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RE: Crappy Selfie Challenge Three (Post Holiday Blah Photos)

in #life7 years ago

no clue about the last part but do know my Peter Murphy which I didn't discover to way after it was cool so it was just weird,
Grinch is very creative
You are the Art
So sad and full of post Christmas non-cheer, well done


Having spent more than a little time in the premier goth club in Atlanta back in "the day," The Chamber – which doubled as the BDSM club to see and be seen in, unsurprisingly – there are two dances which are absolutely, without question, required of any good goth.

Checking the rafters for spiderwebs and looking for your lost contact are surprisingly obvious. There's also "I really wish I was in Thriller" which no one actually respected and "hands behind my back, I ain't doing nothin'" which involved exactly what it sounds like but with an unspoken kicking at the floor as if stubbing up a little dust.

I was always more of the "hanging out in the darkest corner I could find with my huge, saucer like eyes, watching other people hook up with notables of questionable gender until the club closed, and then hanging out with security until 5 AM at Denny's," but no one actually admits to being that guy.

that there could be a post just add some latex and glitter or something

No, no – the latex and glitter was the later perkygoth phase where cute girls wanted to be part of being thought of as serious and deep, but they couldn't manage it for the 20 minutes that it took to get dressed, so they ended up wearing bright pink and sparkles to the goth club.

Truly, it was a different era.

math is hard

I don't know, that seems truly, truly, truly outrageous.

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