Steemit Story Slam Competition - March Results and April's Rules

in #life7 years ago


First Place Winner was @merej99 with her fictional piece titled The Good Samaritan:

Second Place went to @cosmictriage for a real life journey called Once Upon A Time:

Honorable Mentions to @natator for bringing us Bubbles

and @papa-pepper for sharing the special moment,
How I Met Mama-Pepper and How I Proposed to Her.

@sarahewaring can attest, the competition was stiff and the outcome was really close. Huge thanks to Sarah for tackling such a tough decision. I surely could not have done a better job!

Well done to everyone and I hope you'll all consider entering April's contest. I've spiffed things up a bit since it appears the competition will be sticking around a while longer.

So, on to April, a new rule (a specific topic), and a little larger pot thanks to a donation by @sykochica!


Audio or Video Story About Pets - Yours, Ones You've Known or Wish You'd Had

Five Minute Limit

Entry Must Be In Comments of THIS POST To Be Eligible

Limit 3 Entries Per Storyteller

One Entry Per Comment

Deadline - Friday, April 28th, Midnight (Central Time)

You may do a separate post, but it will not be entered in the
competition if missing from the comment section.

If you do a free standing post, please add
#steemitstoryslam to your tags so we can find you to upvote!

Online Recording Sites


Audacity h/t to @merej99

Upvote, ReSteem,



YEAH! I was hoping you would continue Story Slam and I hope more people will join in the fun. I was also waiting for the official results because I am redistributing the prize to split with my fellow participants.

My original intent was to put all the people in a randomizer and select one winner for the random drawing but since there are only 3 peeps and I've got 30 STEEM to burn @papa-pepper, @natator88 and @cosmictriage are getting 10 STEEM each. Hope you guys join for the April challenge and tell all your friends!

Thanks for sharing your prize Steem @merej99! That's awfully nice of you!

Thanks @aunt-deb for hosting this. I'll definitely be participating in April's contest. This was a blast.

And lastly, congrats to the winners and @papa-pepper!

Wow, that worked out well! Thanks @merej99 for being such a vocal supporter, too. This project has potential and I'd love to see it take off.

Now, since you are this month's winner... I'd like to know if you'd consider being April's judge. I sort of had this notion that we could improve involvement going forward if one month's winner was the next month's judge and that way everyone gets to put their 'stamp' on it. If you'd rather not, that's okay, too. I'll rope in convince someone else to serve.

I would be happy to serve. Have lasso. Will travel ;)

Awesome sauce! Happy dancin' here...

Thank you!

Hello @aunt-deb! Engaging subject. Thanks!

Hello @corvuscoraxx and thank you! Glad you stopped by.

I will officially enter tomorrow with a post, but here's a sneak peek at the video!

Cool! I wasn't expecting THAT!
Great story and good luck.

CallAuntDeb Aunt Deb tweeted @ 27 Mar 2017 - 00:29 UTC

#steemitstoryslam winners and rules for next month's competition. Congrats!… /
@Steemit #steemit

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

@natator88's entry:

(I'm bending a rule, because following my links can get confusing.)

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