My future is going to be a crazy cat lady

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Waking up and going , You got have no other options then to hold it down and stay strong.

Okay, I have an awesome apartment with all the bills and responsibilities that go with it (unplanned). Nice patio, vaulted ceilings, new car ....all on my own. Basically my life is a snowglobe and the Universe took it and flipped it over and shook it really hard then threw it off my balcony. So here I am having to reinvent my life again with the rug pulled out from under me and I can't tell if I am ruined or that this is the chance for me to go kick life in the ass and hold myself and others to higher standards. For a Millenial, am more fiscally responsible then the vast majority and am just trying to ride the waves of chaos to calmer shores. Those who operate from negative spaces are gonna wind up in negative places with negative faces (yes oh so poetic). So, while discord and an uncertain future plagues a lot of us maybe it's time to just wake up and see what is working and what isn't and then muster whatever strength you have to ignore the haters and energy vampires and realize that you define you not anybody else. This may be common knowledge to most of you but for me, it's just now hitting me like a ton of bricks. Over and over I kept pulling "The Tower" as my Tarot card of the day, an amount of times that was statistically improbable, but it was right and is coming to pass. The cool thing is that there are good people out there who do give a crap and even if I wind up alone as a crazy cat lady (allergic to cats so that's not going to happen)....maybe what I've needed all this time was to be shaken to my core to wake the hell up.


Haha, I do the same thing - I will pull multiple cards if I don't like the answer and just continue to get the same card over and over again until I'm like "OKAY FINE." Keep going, you're never off the path, life isn't meant to be serious ;) (Things I remind myself of daily)

I got the Tower and every negative sword card possible repeatedly while things were going well, I refused to accept it, turned out to be on point, yep

But some of the best messages come from the mess. There is something there for you, I just know it!

thanks, oh yeah ....those "AHA" moments

Hey just cuz your crazy doesn't mean you have to be a cat lady. Puppies are cute too. <3

P.s. you aren't crazy just because you realize there is more to the world than you realized before. It takes a while to stop considering that possibility, but it goes away eventually. That or denial sets in... I guess... I didn't choose that option so not 100% sure.

Precarious times for many


men have their own version, their sperm goes to shit and they have messed up kids, he reminds me of some suicidal smiling Hooters and strip club regular, lolllll, WTF, lollllll, this is so wrongly funnnny, omgggg, hahaahahahahaha

for real, this is what happens? whattttttt, lmfao, nahhhhh man, what about the dudes getting that preggo belly and man tittays? ewwwwwwwwww

Go visit him @redonkulas and see who helps him ;)

he has no bulge in his khakis, he has small ween and manboobs, backhair? whaaattttt

rather be a crone and not dealing with shit and doing whatever the hell I want, lmfao.... :P

Now you know all the pitfalls! Don't say you weren't warned now! LOL!

P.S. Gym buff up girl!! QUICK!!

I'm buff as fuck and a size 4, wtf u talking about

Honey, I have had more diamonds thrown my way then I care to express, I was born in the 80's, I don't know if you are attempting to diss me or what but am far from any of that soooooo

Shuts door to cats and finds diamond :)

Diamond(s) plural and I'm allergic to cats as stated above, in ain't the only one with game Mr

I sold the diamonds though to pay for my world adventuring phase

is Bruce Jenner

Frickin' looks like him! Quick! Find a diamond!!

told you, and he is all the way woman now so you have to reach in her no no zone to get that diamond

Size 4! Holy shitballs! I can pick you up with my little finger!! [At that size the cats will eat YOU!!]

was a size 2 but was cause of stress and I looked like an alien.....not bragging as it was due to stress, I am wee

Current collective state of most Americans at the moment (deny it all you want)

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