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RE: What my kids and I are learning from Google Home

in #life6 years ago

I've hooked up a bunch of smart lights, a stero and other stuff to an Alexa Dot in my oldest daughter's room. She loves being able to do things just by talking. I was considering the Google home things, but I figured at that time, the Dot was just cheaper and had a better range of integration. I might get the Google for myself though.

However, I have to say the biggest reason was that I don't like the trigger words that Google has, they feel really weird to me. Alexa sounds much better for me.


I'm sure that Google is aware of your concerns with trigger words and is working on the problem. See here:

That dude @bozz gave me the tip on Duplex. Google is very much working on AI and natural conversation with computers so that we can just make a request instead of programming a sentence to get what we want.

I saw the demo before (over the net), it's pretty cool that they were able to make it work, even in a closed and relatively predictable environment!

It reminds me a bit of when I first moved to Netherlands. Phone calls and conversations were sort of possible, if they stayed on topic and within the expected range of responses!

I think they are working on specific voice recognition which is a huge thing. There was an example a while ago where they were selling one of the Amazon devices on QVC. The guy was demonstrating how you can order pizza just by saying hey Alexa... All these people that had Alexa's at home within range of the TV suddenly had a pizza on its way...

Yeah, natural language skills in our computers is coming. There are so many nuances to speech that I think we're about 5 to 10 years away from a Star Trek kind of computer. Heck, we might even be able to have Nagel Barrett's voice on our speaker if we want it.

That would be awesome! It was so soothing...

Or we could have shodan!

Yes, this would be the best thing. It is the main reason why I don't use voice assistance out in public (apart from from looking like a dork). I listen to heaps of tech podcasts, and sometimes they forget to use a substitute word...

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