I started going out and picking up 2 girls every single day, here's my Journey

in #life7 years ago

I moved to a new country and obviously I'm lacking in friends and just normal human relationships. It's strange when you don't have contact with other people for prolonged periods of time. You forget to communicate and just behave. The first few approaches are cringey and nerve-wrecking, yes, even just asking simple questions such as, "Where's the nearest Subway?".

It's been a few weeks now that I'm here, and things are really looking up. I decided fuck the loneliness, it's time to combat my fears and anxiety and push myself into the uncomfortable zones. I started yesterday (after a 3-4 month break) and things went very well. I'm still a newbie with pickup, but my current 2 goals are just to find a girl I could have a half-relationship with (I don't go for the standard dating thing, I'm more into poly or fuckbuddies as I'll always want more girls) and progress with my social calibration skills. I decided to go out every single day after work (right now my schedule's a bit screwey, I'm going BEFORE.. which isn't really working all that well) and try at least 2 approaches. If I could do more, that'd be great.

I'm most likely going to start a journey blog about this, but we'll see how that goes.

So far, from pickup I've been able to get a few numbers, dates, and even the most euphoric sex I've had in quite a while. It's just.. so different when you take a random beautiful girl from the streets and go clubbing with them and just having a fun time. Also I NEED to pickup, as there's only 2 things in life that motivate me truly. Money and girls. They're not THE most important things out there, but they're certainly on the list. Without girls, I go full lazy mode. I stop caring about my health, I stop caring how I look or act, and I just degenerate. I get comfortably numb with my current situation.

Ever since I decided to get back into approaching, I started a water fast to lose weight (currently day 3), I've gotten more motivation for NoFap (currently day 6) and I'm starting to dress a teeeny bit better. I'm all about treating life like a video game and tracking my progress with everything.

My current challenges are: work on group sets, open a girl on public transportation, get a girl off her phone, open a couple set, and just going for the hottest ones in the malls, streets, shops, etc.

Yesterday I decided to warm up by just approaching a guy who was skateboarding INSIDE the mall lol.. chill dude. Next I felt approach anxiety for like an hour or two so I went to a nearby library and decided to open a group set, it was cringey and just a horrible approach.. but I felt good about it. I did it. I worked on my fear.

Here's the mall we're talking about:

A few hours later I went to another mall and finally did my first decent approach. It wasn't perfect, and there was no sexual escalation. But you know what? My only goal was to successfully communicate with a female, and have fun while at it. Did I? Oh boy, you betcha! She kind of lead me but whatever, I'll take it. We went biking around the city and her directions were horrible, but I haven't been biking in FOREVER and it was just such a euphoric experience! I felt truly free. No fucks given.

We just chatted for a few hours later and then parted our ways. I went to approach another set and it was total rejection, and I just called it out and laughed it off. I basked in the awkwardness. Whatever :)

Today I've got some things to do so I'm not fully going into pickup, and I need to watch the time but I'll try to go fast with it. Maybe I'll get some good results! Anyways, peace out. BTW, a huge help in motivation is just watching RSDMax, RSDTyler, or Julien Blanc. They're videos have helped me insanely.

Oh, and one more thing. Walking around and biking altogether burned like 1,200 calories. Fantastic exercise ;)



Anxiety is our basic instinct telling us we are afraid. Only when we realise it is triggered by fear of the unknown, we can work on turning it off. Currently working on this myself as well! Challenge yourself daily and recap how you did it and in the end we will both get there ;)

I feel that...money and girls are my only motivations

Good for you man getting all the pusseeey lol btw I don't think I could just be like walking up to a random person and just like talking with them like you said its cringey but if I was not in my local area I would because it gives you a bit more confidence because no one knows you

Everybody is tired, scared, nervous, awkward at one point or another. The first few interactions are cringey but then you get past it. The hot girls have stronger shields, but they'll put it down once they realize you're cool and confident. I'm an introvert but I'm an extremely extroverted introvert once I go full out. I've done some things that would embarrass the shit out of other people, but I truly don't care. I have fun :) Or at least I try to. I used to be EXTREMELY awkward.. it's just you have to work on your confidence. It's like a muscle

I did become awkward about a year ago when I started smoking weed full time every day and I thought every time I made eye contact with someone It was awkward but know I'm just telling myself it's not awkward it's just the weed talking so I just pass it off

Wow dude congratulations, many people never gain that courage. Also, NoFap is something that every single man has to give a try. I never realized how much motivation I was losing out of the tip of my penis.

Congrats man, happy too see that you're going out there and working on getting girls. I love the idea of life being like an RPG video game where we upgrade our stats by doing various things. I hope to get into the pickup scene soon once I'm done with exams. Peace and love <3

Also I would love to see some pickup videos from you. Maybe not ones where you're recording yourself picking up girls but hearing you talk about it would be very interesting.

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