The Human Perspective Of Truth (And Why This Is Important To Know)

in #life7 years ago

You are a human meat package walking around on this Planet Earth.
Throughout your life, you are going to come into contact with all these different kinds of feelings, layers, people, experiences and everything else.
These 'things' leave an impact on you.
These effects might be microscopic to massively huge.
They form you. Leave an imprint.
The collectivity of these things are YOU.

Basically you have this Universe in your head.
Where this constant movie is being played.
And YOU are the main character.
And all these 'stuff' is happening.

And this makes you have your own truth.
Or as I am going to call it from now on, a perspective of truth.

What I mean by perspective of truth is that whenever a situation happens, your truth is formed by the history of all the 'things' that has been accumulated in your being.

So everyone's reaction to any situation can be COMPLETELY different due to the lifestory someone has.

Taken from my own Instagram

Just think about the colour red.
One person can love it while another can despise it.
And the reasons why they feel that way?
It lies in their accumulation of life.

But for them, that is their truth.

So why is this important to know?

By deeply realizing that everyone holds their own perspective of truth towards whatever is happening, a deep compassion can be developed and expressed.
By understanding this, the lines of communication can be even clearer.
Because when we can deeply see that how someone is reacting is just coming from their perspective of truth, compassion is the only way to go.

This is not to say that you'll become a pushover or anything!

It's just saying it'll make you an internally softer person because you have a more of bird's eye view hold over what is happening.

This also counts for yourself.
When you can find the roots to your perspective of truth to a situation, it kind of dismantles it and it somehow becomes clear.

And through honest communication coming from a love-based space, any situation can turn into an understanding, accepting and compassion-filled pot of clarity.

We are complex beings whom have wildly different perspectives of truth and it is through seeing through that, that we can come together in honest clear connection.

This is also EXTREMELY relevant for Steemit.
Because on here, we are coming from all corners of the Earth in varying degrees of EVERYTHING.
So it takes a deep look at seeing all these (perhaps colliding) perspectives of truths to move forward into understanding, acceptance, appreciation and connection.
And I believe that this is where Steemit is so good for!
The bringing together of everyone no matter what!

BIG love,


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What a lovely post with a great message of coming from a place of love!
This is a line I have repeated to many others:

Think about your own life, the pain and challenges you haved faced, the problems and difficulties you are currently facing, and understand that every other person you meet is going through something similar to you.

Blessings :)

Thank you @bitopia!

What a good line. I love it 💜

Thank you for sharing! 🌸

My pleasure! Bitopia is a new endevour here on Steemit and I have taken a personal leap of faith with Steemit. You can read my story here if you like :D

Thanks for the wise words shared here :)

I also believe there are more than 7 billion truths out there, each as relevant as the other in the grand scheme of things. In our narrow mindset, we can assign different levels of worth, but this does not mean some are above others.

And regarding steemit, it's fantastic that we now have a platform where we can share our truths, build on each other and also get something financial out of this.

Kind regards, Lish :)

Yes yes yes!!!

every statement that someone has, it's a truth from their perspective. Yes, the only difference is the level of awareness. Thank you!

Thanks for commenting!
And the level of awareness is where it's at!

Of course, looking forward for more! :)

Compassion and empathy are two of the things I've found to be my most rewarding life pursuits. Thank you for this post, I enjoyed it.

Oh yes for sure!
They are the fundamental pillars to a human being that can truly dive deep into connection! 🙏🏼

I know I might be the main character and all, but I'm still ticked I don't have an opening theme play every time I go out aha

Hahahaha! 😂

Wow! Great brief post. I love the way u end it: advocating understanding, acceptance... compromise with one another inspite of our differing perspectives. U r on point about steemit. Ive had healthy relationships with everyone i come across here despite their nationalities and personalities.

Lovely writeup

Thank you for your kind words 🌻

This is so good, I can relate with your viewing of life! Loved it

Hihi thank you! 🔥

This is certainly correct... Different people, different reactions to different situations. It all depends on their history and the battles they've faced. All of this make people react different to things.. We shouldn't fail to understand why a person has issues trusting people when that trust has been broken severally before by others...

Exactly! 😊

@ashleykalila I Had to retype the above comment all over again.. Pretty poor network coverage here... Lol. And right before me, your payout shot $75 with just 3 votes. Holy cow! Never had that close before. Who's @blocktrades. He's fantastic. 😃

@blocktrades is one of the most generous Steemians on here!
I wish there would be a way to thank him!
Im sure i'll come up with something sometime soon! ✨

Every day, I discover here on Steemit, great, profound blogs. This is one of them. We resteem this article because I want to have it on my blog to read it again.

That's sweet!
Happy to hear


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