5 reasons why Japan can be the most adorable country in world

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I am a person who cannot imagine to leave my mother land-India. But there is a specific country which I adore and I would like to visit at least once-Japan. Let me tell you the reasons.

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1)Strikes are cool there- In India if there is a strike of any political party they will destroy public property. They will throw stones at public vehicles and destroy public buildings. Instead in Japan if a socks company is on strike I have heard that they will never stop their work. They will only make right side socks. The company will not be able to sell it and there is no loss for government . Similarly if bus drivers go for strike they will not stop the transportation. Instead of that they will not collect money from passengers. Amazing isn't it?In India if there is strike next day we will celebrate it as a national holiday. You see we will buy chicken and have a liquor party.

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2)Respect towards other people- Japanese give and expect courtesy in return. They may get offended if we are not using 'San' infront of their names.It is Japanese for Mr,Mrs,Ms. Once I have asked my friend who got a job in Tokyo to know how that country is so determined. She responded after few days and told that she couldn't find anything. But she found a major difference between our culture and their culture is that they are mostly down to earth people giving huge respect towards fellow human beings.

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3)Passion towards work- One of my colleague went to japan.He boarded a train. But he didn't know where to get down.He asked a fellow traveller. He told to just get down when it is 2.30 pm and that will be his station. That is their punctuality.Even if the train is 1-2 min late they will come and directly ask for apology and also give a written letter saying that he/she become late because of them.In India we have trains running late frequently for around 11 hours or even more with just an announcement" Inconvenience caused is regretted"

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4)Great education system- Students in Japan clean their own classrooms and school toilets. In japan it is recognized as a holistic practice that allows the child to grow up as a more responsible citizen.Also they will encourage children to go alone to school without the aid of an adult. Thus they will become a responsible person in life who can take care of himself in all adverse conditions.

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5)Nationalistic pride- Japanese Citizens never allow their country to lower its head. Crime rates in japan is very low.Going to prison would be an unimaginable social stigma for most people. I have seen a picture where cycles are kept without locking them.Even in their world cup defeat against Belgium this year players have cleaned their rooms and wrote a note saying 'thanks' before vacating. Their awesome Japanese fans stayed cleaned the stadium even with a heavy heart because of their team loss.

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Now what should we tell to this nation which is devastated during second world war and tormented by frequent tsunamis and are emerging always as a phoenix bird from its own ashes?

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We can only do this.

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If you have any thoughts about Japan please share.


Thank you for this post. It was interesting to see the opinthe ion on Japan from people in another country!
I'm from Tokyo and went to India this March. I also adored your country. and the country was beautiful!!!!!

@malis thank you.... :)

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