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RE: Why Are We Doing This? Homesteading!

in #life6 years ago

You never forget the good times watching the kids learn something new or running to the garden to pick and eat the cherry tomatoes. That is what happened to all of mine the first year here and planted a few things to see how it was going to go. There is alot of fun mixed into it too.


Hahaha right now Jack's favorite thing to do is try to hug the chickens...who don't want to be hugged lol! We didn't get a chance to grow much when we moved in, but we've got a HUGE garden planned for this summer. I can't wait to teach him how to pick ripe tomatoes!

We planted a little garden the first year we were here and we had some cherry tomatoes and also some peppers. The peppers (not really hot but to them they was) were red also and they thought they were tomatoes too. It was funny them eating them and saying "hot" and kept on eating them. They like hot things as their mom and uncle eat lots of hot things. So it was a normal thing for them but they learned that those were peppers and not tomatoes. Too bad I did not have a camera at the time that would have made a great video.

HAHAHAHA I would've paid to watch that!! That's one way to learn! My friend had her 3 yr old daughter out helping her dead-head their flowers only to turn around and see her daughter pinching the heads off of EVERY flower...whoops! I guess you have to be very specific with kids!

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