13 Quick Tips About How To Become a Terrific Writer Here On Steemit

in #life8 years ago

Nobody ever wakes up or born with the skill to crank out fabulous articles people love to read and appreciate.

But there are specific strategies to ensure your success.

Are you here for the long term?

Here are my foolproof 13 strategies to help you become a writer you deserve to be!

1. Write every day!

I personally write every day. I write here on steemit, I write down my daily tasks, I even write a daily thankful list to set my mood and focus on things I already have. This sets me up to be ready to express myself.

Here is a cool tip if you are having a writer block:

For example, you want to write about a new experience you had. Maybe your child just spoke his first word. It impressed you but you just can't grasp the idea to write it down.

Ask the question: Why was it a breakthrough moment for me? Why is it important?

As you imagine a picture about the answer try to describe it with 3 words. 2 noun and one verb or two verbs and one noun.

Set up a timer for 5 minutes and start the first sentence with one of the words you just used to describe the idea. Your jaw will drop if you try this out. The sentences will write themselves.

2. Learn how to overcome procrastination

Sometimes is just hard to start writing. To fight it you will need strong goals. The best way to choose some is to try to write 20 reasons why you want to master writing. Make them as personal as you can. "I want to make money with my posts" just won't cut it.

Another good way is to find motivational sentences which are about your deepest desires or about your aspirations. Write them down and hung them up on the wall you see while working. For me, one of them is this: "Make Every Minute Count"

3. See writing as a mindfulness practice

Writing for me is a kind of prayer or passing down a legacy. When I write about a topic I think of it as my last words to my child. Your words have weight. Mold writing into an experience to share on a deep level like it was your last chance to speak.

4. Set limited time for writing sessions

This will help you to get focused and miraculously it will let you go of your fears about writing. Short sessions will clear your mind of distractions and it is much easier letting the words flow.

5. Learn to cope with your fears

Yes each of us experience fear before writing. Even while we are writing. Fear of rejection, fear of loss, fear of not being good enough. This keeps us away from writing, from experiencing the joy of creating. If you allow yourself to experience fear for a minute but then start writing. These fears are scary, but they’re not so bad when you allow yourself to face them.

6. Care about the craft

As a writer, you are crafting words so you should care about them. This means nothing else but getting better at the basics: grammar and spelling. It doesn't mean you will never have any typos like me whose first language is not English but you will get better at them.

Find someone to proofread or at least run a grammar check on your finished article.

7. Please get over perfectionism

Yes work on the basics but never let the lack of knowledge keep you away from writing and polishing your skills. Your ideals may be the biggest stumbling blocks keeping you away from the joy of creating. Dive in, and just do it. Publish your first or second drafts, without needing it to be perfect. Typos aren’t such a big deal.

8. Learn to type

It is not mandatory, not even required but helps. It doesn't take long to master it. Maybe within a month you can be pretty good at it. It will help you to get the words our of your head faster and get your creative juices to flow without the frustration of being slow.

9. Learn to set deadlines and keep them

Working under pressure will also help you to get rid of fears and teaches you to focus. Not every article your write will be successful so if you set deadlines with production goals will set you up for long-term success. You will learn how to focus on outcomes which are under your control. Practice it and you will experience much less stress. This is the most valuable skill you can learn.

10. Read a lot

The best writers read voraciously. Your mind by processing will shape your writing style. The more you read the more polished, the more valuable your content will be. But not only that, it will give you ideas and inspiration for your own writing.

11. Steal from others

If you find something really good rip them off and mix it with what you already do. This will make it into your own and unique.

12. Keep notes on ideas

When you find something worth "stealing" create a note of it. Save it into Evernote (I love it because I can access it from anywhere) or into a text document. When you have time to write or you lack of ideas you can just mine it.

13. Start where you are

It doesn't matter whether you are a war torn veteran or you just starting out. It doesn't matter if you have the talent for words or you are struggling with them. This is the place where you start. Just get into it and you will get better. Never compare yourself with others. You will get better if you practice and you will start feeling more comfortable with what you’re doing.

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@asuran - Writing everyday is huge. Best advice I ever heard was on Tim Ferriss' podcast when he said "write two bad pages a day"

And I'm just excited that my upvote had enough juice to add .01 to this post. Finally worth more than zero!!! lol.
Based on your post, you may enjoy this: https://steemit.com/life/@scaredycatguide/the-self-fulfilling-prophecy-of-being-a-content-creator-on-steemit

Thanks for your comment. It really motivates me. Haha I can relate to your excitement! I really appreciate it. I am definitely checking your post out!

I think I suffer from about a half dozen of those pitfalls. Thats maybe why I don't post enough. Lol. Upvoted, and thank you!

You are welcome! It is always a great feeling when I can help someone!

Number 3 got my attention. The other tips were not that new to me, but number 3 was the take away for me! I will be incorporating that behavior to experience first hand.

See writing as a mindfulness practice

Great! I am relly happy that I could help.

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