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RE: An Update On My Curation Habits and Why You're Better Off Buying Your Votes and Earning Peanuts

in #life6 years ago

If voting buying wasn't allowed, the community would be forced to be more engaged. Whales don't have to enter the community at all anymore to curate (man do they get to a post fast though if there is something anti-EOS or anti-SMT, as I witnessed just the other day when Dan threw down a 100% downvote on a friend's post, who didn't even say anything that disagreeable).

I hate the upvote bots. I think it's lazy, and I get it, Steemit is different because you can make money, and that's why I am here too. I would be lying if I said it was just about the community for me, but like, people seriously can't see how this isn't sustainable? That we can't grow when people come here and are mortified by the front page of Steemit and Dtube? Who is going to want to stick around when all that's promoted is garbage for the most part.

I am in rage mode about being an artist and having quality content and having the recognition be so completely random that it nearly makes you insane, but also in rage mode because Steem benefits so much more than me, like my Nigerian friend who I am able to help purchase things for his family with just my measly upvote and a small SBD donation every once in a while.

The people who want to do good are going to have a harder time gaining SP to really make an impact, while those who are only here to pillage as much money as they can are buying votes and burying everyone else.

But, tis the nature of humans. All of these crypto evangelists decrying that without the government, people are going to be good. Do good.


That's adorable.


I didn't get into crypto over "doing good". Or to find and curate the best authors and artists in the world and curate them. (although those would be good outcomes) I got into crypto for Freedom, my view of Freedom involves tolerance and personal responsibility. Like you I have been disappointed. Seems no matter where you go and what you do you bring human nature with you.

I don't know a single person that got into crypto because they are were promised that people would "do good".

I am not doubting that you do and that was what you heard.

Your rage, in my opinion, is based on your own worldview and what you think everyone should be focused on. I don't share that worldview, nor do I wish to change your view.

Whatever you feel, it is yours to feel and enjoy.

I can relate because I get tired of others telling me how I should view the world and what I should do with my time, energy and money.

As for the rest of your judgments, they are also yours. I don't own them.

Best of luck and I hope once you are done feeling rage, or even during your rage that you and whatever good you are supporting is an awesome success and brings you a better feeling state.


It's fun watching people attempt to justify how they'd prefer to pay a toll for this road rather than travel for free. They'd prefer to be taxed or work so someone else gets paid. It's fucked because the other option is right there, on the table, shiny and bright, there for the taking, but they don't want it. Too many years of being brainwashed by governments.

There are two apples. One is free. The other is the same, but costs money, because someone said it's better. I can fly, though I don't have wings, but they'll pay to see it, because I charged a fee.

I think a lot of it is still "scarcity mentality" which shocker didn't go away the second an online utopian paradise began to grow.

People want it and they want it now, even if there is more to be gained by networking, growing, and waiting...even just a little bit.

Now. Now. Now.

If people don't start making money the minute they get here, they either leave, or they start Googling:

"How to make money fast on Steemit"

You'll never guess what comes up!?!

It reminds me of the Marshmallow Test I was reading about the other day, in how to determine someone's success from childhood on.

These psychologists took a group of children and asked a if they wanted one marshmallow now, or two if they waited a couple of hours.

Sadly, a lot of children in poverty took the marshmallow right away, because that's how they were conditioned. If you don't take it now, it may be gone (scarcity).

Without a doubt though, the children who waited for the marshmallow were statistically likely to do better, as they checked back in on them in their life.

I guess it depends on what kind of personality you have, but for me, just having made quick money, but no meaningful relationships on here isn't enough.

To some it will be. I would really like to do both, and it's ok if it takes a little longer. I just wish more people could see the advantage to just being like even a little bit more patient.

I know all about that marshmallow test and I see people failing at it here on the daily. They're told they won't get any later if they take it now, but they still take it.

What about the whole give someone a fish, they'll eat for a day; teach them to fish, they eat for a lifetime.

I can prove I know how to fish, I try to teach people; and they keep eating the fucking bait, not even the fish. And they can't figure out why they're so hungry, yet they were given the rules to this game long beforehand.

I honestly can't keep doing this though. I could sell my vote and make more. After all this work, there's less demand for my content and more demand for my SP... so what the fuck am I doing... This is stupid already.

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