We must teach our children about blockchains

in #life7 years ago (edited)


The other day, I went to put my shoes on and I found that my eldest daughter Kelyn, who is two, had placed her little shoes inside mine. For some reason, I think because it was such an unexpected and simple gesture, it had a powerful effect on me. She has changed so much in my life, like a tiny hurricane, and all of it for the better. For a moment, when I looked at the shoes, I was able to enjoy a moment of clarity and truely appreciate, perhaps for the first time, what a marvel her existence was.

The other thing that struck me was idea that collectively, adults very much make all children walk in our shoes, in our footsteps. From what we teach them, to the example we set them and the environment we leave to them. I won't even go into the genetic heritage :)

Can we do better by them? Of course we can do better. Should we try? I know many people with children and without who think we should. For myself, there is no greater purpose or meaning to life than the giving and receiving of love in all the variety of experiences possible. It therefore becomes important to at least try to maximise their chances as well as our own for optimising the setting and growing the potential for these experiences.

What is the single most important means we have to improve the future, to make the wearing of our shoes, the following of our footsteps more tolerable? Knowledge. Knowledge is power. We need to empower them. What is the best means for empowering knowledge? Well just maybe, it will be the evolution of systems built from the marvellous, trustless networks that are utilising blockchain technology. With this, we can give them all a flying start. We can teach them what we are all gradually learning for ourselves. We are learning about economics, money, journalism, open source, global collaboration as equals, courtesy, generosity, truth, human nature. I didn't learn any of this stuff throughout my enducation. We can all teach our children ourselves.

A generation from now, there will be millions more educated blockchain enthusiasts and perhaps even developers all over the world.


Happy Steeming


Hello my friend
Now almost the kids know more than you know about Block Shain and modern purification

I can wait until the next generation knows more than us and gets innovating. They will take these technologies to places we cannot dream about.

But what is our role? What will we do?

I don't know, continue to offer guidance and support where we can. There is no substitute for experience and wisdom if we manage to acquire any. Beside, if our children are busy, there are always the grandchildren to think of if we're lucky!

Its a good idea because our children will be able to learn and could achieve wealth at early times of their lives. The possible downfall for this is that as children they are not much about money and one single mistake will lead them towards the wrong way.

You are absolutely right. We need to teach them discipline, personal responsibility, judgement, patience and a broad awareness of all the potential security risks that are prevalent.

Thank you for the picture, which speaks more than a thousand words ever could! The post was thought provoking as well. Thanks!

I'm so glad it wasn't just me that the image had relevance for! Thank you.

i so so so carry my mind's dreams! Nobody tells me too but how my dad was from when we were young stayed. Even when i was always taking first in class, my dad will still use the rod on me, if i was less than 90 percent. He didn't accomplish his dreams and now i so so so carry it and mine and its been so heavy:

I don't like to think of you being encouraged in that way bud. I hope that I can help my kids to succeed with a gentle touch. Having said that, you seem to be a wonderful, smart, creative person....whether because of or in spite of your dad's encouragement I guess that doesn't matter as long as you are happy.

It is very important that the future generation must be aware of importance of Blockchain , how it can impact and play an important role in the development futuristic technologies ; AI, IOT etc...

Yes we have an opportunity to compound the gains in knowledge and the use of technology to remove barriers.

Wonderful post man, and the picture of her shoes inside yours warmed my heart. Thanks!

Thank you. I'm so happy it warmed you too! :)

Thank you for posting @benjojo.

Interesting post......yes...what a responsibility comes with the joy of having children.

Lovely photograph.......charming......a classic....wonder what it would look like in black and white.tones.

Thank you for opportunity to think on these things.



After a little messing around. Better?

One to treasure....@benjojo. A memory moment.....indeed.

Lovely......just lovely.

Do you know how to upload images straight into comments?

Hmmm, straight into comments, with Firefox that is not an issue; At least not with Firefox on Mac. With Chrome I don't think it works.

EDIT: hang on a sec, just tried it with Chrome, and also works. I drag image from desktop to the comment box while in editing mode, just drop it there and it starts uploading.

Merci beaucoup....@edje. Very kind of you. A bientot.

No worries at all, We are here to help each other! :)

Thank you so much edje. I shall give that a go!

You're welcome.
BTW, nice post and great to have shoes in shoes :)

Bonjour....I wish I did.

@edje is an ace at it.

Perhaps markdown has such a service. Je ne sais pas.....I do not know.....however I am happy to inquire of @edje.......or send him your way if it sounds like Greek.


That's very kind! Thank you.

Hi bleujay. Thank you and what a lovely idea. I'll try it our and comment back here shortly bud.

Blockchain is hard to understand for educated adults these days... it's gonna be hard to explain it to a 2 year old.

Very good :). I think I'll probably wait a couple of years. Thanks for the tip though!

My experience so far… soon kids are going to teach their parents of blockchain!

I honestly look forward to that day! :). The responsibility will be in their hands then and we can all relax a bit!

Great article @benjojo.

The other thing that struck me was idea that collectively, adults very much make all children walk in our shoes, in our footsteps. From what we teach them, to the example we set them and the environment we leave to them. I won't even go into the genetic heritage :)

This is an excellent observation and something I have been discussing with others here in the last couple of days although on a slightly different theme.

It is interesting to me that we make our children walk in our shoes but also interesting is to realise that we have all been walking in the shoes of others . We all do our best for our children and try to pass on the knowledge that we have attained but we clearly all make mistakes in our judgement without knowing it and without ever discovering that we were mistaken. So what mistakes have been made by those who have come before us that we are still living by today but don't realise and continue to propagate to our children as knowledge or wisdom?

Not sure if that makes sense but great article buddy!

Thanks for sharing!

I really appreciate your feedback thank you so much.

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