How 1 Delegation Will Make All My Dreams Come True.

in #life7 years ago


I won possibly THE biggest contest EVER on Steemit by @aggroed on @msp-waves.

The prize was 1500SP delegation until I'm swimmin' with the dolphins — hangin' with Flipper, hodling 5000SP with my own fins!!!

It has been so surreal for my voice on this platform to be instantly amplified from a soft whisper to a bellowing Tarzan holler. I've been on a delegation high (scratches neck). I won't shutup about Steem, lol. I tell everybody I meet on these mean Texas streets to sign up — like, "I got chu."

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I'm literally screaming from my rooftop RIGHT NOW. If you go outside and listen carefully, you'll probably hear ;)

I'm screaming because... largely due to this delegation, I have reached 700 followers and 500 of my own SP!!
(Gets so excited, @avesa explodes.)


I used to say I'm bad at gambling because I have terrible luck.
Now I know — I'm bad at gambling because all my luck was being saved for that moment.
So worth it. I can not be more thrilled, or I will explode again.

A few seconds after hearing I won the contest, I had a vision of the future.

While having this vision — seizing out on the floor — I saw myself sitting cross legged.... in a really dope dragon kimono.... following my passions, contributing value to the world, supporting the people and relationships that I value, and preparing for the next whirlwind of technology; just being the best version of myself — no NEED to do anything else unless I desire. Focusing on the projects and people that I believe in. No fake smile behind coffee-stained teeth, sweating for tips at the strip club. Skinny from doing too much blow. LOL jkjk... Waiting tables, prostituting my personality.

The first part of my dream is to be able to support myself solely from creative ventures that provide value to humanity. Music, design, comedy, poetry, research of dreams, animal behavior, etc.

Steemit and this delegation have been a huge step towards that goal; providing a platform to create value by creating, studying, and writing about any of these things — or anything else!
My life has already changed. I love writing, but haven't had much opportunity to pursue it until I stumbled across Steemit.

Here are some "Author's Picks" from earlier in my Steemit career.

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Journey of a Lucid Dreamer (Dream with Me) #1

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World Adventures with a Tan Man and the Fam (Greece)

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Steemit Rap

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PROOF that Sarah Jessica Parker IS a Horse.


The most beautiful part about all of this though is that I get to help others achieve their dreams as well. I have met so many gold souls. Words cannot describe my gratification, surprise, and elation with the support I have received. It makes me so happy to be able to reciprocate — though still little by comparison.

I will upvote all human-made comments on this post within 24 hours with 100% <3 Thanks for reading!

I'm an "entrepreneur" who dropped out of school to produce music, much to my parents dismay.
(I'm sure many can relate to one side or the other.)

Its always sunny band.gif

Contributing to their understandable dismay, I have been working on my debut album for the past 4 years — I have a vision, I am confident that I can achieve it, and I will not settle for anything less. Finally it is within months of completion!! Here's one of the few tracks I have deemed acceptable for release into the wild...

This is my mom's favorite thing I've made :)
It's also the first song I ever recorded my own vocals on.

When the album is done, I'm thinkin' around April 20ish, I want to release it here first, truly exclusively somehow. Maybe Dtube. Or perhaps it could stream on @msp-waves!! Eh? Maybe?
(@avesa nudges @aggroed with a sly look on his face)


While pursuing my music-producing endeavors, I learned how to sing, make videos, design graphics, sneak into shows to meet my favorite artists, build websites (Ours is down lol, but it will be back soon!!), and perhaps most importantly — I have learned that The Force is real — at least, a "force", that makes the universe work itself out in order to help you follow your highest excitement, your true passion at any given moment.

@Infamousit and I call this force, Kaikichi - coincidence amplified when you do what you truly want to do — or is it coincidence at all? And we're just on the right path?

Fate and free will — intertwined in the beautiful chaotic cocoon of experience that is life. Without Kaikichi, I would most certainly be dead — but instead I've already been blessed to experience more things by 23, than I ever thought I would. So stoked for the rest of the ride :)

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Run the Jewels

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Hiatus Kaiyote

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Flying Lotus

Each of those pictures have hilarious stories behind them, and I can't wait to share them with you! @Infamousit showed me the way. He is a magical music-genie. If you want to do something just go do it. Even if you have to go alone. (Sorry Link)

Shia had it figured out. DON'T LET YOUR DREAMS STAY DREAMS.

make your dreams come true shia.gif


Anyways, I digress...

To prepare for my eventual album release, I worked far too long and far too tirelessly to build my presence on traditional social media — hours of like/comment/follow bullshit only to then have my posts with my original content censored and buried beneath useless profile pic updates and Trump rants — I built up to over 6K followers on Instagram when I finally discovered Steemit. I've hardly been on Instagram since, and the few posts I do make are usually about Steem, hehe.
(probably why I'm getting buried. THEY'RE AFRAID)..…

And they should be. The end of their tyranny is near.

"Why?", someone asked? I'm pretty sure I heard someone.... In the back...


The Steemit community radiates positivity.

WHAT?? How can that be?? Social media that promotes positivity??

Unless you want to, you won't find anyone writing mean posts or comments JUST to start trouble. Even He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, usually has the platform's best interests at heart.

It feels good to be here.

Groups like @minnowsupport, @teamsteem, @curie, @thealliance, @openmic, and so many more help new users to navigate our big Steemy habitat. The rules are simple. Be real and contribute. Don't beg for follows or likes. Don't spam people. This is a new age, It ain't no "new Reddit" or Facebook. It's better — more transparent. You will be held accountable for your actions and you will get back what you put in, sometimes in multiples.

Engage, connect, and make friends? You shall be rewarded!
Be a dick? You'll literally pay for it. And at the same time, return value to the reward pool.
Thanks Asshole <3


The community decides the rules and holds the future of the platform in their hands.


....No. Anyone reading this is on a rocket-ship to the moon. And that's only the first stop.

I'm pretty sure the founding fathers of the US would be more proud of Steemit than America.

Everyone has an equal vote to appoint our leaders.
.....and the right to bear arms.

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Maybe not bear arms.... bears should keep their arms.

Superior tech and potential

Competing with Ethereum for most transactions per day out of any blockchain, yet only using 0.11% of blockchain resources, no transaction fees, and with the ability to send currency across the globe in 3 seconds to @avesa instead of P9Fk2Ji9h3sn737..... Steem is surely the most undervalued coin that exists; It's market cap is 1/100th of Ethereum's. I'm so excited for SMT's to make their grand entrance; as people begin to grasp the full potential of STEEM, our rocket-ship will be propelled out of this solar system.

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When I initially heard about Bitcoin, it was worth $800; I couldn't believe it. How could something digital be worth so much? Surely any day it would plummet. Surely any day I would hear about how everyone involved had all their money hacked away.
A year later It was over $8000.
"Ohhhkay, what's all this about..."

@avesa hurriedly turns on the computer screen after noticing he was staring at his reflection in that very screen for hours; imagining oh the things he could do if only he had only bought some Bitcoin "back then".

I began to research cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. The more I discovered, the more I had to know. Just a few days into my research, bitcoin price plummeted to the low $3000's as China banned exchanges. @infamousit and I bought $200 bucks worth to trade on Bittrex.

(sighs).... "ahh" — the good 'ol days, when Bitcoin had ~$4 transaction fees ;)
PS. That shared account is now worth over $2500!!

A little later we were referred to Steemit by a friend who doesn't even use it....
(smacks face)

I had been on Reddit for years, lurking in the shadows — never really posting, but when I heard I could get paid for my "social" interaction?? Easy decision. It just made sense to me. We should get paid to use social media. EXTRASPECIALLY if we are forced to watch ads.

I decided to hop on this STEEMy spacecraft and buckle in.

I have put so many other projects on hold to invest my time here with Steemit. I wish there were more hours in the day, for I still don't get to spend as much time here as I'd like to.
But the more friends I make and SP I build, the more time I have, and the longer I can be here.
This delegation has already changed my life. Thank you so much @aggroed.

Level 1 of my dream — supporting myself through creative endeavors — is well on its way.

Level 2 of my dream involves world peace, wing suits, classic cars that can fly, portals, EXTRA GIANT pandas, Indoor Mt. Everest, pizza that grows on trees, and music for extra giant pandas....

So yeah, for all that stuff... thank you Sensei.

traditional bow. well done son.gif


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So much in there.
First don't try to put the universe in a tube. Second El-p is my favorite white rapper. Third your track is mega-dope. 4- Shia ....DO IT.. but we will stole your flag even if you hide it well. 5- I was rolling the dice next to you at this historical moment. 6- @aggroed is about to drop mad rap knowledge any day now because he is building a studio. 7- Steem have room to run.. pass the moon and beyond good one. 8- slava? are you there?
really happy I got to know you and witness your steemit debut. We are writing history everyday brother!

You are like Steem Jesus. Maybe just to me now. But hey, one miracle at a time eh?
ZE MESIAH, in his teenage years. The lost pages that the bible is missing...
At the very least... you're one dope disciple, and @aggroed is Jesus.
Or maybe he's the holy spirit. idfk.

So glad we connected! Can't wait to see just how far though the multi-verse we can traverse.
Maybe we'll make it to Steem heaven.
Maybe we'll be reborn as STEEM (0_o)
Who fuckin knows, I'm just stoked to be on this ship with ya'll.

To history and beyond!!
(jetpacks away)

Great post with many funny moments - but then I clicked on is Sarah Jessica Parker a Horse? and now I am literally sitting here trying not to wake up my whole house,...oh it's relly hard lloool that last picture ohhh

LMAO, I'm so glad you liked it! I was afraid maybe it wasn't quite as funny as I thought.

Funniest thing I have seen in quite a while, maybe the funniest on steemit...

You flatter me! Thank you. I love flattery.
I'm quite vain.

Whoa this is awesome, being a musician on steemit, your post resonates with me in more ways than one haha.

Looks like your journey has been amazing and you're absolutely right about steemit, I love the hopeful joy that this community creates and supports. Your song is really good, I like the chill vibes, and your vocals are on point brotha :)

Following you now, I look forward to the album. I love finding all the hidden talent that this platform contains.

The moon partys got the best music :) Kaikichi on.

OMG, that gif is killing me. hahaha. So perfect. Thank you so much for the kind words. Ima check your stuff out too! Always a pleasure to meet fellow music makers

Haha youll have to let us know when you get to level two.
You mentioned an album dropping? Where will the Steemverse be able to find that?

Yes! Still deciding exactly the way I want to do that, but definitely something connected to my Steemit account. Dtube, Dsound, or somethin :)

I guess I'll have to follow you to find out! Are you ever on the Steem Music Alliance in Discord?

I don't think so. I guess I'll have to follow you to find out! How do I join?

you have made your fortune,congrats bro

'Preciate it!! The true fortune is to be found within yourself...
(The Twilight Zone music plays)

Congratulations! Happy for you. Keep it alive. Steem on

Aye, right back atcha @mastawriter

Thanks for upvoting my post on music, art, sound and animation

You're welcome! The animation is what got me! :)


Why thank you kindly!
How did you do those mini smilies??
I've been doin em all sideways and boring...

congratulations for you @avesa

congratulations!! man @avesa

Thanks yo
(fist bump)

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