Aloha. My Name Is Honeyboy. A Vet Just told My Human That I Have Only Two More Weeks To Live. Part Two.

in #life6 years ago

Aloha. My Name Is Honeyboy. A Vet Just told My Human That I Have Only Two More Weeks To Live. Part Two.

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When our other Human went ahead to be with all her and our loved ones on the other side, life became really, really challenging. It was like that before, but I know there is a difference between catching a rat at night and trying to do the same thing when there are no rodents around. There was a sense of futility about everything. The house felt endlessly empty without our other Human. Even though we were all there. Our Human cried a lot for some time. She said to be in the house is like to be in a museum where all the pictures were taken out leaving empty spaces where there was something before. This is how it felt without our other Human. Our Human talked a lot with her own Mom and she was more and more convinced that it would be better to go to see the Mother in the cold.

There were of course more troubles ahead and in all the grief, things did hurt even more. Therefore the decision was made to visit our Human Being's Mom. The Mom wanted that to happen very much, but unfortunately she did not want all of us to come. Only two of us - YinYang and me. Peteyboy and Ipo were supposed to stay behind, which they did and I never heard a good word from our Human about that. She said that she was suffering from this flaw that she would do what other people tell her to do - without thinking about how that would be for her. In her endless agony of having lost her most beloved Humans in a short time it was very difficult for her to leave Peteyboy and Ipsy behind, but she asked good friends of her, if they could take in Peteyboy and Ipsy for some time. Just long enough to figure out how things will go from there. They found shelter not too far away from our home, very close to where the Big Ocean is. Little did anybody of us know how things would not be the way as we wished them to be.

YinYang and Yours Truly helping our Human to take pictures of the things she wanted to sell

Our Human started to sell what she could to be able to pay for the expenses she was talking about. Like all Felines, I don't have any monetary considerations. As long as I get food, love and a lap to cuddle on, I am perfectly fine. Humans on the other hand seem to spend way too much time thinking about money they don't have, how to get it and how to prevent that someone else that they don't know or like gets it. That time could better be spend napping in a warm place. Or catching lizards and rodents. Because money can't buy You a rodent, or a lizard when You need them. She always explained to us what she did, why and why not when she didn't. People think Felines don't understand any of this. But they know nothing. Felines are not like dogs, who will run after a ball all day long and even in the water to get it. Felines are more like philosophers and not addicted to mindless entertainment. So, we know a lot about the human world and I believe way much more than humans know about our World.

It took a long time and most of that would have been better spent playing and napping with us. Because it is very frustrating to sell things that You paid good money for not too long ago - and other humans want to give You a nickel for it. The airplane doesn't fly with nickels and it takes a huge amount of nickels for us to be allowed to fly in the belly of the flying soda can. There was some hope at one point, because we had been inherited lots of nice things from our other Human. But even though they were very nice, people wanted them for nothing and shipping for free. We offered to scratch anybody that would treat our Human unfair, but we are only four Felines and there were so many people deserving of a good scratching. We just helped however we could.

This BMW was a disappointment, considering how much they go for when they are new. And bigger.

Most of the things she wanted to sell ended up with people she really liked. That way she would not have to be disappointed about not getting enough and the people she really liked, really liked what she gave them. It made them very happy and that is much more worth than worthless money. The day came when our Human said "Rien ne vas plus" and that means "Pau" in Hawai'ian. Our Human once made a photograph that showed what it meant when Sheeba and YinYang had apprehended a rodent that entered the wrong building.

The true meaning of 'Rien ne vas plus'

Some humans know how difficult it is to say "See You later!" when You don't know when that will be. In Hawai'ian it makes more sense, because we say "A hui hou!", which many humans don't understand. It means "Until we see each other again!" It is much nicer than pretending to know and leaves wiggle room. Our Human said that she knows that she didn't get everything done the way she wanted. It is called unfinished business and there was a lot of it. But everything was now set into motion and the people in the airplane don't wait for anybody, unless that person has a lot of money. Which we did not. We just had enough to make it to the other side of the world. I wanted to stay with our Human, because we had a paper that said that our Human needs my help staying calm. But it didn't matter and nobody cared. So, YinYang and I had to go into the belly of the noisy flying beast. Here You can see our little houses were we had to stay in until we would arrive at grandma's house.

Ready to go

Our Human did not take any images during the journey. Animal owners are not allowed into the animal holding and service area. They receive a Polaroid picture, taped onto the Feline Mobile Homes. Which are generally not to be outfitted with anything that could help us Felines with the stress we have to endure during those journeys from one side of the Planet to the other. We never liked, nor did we ever care to travel in a tiny space, in the belly of a huge metal bird, with the engines never farther away than too close. Air travel is something our veterinarians wish for not to be ever happening. My siblings are somewhat okay with it. They don't have issues with their kidneys, as do I. So, for me, travel is a dehydrating story. And no matter how You put it, You don't drink enough. To our advantage, We don't drink coffee. But he have to be in those mobile cages, in an atmosphere that is very de-hydrating. It is not good for me. Nor for all the others.

We arrived at the same day, we would always celebrate our Other Human's birthdays. It was as cold, as it will get in the country our other Human would come from. From when She was little. Now we are at our Human Being's Mother in the cold.

Landsberg in HDR ©2015-2018 Helena-Sophia Exel

Our Human showed us the picture she took, but I can't go there, because it's too cold outside.

We had to stay in a shelter, as the Mother of our Human wanted it so. After three weeks YinYang and I could be with our Human again.

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In the cold Shelter

Of course she needs us to be happy, to be happy herself. Sometimes, us Felines do things we got to do, because we got to do them. Like, when we walk into each others' territory, and either one of us is territorial about it. But with the parents of our Human, it was something else. Our Human would call them "like Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show". They would go at each other and if not, they went after our Human. She needed our help a lot. In the End, it turned out that our Human wanted us to see where we are right now. On top of each other, I got problems with my urinary tract and kidneys, just like now. They were not as severe, but I did not like them. They put water under my skin. It was strange, but it made me feel better.

Then came the first snow. Our Human had told us about it before. But We know about snow, because of our volcanoes. They get snow in the Winter. Some people bring snow down from the volcano. We never experienced it though. YinYang and I wanted to go outside and check it out, but we were not allowed to. Our Human said that I should come to my senses, because I was just at the veterinary and it would makes things worse if I go out into the snow. I know she is right, but I still wanted to go outside with YinYang.


YinYang and I wanted to go outside into the snow, but they wouldn't let us.

Then our Human told us that things will change once again. It did not surprise me, or YinYang, as things have been changing more often than I lose claw layers. She had inherited money from our other Human and it would be enough for us to go to where she was a year before. The idea was to get a little farm for us, where we could be outside and catch lizards and rodents as long as there would be some. Our Human knew where she wanted us to be, but things turned out different again. Of course. It is like a program on TV where there is always a change at the end to have a sequel. At the time in cold land we didn't know that. Well, our Human didn't know, but YinYang and I had a hunch.

More flying around

YinYang and I learned that it is best to give up as quickly as possible. If You have to fly without particular approval, You better relax and give in. No need for stress. There is supposed to be water at the end of a leg. But we will only have one stop and then our Human will take care of things again. I know that everything had to be as it was. There was no other explanation, as that everything is exactly as it only could be. Our Human had not told us about how many dogs they have there. Too many, that is for sure. First we had a place close to water. Then We ended up close to more water. It was at a beach bay with a four lane street between it and the Rio de La Plata. And lots of dogs, as I mentioned earlier.

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Playa De Honda HDR ©2016 - 2018 Helena-Sophia Exel

That time was the first time we were in South America. We have a lot of relatives there. But here, in Montevideo there are no relatives I know of. Although I have seen other Kitties around us. They come in the night and in the day and look at us from the outside in. Our Human did not allow us to go out and play with them. She said that would be asking for trouble, since I have this larger than life curiosity and she always says that curiosity can get You into trouble quicker than a fly on a sticky strip. But I have always trusted our Human. After all, she saved my life and she says I saved hers. So it's a deep connection we have to each other. It may go on my nerves sometimes, but she is only strict when she knows why. Then it doesn't matter so much if I tell her that I'll be fine. She generally responds with "Yeah, right." One day she told me that she would like it to be the other way around just for once - that I can see how it is to deal with such a drive for everything that moves, is closed, or which I can't get into at first.

On our bed in Malvin

The main reason she said, was the four lane 'Rambla' behind the house. 'Rambla' means 'promenade', because it is at the water. But YinYang and I called it 'Rumbla', because there was always a lot of rumble coming from that street and there were way too many cars, driving way too fast on it. In the afternoon, it would stink from all the stinky cars and stinkbuses. Our Human got very homesick to Hawai'i and she wasn't even halfway as desperate as YinYang and I were. We are Kitties. And all Kitties don't like cages. It doesn't matter if the cage is large, or small. Bigger cages are better than small ones, but the best cage is always no cage. Or kennel - how humans like to call that plastic cage to go into the huge tin whale bird. But we were hoping that we would be somewhere where we could go outside. With lots of rodents and space to relax. Which means no dogs. But there are always dogs everywhere. Way too many dogs that poop wherever they want. Not like us Cats, who have their own little spot to go to. There was of course a dog in this house as well. She was called 'Luna' which means 'Moon', but in her case it was more like 'lunatic'. She would bark at the moon and wake us up. Our Human puts things into her ears, but there are no things to put into our ears. We hear everything.

There is an old proverb in the Feline Universe. It states that, "When nothing happens, relax, stay calm and wait for a treat". Nothing happened, YinYang and I relaxed a lot and we were also calm. The treat came when our Human told Us that We will return to Hawai'i, since She wasn't able to find a place that was good enough for us. There was only one more problem, as there is always one more problem in life. YinYang and I needed a blood test that showed something that the vet poked us with had worked and that we would not have to go into the animal penitentiary in Hawai'i. They lock up Kitties and Doggies if they don't show a paper that their blood is good enough. Then they will stay all by themselves without visits from their humans for a very long time. Our Human explained that to us, but we still didn't care too much about being poked again. YinYang never had to go to the veterinary as often as I did, but she sure has a lot of anxiety when we need to leave the house. YinYang always tells me that there are many humans that want our fur and that every Cat should always be vigilant.

We had to wait for the results to come back and then went forward to Florida, where our Human has children and one of her daughters has a daughter herself. That makes our Human really old. At least that's what she says. The only thing about this Florida that I remember was an animal that would waddle around in the parking lot. It was called 'Alligator' and our Human said that we can't go outside because of them. They could snatch us without anybody else noticing. That was not something our Human would approve of. So, we stayed in another small cage, but this time without iron bars in front of our windows. And it was cold inside and very hot outside. Too hot for us Kitties, so we stayed under the blankets most of the time. Here we are on top of the blankets for a change.

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Florida in Black and White

After two month, we said Aloha to everybody and continued to get back home. There was another visit to another veterinary and there have been so many visits to veterinaries, that I could write a book just about that. It would be called "Going Where You Don't Want To Go But Have To - The Veterinary". Our Human said the title would be too long, but it is not too long for Cats, who have much more patience than any human could ever have. Maybe our Human is different, because we taught her many important things. Like the old proverb says "Not the Claws - Patience catches the Rodent". Traveling from Florida was different, but not any better than all the other places we traveled to or from. It is always too noisy, and the people never treat You like their own animals. Our Human once told one of these people that "These are not just suitcases with stuff in them. These are suitcases with the most important Kitties in the Universe in them." It mattered not, and I believe it might have made things worse. People don't like to be told when they are not nice. It makes them even less nice.

Everything else worked out the way our Human had arranged for it to be. We arrived in Hilo and went to a place up on the volcano. It was a place with strange people. They scared YinYang and me. She would stay inside her kennel, where nobody could get her fur. This only lasted ten days and all of us were super happy to not to be there any longer. It felt much better to be back home and it was still like it was when we left it. Only a little bit more broken. Our Human always took care of our home, because our other Human loved it very much when she did that.

Back home after the first World Tour

There was one really bad thing. And it was actually not a thing, but many things, if ants can be called that. None of us liked the little fire ants and we always called them little bastard ants. I know, regal Felines are not to use curse words, but if You ever got bitten by a little bastard ant, or 'Fire Ant' as they are called by official people, then You will know how many curse words You really know. It hurts very much - no matter who You are. Many people say that these little bastards can sting Kitties or Doggies and others that are walking under a tree where the little bastards live and they come down raining on You and sting You everywhere. Also in the eyes and then they turn white and the Kitty or Doggie gets blind. Our Human does not believe that, but she does believe that they are little bastards. They have been biting her a lot when she worked in the yard cutting and cleaning things up.

Billions of little dead bastards that came out of the electricity box and croaked from the white clam shell powder.

It started to get very ugly, when the bank would call and ask for our other Human. And they did that over and over again. First they wanted another piece of paper that showed that our other Human had really gone to the other side and would never come back to life. I remember one time our Human was very upset and she started to yell. She told the person that she had sent the paper about our other Human's lifelessness to the bank and the other person said that she had it in front of her. But she still wanted to talk to her. Our Human asked if the other person was a brain dead zombie to ask for a person that is no longer alive. I never saw her like that, but I think I got the idea of brain deadness. I don't know why humans are so cruel to each other, but I know there are humans that are cruel to us, or animals. The way humans are being cruel to other humans is unknown in our Feline World. Sure, we might have a brawl at times. Just for show, or for fun, for both, or because we don't get enough to eat. To make it clear, neither do I know anything about important human papers, nor do I care about them. Only if I can shred them into pieces. I believe all human papers should be shredded into cozy beddings. Or just used to play with it. Like Peteyboy does.

Peteyboy knows how to treat important human papers

Of course I can sense the difference between a payment reminder and a Love letter. I am a Cat. Generally, what humans call important, is not. And what they take for granted, is not. That's why the stupid letters from the bank are on top of the desks, and the Love letters are in a box, in a cabinet. As if they have to be out of reach for us. That does not make sense at all. Love letters and those from loved ones need to be on the desk, where the humans can see them all the time. Because just like feeding and petting us, it is very important to be happy. When there are happy things to look at, it is easier to be happy.

I know all of this, because our Human would speak out loud about it. She was so frustrated about when she got one thing done, they wanted another one. Our other Human wanted us to have the house, but she said that the bank is very bad, even more bad than all other banks. They wanted the rest of the money for a mortgage that was fraudulent. Our Human offered money to the bank for us to be able to stay, but they wanted all of rest that was defrauded during the mortgage scam. Our Human explained it to us, because she felt she had to, since we didn't know why she was so mad. We did not have that much money and they said they would send the sheriff to our house. None of us had ever anything to do with a sheriff of any kind. Our Human became so desperate that she decided we would leave it all behind as it was. It broke her heart on top of a broken heart from our other Human no longer being there. As a Feline, I always know how everybody is feeling, and our Human went outside to get back inside. She laid down to get up. She sat down only to stand up again. There was nowhere to go and nothing to do to get away from the pain and suffering. Although, she always told us how much she loves us and how happy she is that we are there. Without us, she would not want to be there either.

Even though it was very stressful, one thing was very, very lovely. Peteyboy and Ipsy were re-united with us. We were the whole family once again. It really helps when everybody is there. The more paws there are, the more paws can help out with cuddling, comforting and eating. Eating is much better with more eaters. The more eaters there are, the merrier it is. Humans know that, too. Although some humans don't like too many other eaters, because they fear that there will be not enough for them. Peteyboy always shares his rodents with us. He catches them in the Avocado tree. Now that we were all together again, we needed to move again. It would be another year full of changes and with lots of dogs, too. What I learned from all of this is quite simple. Nothing is ever as it appears to be in the beginning.

To make things more complicated, our Human got also very sick. She had worked in a store to be able to buy our food. After some time she had to cough a lot and it turned out that she had gotten a pneumonia from going in and out from the hot into the cold and the other way around. She had to stop working there and it was not nice how that all turned out. Like I said before, humans can be very cruel to each other and they do it often for money. But since we did not have enough money to buy our house, or pay the expensive rent, we moved to a place where our Human could work for a place for us to stay in. It was a big place with big dogs. They scared us, but we found a way to get around them.

I am looking out for the dogs

This was the wet house where we stayed on the farm. The water would drip from the ceiling onto us and our Human's stuff, which she did not like at all. It was never meant for anybody to live in there. It was scolding hot in the day, even for us Kitties it was too hot, and very cold in the night. Not like in the cold land where our Human's Mom lives, but cold enough to be too cold for our taste.

Kapoho farm wet house

Our Human had to take care of the farm and it was a lot of work. She likes working, but it was very hot in the day and she could not work too early and too late. Leaving only the hot time of the day. We would watch her work and then eat together. Most of the time we stayed at the wet house, but YinYang found a way out over the rock wall and we went there. And under the wet house. Our Human said it was a shame, because it could have been okay, but there were things that did not work out well. Just like when You think it is bad, it gets worse. She needed to have a tooth taken out and it was a bad thing, since it took too long and there was no numbing in the end and she was under great pain. She was not supposed to work and that made things even much worse. On top of it, Ipsy had a bad spot on his leg that hurt him, too. They went to the vet, but like many other times he was not happy and it did not get better a lot. The veterinary said that he has allergies. He is not doing well and we don't like that. Nobody likes to play when they are not well.

As all things changed to the worse, our Human decided to leave there and for all of us to stay in the van. It was big enough for all of us for some time, and our Human was hoping that we could find a good place for us to stay after that. The biggest problem though was the money that everyone wanted to have for their places. Nobody could afford that much money and there were many other people and Kitties and Dogs being houseless. We still had our home, even though it was on wheels. YinYang does not like to drive too much, but I don't mind as long as I can look out to the windshield. It was a wild time and we stayed with friends, one time here, one time there. Sort of everywhere. Little did we know what else was coming at us and we would be traveling again and again.

End of part two.

To be continued.


Hi beingtheuniverse,

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I have not read the first part, but this second part I liked a lot, I had not seen something like this before here. Listening to the story from the perspective of the cat is magnificent. In a way, he made me see them differently. In my house there is a cat, she has been with us for several years, she is really very good, some things that you said made me feel identified.

Dear @martinmcfly! Thank You very much for Your comment. It means a lot to us. We need to emphasize, that all of this really came about through the dire prediction by the veterinary. All over sudden there was this urge to see it from Honeyboy's perspective and it tuned out to be fairly easy to - as a friend of mine stated - 'take dictation' and give an accurate description of how Honeyboy's life has been unfolding from the moment he was born and later on specifically when we saved his life. He was able to bridge the last remaining gap between human perception and the Feline point of view. Maybe it has to do with him listening to Alan Watts a lot. He loves the voice of Alan Watts and I leave it on when I have to go to town. Like many other great thinkers, Alan Watts was very fond of Cats and stated more than once how humans can learn from them. There is only agreement to this philosophy, as I have experienced this deep connection with all of my Felines. Thank You again for Your reply and we wish You a most wonderful time with lots of treats and goodhearted Felines and Humans around.

That is really lovely post, I have never thought from cat's point of view, obviously like human they have their life, thoughts and they do what they do. Sometimes people speak to cats and they understand each other very well, the moments when someone is lonely what is the best then to have such a companion, who will be there, listen to everything and time to time look at you with wide beautiful eyes. I can imagine how the cats were sitting on windowsill and watching what is going on outside, sometimes I also have a feeling that they would be very keen to go out but I do not think they will like cold snow.

I really enjoyed the story of Honeyboy and I hope there will be more interesting events from his life. I am really sorry to find out that he has a cancer, we never think that animals like us can have incurable diseases.

Mahalo nui loa! That is Hawai'ian for 'Thank You very much!' Although I never had any preferences when it comes to our co-creators from the Animal world as to whom are most connected to humans. However, since Sheeba came into my life, Felines have become the closest companions I ever enjoyed sharing time with. My largest Feline friends were a Cheetah and a white Tiger. Through these two, I realized that my treasures at home are smaller reproductions of the Big Cats. When they are really big, humans have respect they need to show to all Felines.
Felines are wise. That might be based in their amazing connectedness to the Universe. Humans usually are too busy thinking about stuff that keeps them from being fully aware and present. Cats are always present and they rarely sleep as deep as a human, or even dog. They generally seem to be precognitive, especially with the human they consider theirs.
Unfortunately, Honeyboy does not have cancer. His chronic kidney dysfunction was caused due to the incident with the dogs. He had to let go of one life right then. Although he recovered from the physical injury, his kidneys were badly damaged and never really recovered. He is laying next to me and says that I should tell You that he will finish his autobiography and then take it from there. He has traveled the world and there are more stories to tell.
Have a most blessed time and yes, Cats do like to go out into the snow. They just need to be used to it. All of my Cats are born in Hawai'i and they are not tolerating anything too cold. That's why Honeyboy got sick here and from that inflammation, his kidneys acted up again. I will write a post about the kidney problem and what one can do to help and prolong their precious lives.

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Dear Akpan,
please allow me to say the following about this post, which is part two of a trilogy:

Twentyone years living in the state of Hawai'i and fifteen thereof in the immediate neighborhood of Pu'u O'o - the offspring of Kilauea volcano on the Big Island called Hawai'i - have thoroughly transformed the human I once was into a person that is finally connected with the Universe. A truly omni-talented being, with great love and dedication to whatever it is I am inspired to do, I found out that I could very well relate to Felines and that the Felines in turn displayed a deep affection to me. After having had to let go of a number of the closest humans ever in my life, it was the Felines who did not need to be told what had happened. They knew. It helped me tremendously to be understood by my Kitties. When I make this statement, I do it out of being a quantum philosopher - someone who can accept the Newtonian world view as a mile marker in human evolution. The road continues, though and explanations about how things work and how not, have not been updated to reflect a groundbreaking discovery that is still challenging the minds and intellects of the majority of humans on the planet. The distinction between 'matter' and 'energy' has been upended. Matter and energy are factually not separate entities, but the first is a reflection of the latter. Suddenly, the world becomes one, everything is the Universe. With this realization, an understanding is born that acknowledges that nothing cannot not be. Felines and many other beings have always been the Universe without ever second guessing it. They helped me to see the Universe 'as is' - without prejudice from programming and conditioning. To walk in a Feline's Paws, one has already accepted the Quantum world as a world that does not discriminate based on what species one belongs to. When the feeling arises, that everything is the Universe - no matter (pun intended) what it is - as it is, then a connection to another being is possible, that transcends Newtonian differences of matter and sees the energy in everything.
When Honeyboy was checked by the veterinarian, he found out that his kidneys did not work anymore and that he needed a kidney transplant as soon as possible. The problem with this is, that there are no kidney transplants for Felines, and if this option would somehow exist, we could not possibly afford such a procedure. The veterinarian spoke out what I already knew, but had managed to live with - the awareness of Honeyboy being on borrowed time. On the other hand, we are all here on borrowed time. Every moment counts, every moment is a blessing, a precious gift by the Universe. There are no words to describe how close Honeyboy is to me and vice versa. One has to witness it to understand and accept it. Both of us are still here on earth - against all odds based on our physical limitations.

Of course I am excited that Honeyboy's autobiography has awoken the interest of so many readers. Readers who are intrigued by the possibilities put forth in this autobiography. If anybody feels the essence of this article about life and death, that both are transitory states, that both are great teachers in teaching one lesson: the only limitation to the endless possibilities of the Universe is the human mind. It still struggles with a world, in which a Cat can dictate his life story to a human being, that never - for a single moment - denied him his Feline personhood, denied him to be that Cat and a Cat.
The great mystic Master Eckhart discovered in the 13th century that there are two forms of being. The first is the "this or that" being of everything. The second one is the particular being in question. While Master Eckhart used a rose as an example, I use my Cats. They are particular, unique and of individual character - more than their human contemporaries.

We are looking forward to provide new perspectives and viewpoints.

From South America with Gratitude,

Helena-Sophia, YinYang, Peteyboy and Honeyboy

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