🔹Sometimes I Wish I Was Someone Else🔹

in #life7 years ago


Sometimes I wish I was the freeflowing surfergirl that lives in exotic places and brings waves of change to people all across the globe.
Sometimes I wish I was the succesful ‘Ive-got-three-thriving-businesses’ woman who has a ring on her finger, a house that is bought and a baby growing her belly.
Sometimes I wish I was the mysterious singer that is creating shit in her own unique way and has brought it all into the world on her own and the whole globe is under her spell and she is completely doing her own thing and doing it fucking successfully.
Sometimes I wish I was the old grandma who has already experienced most of her life and can spend her days enjoying the memories floating around in her head and heart and cherish the moments that her grandkids come to visit.
Sometimes I wish I was the woman activist that speaks up and lets everyone hear her while she is fighting for our world with all of her life and chooses to put only that before her.
Sometimes I wish I was the weirdo artist that is making beautiful, ethereal, surrealistic art which really no one understands but herself and everyone is waiting on her newest creation with a ton of cash and a whole shitload of love in their heart.
Sometimes I wish I was the childless mid-life woman living in the woods on her own with only the nature outside and her two cats to keep her company who reads the classics, smokes cigs like they are going out of fashion and drinks red wine like it’s going to keep her living forever.
Sometimes I wish I was the fierce dominatrix that makes men weak at their knees while they keep her bank account nice and fat and has so much money that she can take half of the year off and travel the world.
Sometimes I wish I wasn’t who I am now.

But then I take a moment to feel within myself what it is that I really want.

And not too long afterwards, I realize that I want to be me.

I want to be me.

And no one else.

Because of all the people I could be, I chose to be me.

And I will always choose to be me.


Photo taken by @chiarazoe

BIG love,



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Very thought provoking, i think i need to put together my own list of things and the person id like to aspire to

This is very disappointing. I thought you WERE a Dominatrix making men weak in the knees. I have to totally change my expectations of you Ashley.... this is mind altering!


Of course we all think about, and dare I say daydream about being something we aren't. But sometimes we are daydreaming about things we could one day be. You could be many, if not all of these things at one point or another in your life, all while maintaining the you that makes the most sense to you.

Figuring out which daydreams are just whispy thoughts and fantasies versus which are attainable goals is part of the path of self discovery. In the end, You Do You, and decide which of those goals you really want to become/achieve.

Greatness lives in all of us, we but need to reach down and find it!

hahahahaaaa .... after reading it at the end I am happy because the election to be yourself ... a passionate writing. thanks @ashley kalila

There can never be a better version of you aside from you yourself


Good morning from the PH @ashleykalila

Some times I get the feeling, she's watchin over me, sometimes I feel that I should go... Through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets
When you're gone we want you all to know!


somehow the title of this post made me want to sing that...CX

That post catches me at a bad place. So even though I should say I agree [and at another time, I certainly would], I don't. I am tired being me to be honest. Ok, I wouldn't choose the grandma option ahaha.... but one of the rest, it wouldn't be bad...

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