Five Things that Annoy Me! (I had to keep it simple)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

As Humans we make the mistake of thinking others pick up on the nuances and social cues that are rather apparent on here. I have been very wrong in making that assumption. I will go out on a limb and say that You probably have been annoyed on here as well and maybe We have even annoyed each other! The Circle Of Steemit, Right?

ONE. If you see me or others upvoting comments we like and you NEVER return the favor, you are either a moron or think that we don't pick up on you siphoning money from ME or my followers to stick in your pocket. It is a matter of showing appreciation. My blog is not for you to cling to and make mega money for your new Lambo. :)

TWO. Comparing Users! Oh this is a personal Non-Favorite...we all are special and unique spiritual beings having a human experience. No two users are alike unless they are Alt Accounts. Then technically yes those "users" are alike. My blog is very long and includes all types of topics. My blog is a real crowd pleaser! A lot of the people playing nice on here are scumbags who do tons of shady shit behind the scenes. There are some in particular you can thank for bringing the heat onto this platform, they just return being supported by the usual "community builder" and the platform big kahunas know this, so do others.

THREE. Spammers, Stalkers and Organized Crews....Self Explanatory! The beautiful thing is that a Ship being led by seemingly nobody makes those who don't have a lot of stake have to spend it for the benefit of the platform. All the while "Blockchain Nihilism" reigns supreme. I can picture tons of supposed Nihilists creaming their pants as they jet off to Thailand in 500 dollar shirts giving zero fucks about the safety or well being of that which they gave birth to.

FOUR. Idea Stealers!

CINCO de BLOGGO Talking smack and then wondering how some of us find out about it <<< It's called reading Comments and Replies section and telling people stuff who just turn around and run to us to tell us ALL about how you really are or feel. Apparently this is a deranged High School with just enough amazing people on it to keep us "steeeeeeeeming on!"

@battleaxe (former cheerleader, prom queen and professional tiptoe standing cupcake maker)
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(gyphycat,gyphy, @elgeko thereisaredbuttonthatsaysdon'tpushme,butyousowanttobutyoudon't....that's what friends are for Incorporated)


This is so good and hilarious at the same time! I wa saving up for 100% but I had to upvote. What’s great is you seriously called the person out. Hah!
Hey, that sounds pretty cool you were a cheerleader prom queen and tiptoe cupcake maker. I need a cupcake right now after that post. LOL! xx 🦅

one of those days I guess, who knows

Hugs my fellow lady in battle friend xx 🦅

My vanity tag on the new Lambo is going to read StlnFmBAxe. Just saying, great post. Here's some kitties that got into Larry David's stash. catoncrack Found on Giphy

images (7).jpeg
beep beep, on my way to get some gluten free muffins

I can see your points, but, somehow, the friendships I have made on here rise above it.

very true, it's why I stick around mostly, plus there is a niche for basically anything on here,

So true!! All of my favorite things to do! You are downright tip! -able! Have a great night!

oh damn @battleaxe .. you found me out already.. can you forgive me? will you destroy me.. please don't

I thought we already worked out our "issues" on the Gun Range....I apologized for pulling a Dick Cheney and accidentally shooting your toe. Then you turned around and shot off my middle fingers which were near and dear to me. You were very kind to have your friend whittle prosthetic middle fingers for me though you didn't have to have them painted with pictures of Trump all over them....sigh :(

well you know me.. i forgive but rarely forget :) ... and the paint job .. you can get that redone but don't you think that is what he's really doing to you folks?

just because you can drink pints all day in Ireland doesn't mean you can smack talk the demigod famous leader of the world... On that note, to people who take over show ideas and then put them in the same time slots.....

well drinking pints .. gives me total moxxy to comment on the demiassgod ... ooooh .. good karma there for those types

ironically the assholiest do seem to be from there or were or whatever, I dunno, I do know that if you are petty enough to take show ideas and time slots from established things and threaten people then play the victim card all the while having it YOUR own fucking fault that stuff is under scrutiny, you can go piss off, The Venture Capitalists some are in talks with will show you the difference between a whale and a Megaladon, :)

Doesn't a narwhal grow up to be a Megaladon? :D
I wanna be LEVIATHAN ;)

What concerns me most about Steemit is that a number of folks I respect (like you) all seem to be saying the same thing that I have believed for a month or so now. (I only started in late Oct so it took a while to sort things)
My humble observation is that a lot of folks are encouraging me to work hard, invest my time and money with the hope of making a few hundred, maybe thousands, of dollars, while the ones who are REALLY profiting from the Steemit platform do very little of what I'm encouraged to do. (There are a few to whom this does not apply.) The reason this exists is because of the rules inculcated into the various hard-forks, which are in effect the laws by which we all live. These laws allows a few to profit handsomely from OUR labors and little of their own.

I agree that whining and complaining is of little value but at the same time we all need to make informed decision on how we invest our time and money. We all have left day jobs because we decided that we were not being paid what we're worth, or were being taken advantage of, or both!
I believe much of our angst comes from seeing the tremendous potential of a platform like Steemit only to realize that it's already been co-opted by a few in power. It will be interesting to watch things unfold.

the backbone are the new users, I upvote comments and myself as I do not use bots very much if at all anymore (am not saying I am against them, just saying for ME, my "journey". Plus I doubt very much my massive power drains the pool like some (again this is an OP/ED)....... Saying post nonstop and work harder is bullshit, it's half lottery, half politics. the thing about shitting where you eat is that a lot of people can go poo elsewhere. OR what I hope happens is what I am seeing that gives me a teeeeeny bit of hope which is more women entering though I see a lot of the same behaviors going on just done behind your back more. Thank you for telling us about your experience here.

Yeah, I don't worry too much about draining the rewards pool with my overly selfish behaviours.
Keep the passion!

That's a decent list, and put a smile on my face because I'm sure we've all encountered those types of people along the way. I've only been on here a short while, but the ones that irritate me are the already successful YouTubers who come on here just to post their content, accept upvotes and then never interact with any comments or upvote anything themselves.

Welcome to the Jungle, We've got Fun and Games, we've got what you think you want then you realize some stuff is lame....

Sounds like you have some pent up anger in you.

I agree with some of what you're saying though, although I try not to get involved if I know nothing good will come out of it.

One of my biggest pet peeves has gotta be the tribe mentality. People join groups and kind of become secluded in their own world. I mean, groups are good to help each other out and the support is great, but if you are only ever seeing/upvoting/commenting on posts from people in your own group, you are very limited in what you can achieve here.

She's really CHILL, just a low tolerance for BS, and she'll call it out. Very cathartic, imo!
Just my 2 cents worth, she might come in here and call me out for that :D

I'm smiling now so don't think you saw the funny tag I used but it worked just as designed ;)
the tribal mentality is going to go through the roof with SMT's and communities imho, that's why I recommend people "don't quit their day jobs" because they are on a winning streak for a bit :)
My pent up anger isn't for my blog on steemit which I enjoy doing, I save it for the gun range and 500 Militia groups I'm involved in , lmfao

Haha... I always knew you're one bad ass chick

You never disappoint me.. Lol

you ain't too bad yourself :)

I think all of your posts have a little sarcasm, but underlying truth in them. The SMT's will definitely create more groups within our group, and that's not a bad thing per say, it's just that people have a tendency to cling to these groups and can't go outside of them without someone holding their hand

Yeah most posts I write from the perspective of Larry David on Acid (Don't do Drugs)....anyways, the danger of some of this is that the "tribe" can dissolve or turn on someone leaving them back to square one. IMHO, the best way is the same way I feel about life and finance....Diversify ;) good to see ya on my blog again, you always have intelligent observations

definitely need to diversify. We both have very strong opinions and not afraid to share our disdain, and this can sometimes lead to ruffled feathers. I remember a few months back being booted from a discord group because I called the leader out for misuse of funds and that definitely set me back. However, like life, time has healed my steem wounds and the bandages have been removed. I'm sure you'll see me pop in from time to time

I'm on discord if you need to vent.....the places I hang out in , even if I don't agree with everything I find overall better than some other places's who IS NOT in some places that some should perhaps look at (or not) it is what it is, I've never read anything from you personally that was ever rude but also I don't stalk you so wouldn't know (joking, you seem like a nice person) and those who like to read every word I say...GOOD! cause know that LOTS of others do as well (use your imagination) :) yay

Very true. It also hinders the platform as newcomers aren't given much attention by those who have been upvoting content from their own group for a while. I'm of the opinion that the best way to thrive on this platform is to, of course, create great content, but also actually take the time to read any interact with other users.

Definitely, interacting is a huge part of having success here. Groups are good to get started, but can really limit your growth

I am the Lizard King , I can do anythiiiiiiinggg (oh shit they know I'm a lying douchebag, time to add extra sparkly colors to the ecosystem, ) ...all written as satire to have a safe space for people to vent, <3

I can say, I see all of those annoying things around since I joined. I try to tell people who do that nicely in the when I'm around there. It's actually common sense. Although I never assume what I don't know, I actually I think how people behave here kinda reflects their character in how they deal with others offline....They don't need formal training to understand that they need to keep away from those negative behaviors.

I have a challenge though :( Because of my extremely low SP, I run out of voting power real soon, after few votes on posts or comments, but I keep engaging with others, and your number one concern happens to me frequently (me being on the annoying side). People who have good steempower upvote some of my comments in a discussion but I have zero SP to upvote back :( I still keep networking and going through posts and commenting and replying with no power to vote. I hope people don't think I fall in that #1 category, otherwise I'd be very sad :(

And one last point, where's your number five point?

Try You can lower the percentage of your vote and vote more without draining your power so fast. I hate feeling I have to 'budget' my likes.

Vert good posts guys! I also agree on everything you ve said, I’ve also noticed I cannot post in another format like busy or mspsteem or speak freely as then people who’d like to curate my posts cannot access them. This is what they’ve told me.

Yes you raise MANY great points here.

Even off steemit... I can't stand the idea stealers. It happens to me in real life all the time from a select handful of people who make it obvious.

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