly about whether moms should breastfeed in public, and if they should use a cover. I as a breastfeeding mother have had to breastfeed in public. It wasn't a matter of if I wanted to I HAD TO! I had a screaming baby who's hunger was met only by my breast. He has never taken a bottle or even used formula. In the mentality of some people I should starve my child then nurse them in public. How is that even logical?

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Many times I have got the look of disappointment and the stare down of people trying to figure out what I was doing. Also the creepy dude trying to catch a peek. The thing is I can nurse my child without showing ANYTHING! WOW. I have nursed both of by boys. One for 2 months, and my baby is still nursing at 15 months old. I have nursed my oldest son in a cast, and in boots and bars for his clubfoot. I have nursed on the side of the highway numerous times while getting him medical treatment. Which was a huge struggle. I have also dealt with engorgement, low supply, and clogged ducts.


I leave you with this thought.. If you see a mother nursing her infant.. Don't be negative towards her. Be uplifting and encouraging. Tell her she is doing a great job. In a world were everyone is judged, don't judge a mother for feeding her child. She is doing her absolute best. You never know her struggles, and what she has done to get to the point of being able to nurse her child.


You have an interesting article. I wrote on breastfeeding last month. You can check out some of my posts, I bet you will love them.

I checked your articles. I found them very interesting.

My wife nurses in public and she's a pro (in my opinion). Sometimes I don't even realize she's doing it. I know most moms would prefer people just not notice or pay her any attention while she nurses. I agree, if someone is nursing in public it's best not to be negative towards her. Although calling attention to her by saying "good job" might be a little uncomfortable. @ironshield

Great job to your wife!

Breastfeeding is a baby food. If it is inappropriate for public places then it is inappropriate for adults to eat in public places. Should babies be hungry because individuals are primitive fools.
You're a great mother and doing a great job.

Thank you! My exact thoughts as well. Its food for a baby nothing more then that.

Totally awesome post, @binkgirl!! 100% Upvoted, followed and Resteemed! We need to take back child-birth from the medical industrial process. Thanks!

thanks! 100% normalize breastfeeding for sure!

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Awesome, mama. Way to stay focused on what's best for you and your baby! Anybody who has an issue doesn't have to look. I'm just now finally weaning. It's been amazing, and I'm also ready to be done. My babies nursed to 4, 3, 5, and 4. They're amazing. The oldest is now 19, and I believe it makes a huge difference long term.

Great job! We;re nursing still at 15 months old. Somedays are long and hard but its worth it.

It is hard sometimes, for sure but definitely worth it. Strong, healthy, happy kids.

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An awesome article...keep doing it further

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