ACTIVIST POST: March Against Monsanto 2013: Some pictures of our march that day and PROOF: Surveilled by the Police State who refused to answer me why they blocked roads, catalogued us all with pictures, for 175 peaceful residents.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I have been a boots on the ground activist for many years. I have not just sat around complaining or typing. I have been VERY active calling out corruption on things that affect regular people every day. I have run for city council and offered to give money back to charity if elected.

I have run and supported peaceful protests. I have given speeches and acted on things like fluoride in the water poisoning everyone, $300M incinerators sucking our tax money out of us and polluting the water and air sheds.

I am the fellow in red with the red ball cap and you can see my bullhorn which is well known locally and is in my YT videos as well. (:

Food is something that affects every single human being and GMO's, the corrupt lobbying and political practices are terrible and we are all in this together.

All pictures taken by me or 3 of my friends who shared resources for the day and supported each other and this event.

Have a peaceful day!

The police used about 8 vehicles, 15 officers, shut down and blocked traffic at will for a 100% peaceful protest, that wasted our tax dollars, and refused to answer me on camera on whose directive they were there. They decided to badger me as an activist who has opposed corruption and best practices for residents being thrown to the wayside.



























Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

Good for you Barry, for getting out there and taking action!

My friend, coming from someone like you on the activist front, that I respect, that means SO much to me and I am sure you know this!

I am so happy to see your name on here again LOL, I really did miss you.

Plus, I love coconuts LOL


good to update your energy

Hey thanks very much!!

Awesome work!! Monsanto is one of the top 3 most evil companies on the planet. Great work!!

I would agree with that my friend. Evil is the best word.

I fully support you.

Thanks my friend!! It means a lot to me , sincerely, to hear this from you and others!

can't believe they would waste their time, when there are other important things they could be used for.. like.. solving crimes? lol

I have literally told them the same things at city hall, on the sidewalk with them harassing me or others, or one time at lunch eating a pita at a mall and one of them got tough with me, having a chat beside him sitting with me eating, putting his hand on his gun and I was like - really bro???

My client got a kick out of that, he had never seen my activism mouth at work only in my videos.

Public servants right?

To serve and protect..... their special interests and paychecks.

You're braver than I am.

I don't know about that sister LOL

Without a doubt. You put yourself out there - in person.

I'm just a loudmouth on the 'net.

Great work! Thank you for sharing!

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