Crappy Selfie Challenge Three (Post Holiday Blah Photos)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

IMG_20180103_192837 - Edited.jpg

Freezing and biting cold and frost,
The Sun Sets Early and the Holidaze are Over....ohhhh such existential angst!!!

What To Do?
I know....let's have a Contest!!!

The most Emo/Ennui Winner gets ONE SBD on Payout Day and a 100% Upvote and Infamy! The Winner and Honorable Mentions/Runners up will be featured in the @battleaxe Craptastic Winners Post. Rules are must upvote this post to be entered, comments encouraged and welcomed. Please crank the Bauhaus, Depeche Mode and VNV Nation and strike a pose. ENTRIES IN THE COMMENT SECTION :)
If this post gets over 50 bucks the SBDs go to 2 with a couple other perks for the winner and runner (s) up!

giphy, @battleaxephonefellinthetoilephotographyallrightsreserved


Notice the unbridled glee I exhibit in mysearch for my own, personal Jesus.
WIN_20180103_21_10_34_Pro (2).jpg
Reach out and touch me.

one of the funniest replies I've gotten in a LONG TIME

Hello @battleaxe, im here just to drop a nude, so.. if that's against the rules, just notice me : )

Bdw, i was the grinch this last christmas, 0 pics of anything. My phone ripped a few weeks ago so.. yeah.

You just Scored a @battleaxe world non-famous 69'r upvote
that is all....

crappy holiday selfie.jpg
I know^^ this guy is a sexy beast, with the winter beenie :)

Sure, I'm game.


The most emo character in all of the holiday mythos – the Grinch.

He hates Christmas. He hates other people. He hates his own dog. He takes every opportunity to lie, connive, steal, and destroy the other lives around him. At every turn he is self-justifying, self-pitying, and self-hating.

I swear, if you put on some Cruxshadows, he'll be checking the rafters for spiderwebs and looking for his lost contact in no time. (You guys who are old enough to have gone to the original goth clubs know exactly what I'm talking about.)

no clue about the last part but do know my Peter Murphy which I didn't discover to way after it was cool so it was just weird,
Grinch is very creative
You are the Art
So sad and full of post Christmas non-cheer, well done

Having spent more than a little time in the premier goth club in Atlanta back in "the day," The Chamber – which doubled as the BDSM club to see and be seen in, unsurprisingly – there are two dances which are absolutely, without question, required of any good goth.

Checking the rafters for spiderwebs and looking for your lost contact are surprisingly obvious. There's also "I really wish I was in Thriller" which no one actually respected and "hands behind my back, I ain't doing nothin'" which involved exactly what it sounds like but with an unspoken kicking at the floor as if stubbing up a little dust.

I was always more of the "hanging out in the darkest corner I could find with my huge, saucer like eyes, watching other people hook up with notables of questionable gender until the club closed, and then hanging out with security until 5 AM at Denny's," but no one actually admits to being that guy.

that there could be a post just add some latex and glitter or something

No, no – the latex and glitter was the later perkygoth phase where cute girls wanted to be part of being thought of as serious and deep, but they couldn't manage it for the 20 minutes that it took to get dressed, so they ended up wearing bright pink and sparkles to the goth club.

Truly, it was a different era.

math is hard

I don't know, that seems truly, truly, truly outrageous.

you looks so beautiful

yea she is ;) hubba hubba lol hahahha

Vjing&holidays @universoparalello

Psynema-gig&Holidays, Curitiba

oh god . It's fart or what ?

dunno, but you have a very nice post holiday blah face
your eyes look like they could shoot out laser beams , delightful

😂 do that mean this selfie is not qualified?

amazingly qualified

Should have borrowed the line from my old buddy, retired Sparky "Lenny"...
"Do farts have lumps?" :D lmao

69th voter, again. Hate to slay you with "faint praise", but...
Dayum, you're Cute! :*

I think I can get on board with this selfie challenge, I have an idea. ;)
Is this one open all week?

yeah till pay out day,....

@battleaxe this post was presented at the most recent Pimp Your Post Thursday on the Steemit Ramble Discord. I have written a post to share your featured post. Just stopping back to let you know that you can see your name in lights right here. (Just kidding about the lights :)

My GOD you look so cute !!!!! :D :D :D
(still no idea what happened with the purple/green selfie contest... :( )

lol, ahhh the contest winner was announced party puffy face, glad at least one eye was fully open,

aha! awesome :D Thanks for that - somehow I missed it :((( Great faces out there hehe! In all similar contests - love it! :D

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