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RE: The Modprobe Mashup: The Mis-fortunate Motorcycle Mishap

in #life7 years ago

Bro I have been in 3 serious motorcycle accidents, one when running from the cops at over 120 mph with no tread on my front tire, my walls were severely concave and I took a turn blind, last things I remember is seeing tail lights around the turn and before I even had a chance to evade in the opposite lane there were headlights there and the last bit is seeing the ground speed right next to my face as I looked at my speedometer flying to 120, and just inches away from the tail lights I first saw, the other was when a car pulled up in front of me and I had to slam on my brakes sending my crash caged r6 to grind my lower leg/foot on the sidewalk for a few feet, and the last one was flipping my fz1 from an endo as I was trying to slowdown when I was doing stupid fast on the highway and came over a hill into bumper to bumper traffic, in all I was lucky enough to walk away unscathed, literally lucky.

Frst one I had no boots on but a helmet, and that saved me because I ended up riding the ditch for 40 yards before being sent flying in the air for about 100 yards and clearing a 12-16 foot chain link fence, the other one just messed up my walk for a bit as I had good boots, and the last one I had just taken off my helmet not even half a mile on the highway before the accident and almost destroyed my testicles but besides the gash in my shin there wasn't anything else and in bumper to bumper traffic I got catapulted over it all and ended up on the median, conscious the whole time I was spinning through the air, and countless times I had dropped/feel with the dirtbike, that was lucky, what you did wasn't as much lucky in that regard but lucky that you didn't die. My one friend got cut off by a truck as he was doing 50-70mph and he ended up dying for 8 minutes on the side of the road with an ambulance in the other direction stopped at the red light it happened, who attended to the driver of the truck which got hit in the front drivers wheel, they didn't even bother with my friend who's face was mashed up also and was laying on the ground, our other buddy yelling at them to look at him. He recovered remarkably well, it just took a good 3 months though, by the time we were getting his fat dresser back into running order he was looking a lot prettier than before and the ambulance crew lied about what happened in court and my friend was found at fault for it.

I hope you recover and put this behind you, of course everyone and their mom will tell you motorcycle are dangerous or whatnot wear a helmet and all that but don't let that impact you, laugh it off at not wearing the safety gear and don't mind those who are scared of even imagining themselves on two wheels.


Haha, awesome stories, friend! You've got a bit more wild streak in you than I do, but not too much. Respect. :)

Yeah, I'm definitely more lax about the equipment than most of my friends so far, but otoh I'm not doing much long distance or high speed travel either. The fastest I've gone so far was on an empty, flat, straight line road, and even there I probably never touched 80.

Yeah, seems that the slower the wreck the more damage you absorb or less opportunity to deflect, just force>you>ground in no distance or time. After I fixed up a sv750 which my buddy had to buy off one of my other buddies after he wrecked his bike and messed his foot up when he mistakenly drove through the intersection to get on the highway on a green light for a right turn only, and got taken out at not even 25mph, I was riding it down the street from where I lived with flip flops on and nothing else really, I remember if I even had a shirt on and to make it even worse I hadn't fixed up the rear break bracket so I couldn't use it, which is where the car took him out, and I went into a curb on an overpass kinda loop and had to bail off because I was going to take out the 2 foot concrete/metal lined median, and I was bailing out the cops were literally in the other lane passing me, I thought for sure they would stop but they didn't care, luckily for me, I didn't mess up the bike, and considering I spent my own money to buy almost all the parts, I don't think the new owner really cared, besides being a really good friend but I came back to the house with a good road rash on my palm and the sandals/flipflops barely held, just stooopid lucky, granted I won't get on a bike for a long time if ever, my wife knows all my stories and shes put her foot down lol, said I can has a dirt bike but that's it.

I owned 3 bikes, for the speed demon in me my first r6 I bought after my best friend was going to ditch me if I was going to buy the busa I had my eyes on, as my first bike.., then I came up on a stoopid fast zx12 from '90, and my last one as you know was the r1, that one I had dropped on black ice, I used it for a good 9 months in the hills in nor cal, 2-3 miles of dirt roads after the first 2 miles of asphalt, and even raced a 450 on a crazy part, about 6 miles of dirt roads, almost went off the side of the hill/mountains a couple times, and if you want my advice on a ride to pick, go light, very light, and chose the motor after considering how much it weighs. Look for a 225, or a 350, even a 400 dirt bike.

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