Everyone is searching for Utopia on the web but we keep getting let down.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

FIVE  SHORT STORIES of how social media platforms let me down and woke me up to the reality, that the dream of utopia on the web, is probably unattainable.

01 STORY ONE: Too late, I was caught by Click-bait

Every single day a friend of mine kept posting dozens of links to articles related to all sort of different subjects.
I would open them, read through them and then comment on them.
In response to my comment, my friend would click  Like

One day one of these linked articles (he posted) was telling of something that was the very
opposite of what my friend stood for/believed in.

Later I visited him at his house I asked him about this:
"I was surprised you posted that article today considering that you are against such things"

His response surprised me:
"Which article was that. Oh yeah I have a vague recollection that I posted that. You know Arthur I did not actually read it, I just posted it based on the title".   He explained

 "WHAT!  You mean you did not read the article yourself and yet you still posted it?"
Was how I reacted to this statement. 

My friend just laughed and said: "Yeah I hardly ever read any one them" 

"Do you mean to tell me that you post these articles not knowing anything about them and yet here I am bothering to read them simply because it was you who posted them?
Why are you doing this?  
I asked, somewhat in a raised voice,

"I don not really know. It´s no big deal, I mean everyone does it".  Was his flippant response.
I was horrified.
This experience lead me to understand the phenomenon known as "clickbait".

Question to myself: Why are people doing this?

2 STORY TWO:  I committed the Crime of  Using Too Much Time

I have never been a blogger but I have always had my own opinions on things and I like to get involved in a discussion in order to learn and grow/expand my knowledge.

So I began posting blogs on Facebook and making short documentary films
(of which were about 15. 20 minutes long).
I would spend a great deal of time and effort on these blogs/films and my only wish was to share information in order to begin a discussion. 
However I usually only got one or two Likes and the rare odd comment. 

I spoke to friends about this and they basically told me that people are just too busy.
"Keep comments short and make your films no less than one minute long."  I was told.

So I tried an experiment to see if this was true. 

I made a series of films that were exactly one minute long to see what impact/effect,
if any, they would have.
Result:  They were hugely successful...in that they got lots of likes.
There were also lots of comments such as "great" - "wonderful"- "excellent". 

Question to myself: Why was I NOT happy about this?

03 STORY THREE: Bubble Trouble

One day a woman, sent me a friend  request after seeing one of my replies. So I clicked yes.

This woman was basically using her FBook page to preaching that the US Govt was a puppet to the secret shadow Govt. She was also a big Jill Stein supporter.
On the whole I agreed with much of what she was saying and it seemed that perhaps I had made a new friend

But then one day she posted something I vehemently disagreed with.
In response I wrote my opposing view. 

Some discussion began and at first it was calm and logical.
But then I must have hit a nerve because suddenly she she became angry.  
Basically her stance was that she was right because of the number of followers who agreed with her.
I explained that Facebook was very good at sending people to us that agree with us.
This angered her enormously and I was told to "back off".

The next day she told me that she her FaceBook page was going to change the world because she was a visionary.
This surprised me and I stated that in my view all she was actually doing was the same as my friend, as in, posting other peoples articles/work that fitted in with her own view.
And that in fact she did not actually create anything that was of her own making at all.
In her own eyes she was spreading news that would eventually "wake the world up".

Again I pressed my point (delicately) saying that he was simply preaching to the converted and the comments she got back simply re-affirmed her belief that she was a visionary.
Once again I was told to;  "back off"

It was then I realized the power of the Facebook algorithms. 
FBook had done an extremely good job at putting this lady firmly inside a bubble.
FBook was constantly sending her people who believed in the same things as her .
Over a period of time she became surrounded by hundreds of people who all agreed with what she believed.
She openly told me that the moment anyone challenges her view, as I did,
she simply unfriends them.

The next day, this lady visionary told me that she kept the "real world"  very separate from her FaceBook world.

Quote: "When I visit my friends at a social dinner party I never talk about the subjects/topics I do with my FB friends. If I did they would soon stop inviting me"

This concept was totally alien to me.
I am the same person in the real world as I am and on the web and I don not really know how else to be. 

Finally I suggested to this lady that perhaps she should consider the possibility that Facebook makes it so that people are actually happy inside their self created bubble. In that it creates a perfect prison that people are happy to be trapped in.
She unfriended me.

Question to myself: Can there come to point were people become permanently trapped inside these algorithm bubbles?

04 STORY FOUR: Jake the Fake

During the time of the Trump/Clinton Campaign, I made friends with a guy who was a huge Trump supporter.
Now I will be honest with you, I very quickly began to like this guy.
Not because he was Trump supporter, but because he seemed honest, passionate about his beliefs and was open to learn new things. 

I very quickly and found myself communicating with him more and more and thought that I had finally made a real friend on FBook. A friend that was no a neighbor or someone from my college days. 

Then at the end of the US election, after Trump had won, this guy then suddenly confessed that he was not who he said he was in that he was using a fake Id.
Apparently he had been using the FB account of an ex girlfriend of his and the reason why he did this was that he wanted to promote Trump secretly. 

He explained that he had to keep his identity a secret from his work mates as most of them were against Trump.
But now that Trump had won he wanted to come out and use his real Id. 

So he sent me a message on the private messenger telling me who he really was, which was Jake.
To be honest I was stunned to say the least.
Perhaps I was naive but I felt cheated.
Almost instantly I found myself distancing myself from the guy.
It´s not that I intentionally made a decision to do this, it was more an instinctive reaction that I could not control.
I found that I just could not relate to the guy anymore.
I felt I did not really know who he was.
Within a couple of weeks we stopped communicating and drifted apart.
We have never spoken since.

Question to myself: What has caused the situation on the web that we need to use a fake Id

05 STORY Five: MAID Unwelcome.

Three years ago I heard about the MAIDSAFE network.
The idea of a new peer-to-peer internet was pure genius and it seemed an admirable project so I immediately joined.
Very few people know that the MAID-crypto-coin was invented 5 years before Bitcoin.

Anyway, I also joined the MAID forum.

I went onto the "introduce yourself"  section and wrote a short introduction of myself and then went on to write a long piece saying how great I thought the MAID project was.

Guess what happened?

A moderator banned me from the forum for one day saying that I was only allowed to write about myself in the intoduce yourself section/tag and not anything else.

SO here I was BANNED after being a member for only 20 minutes.

The next day I received a personal message from David Irvine (the creator of MAID himself) apologizing for this and even responded saying that what I wrote was very inspiring.
I still have that message today.
Somewhat hurt by this I proceeded to try writing on another tag.
This time being very careful not to go into the wrong section.
I wrote another positive piece saying how MAID could be a great place for Artists/writers.

The response was just as shocking;
"At the moment MAID is only for coders so my advice to you is to come back in a  few years time"

I never went back.

Question to myself:  Can there ever be a a utopian place on the web?

Thank you for visiting my blog and I wish you a warm welcome back next time


Having a moment of quiet reflection here, as it seems we have traveled to the same (or similar) corners of the web, in the course of our lives. I somehow "know" each of these events/characters.

I'm not sure about Utopia, for whose utopia would it be? "One man's heaven is another man's hell," and all that rot. At this point, I just value authenticity, in whatever form of expression it comes... which is why I read your contributions, and those of similar creative spirits.

Maybe, that's what we're looking for: Authenticity.

That means we get to do our own thing, and make our own choices. Indeed, Steemit may offer us a framework for that. I'm reminded of that story of companions and artists Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz, in which Stieglitz suggested to O'Keeffe that she should stop painting "for others" and start painting "for herself." As the story goes, O'Keeffe's talent started to be truly appreciated once she adopted the "for myself" approach.

Thanks for a thoughtful and meaningful post. For me, this is what "quality content" is all about.

I agree 100% about the Authenticity, absolutely.
The Utopia came from a reaction to watching the documentary masterpiece Hypernornalization - by Adam Curtis -
I have been a big fan of his work for decades.
In my view he is the Picasso of our age and it was his work that "woke me up" to what is really going on in the world.
It is simply not possible to watch his work without being changed and having your mind blown apart. Once you have seen his work there is no going back.

Anyway he talked about when the internet began that there began a movement from intelligent hippy types to claim the internet space as the new utopia away from the political madness and corporate power.
But instead the utopian dream has become the very opposite.

Hey thanks my friend. Quality feedback as usual.

The only afterthought I have is that any Utopia-- or community with utopic leanings-- perhaps has at its heart a sense of patience. Too much is destroyed by the "group rush" to discover the next great thing. Recently, there is much talk about Steemit and getting an influx of new members, and marketing, etc. Well, perhaps the real "secret" (to the degree there is such a thing) is to have patience and allow for this "garden" in a measured "organic" way through peer-to-peer referrals, not through a mass marketing effort.

Amazing you say that my friend I also had that thought some time ago.
Incredible how we think in similar ways lol! or is it merely logic coming to the front of our minds naturally.
The example I used was the film "The Shawshank Redemption" - it never got a single award nomination, it barely broke even in money, and yet gradually over time people told each other about it until it came to be regarded as one of the greatest films ever made.

Great points.

"WHAT! You mean you did not read the article yourself and yet you still posted it?"

I read a study somewhere that asked people how often they actually read an article before they shared it. I don't remember the exact figures but the majority of people admitted that they only read the title and nothing more.

I think the lack of time is the major issue, or at least the perception of lack of time.

People have been taught that everything can be summed up into a headline and they have been trained to have short attention spans.

Just look at the accelerating cuts in movies and TV shows. It is the only way to keep many people's attentions.

I explained that Facebook was very good at sending people to us that agree with us.

I think this whole bubble thing is a huge problem for modern society. It plays into our own egos and to be honest I don't think anyone is truly immune to this sort of deception because it is something we use by nature. The fact that the modern world (through algorithms and the like) has tapped into it to such a degree is increasing polarisation and division.

"At the moment MAID is only for coders so my advice to you is to come back in a few years time"

That is both sad and also not surprising.


Great response as usual my friend.
It just feel that it is so sad we cant seem to find a way of getting the balance right.
My last big hope is that Steemit can at least make a step closer to this utopian dream.
A friend once told me that if I wanted to attain happiness I should:
Write the books I want to read
Make the films I want to watch
Paint the paintings I would like to look at
and create the place I want to live
In that spirit we should all try to make Steemit into the platform we all want it to be. The place that is missing on the internet.
I know life can never be perfect, but the way I see it, with Steemit still in beta we have the best possible chance there has ever been to make something that can be a light of hope in the sea of disappointment and despair we have experience at one time or other on the web.

Write the books I want to read
Make the films I want to watch
Paint the paintings I would like to look at
and create the place I want to live

That is actually excellent advice. Too often we sit about just complaining about things instead of actually taking action. Even if you don't succeed your example might inspire someone else to do it.

I know life can never be perfect, but the way I see it, with Steemit still in beta we have the best possible chance there has ever been to make something that can be a light of hope in the sea of disappointment and despair we have experience at one time or other on the web.

Exactly and those of us who have seen the ups and downs in other places have not given up on Steemit.

Look at DASH right now - there was a time a while back when people were saying it was dead.

The thing is none of us can foretell the future. All we can do is everything that is in our power to make it happen.

If we succeed then it is fantastic.

If we don't then at least we have tried and we have (hopefully) learned new skills and knowledge that will help us in our future endeavours.

Either way we have gained something and grown.

If we sit around on our arses complaining all day but do nothing about it then we are dependent on other people to control our destinies and it will likely never happen.

I agree with 100% my friend. You put it perfectly.
I for one have not given up on Steemit, not by a long shot.
Whats that old saying I have not heard for a while;
When the going gets tough the tough get going.

Actually my friend I see so many positive things on Steemit that seem to go unnoticed. Perhaps I will write a blog on them.
In the meantime, personally I am loving my time on this platform.
I cant ever remember ever being on a social media platform where I have come in contact with so many fascinating folk.
Cheers @thecryptofiend

i actually DO read the stories i post, lol! of course, im a huge reader anyway, and ive always been big on reading to learn new things, so that may have a lot to do with it....

Good to hear @steemgirl please dont change!

Soul_Eater_43 The Cryptofiend tweeted @ 12 Mar 2017 - 14:58 UTC

Everyone is searching for #Utopia on the #web but we keep getting let down. — @Steemit

steemit.com/life/@arthurad… / https://t.co/nGJoj9jaLp

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I started to read your comment but it was over 140 characters so I moved on.



Excellent examples of social media failing at what it was designed for. Things have become too commercial and fake on the big platforms. I've given up on them. I'm rooting for Steemit.

Well said, I agree with you 100% @bunypuncher
I too am rooting for Steemit no other social media platform comes close in my view.
Cheers for the response

Great topic. To be honest I have been working why I have been gravitating towards blogging and social media lately. My real life is quite busy and I have wonderful friends and family to interact with. I was starting to believe that having some safe space online was just a way to avoid dealing with stress in my daily life.

Your post makes me wonder I am just looking for utopia on the web. An opportunity to build the world I accurately want to be surrounded by.

I have my own theory why this online utopia is so hard to find. I feel like I am much closer this happy place when I feel good. In times of stress even social media is stressful. In a way finding utopia within me made me enjoy steemit much more. :)

Hi @sumsum
In my humble opinion I think that Steemit is by far the best Social media platform I have ever tried.
I am someone who prefers to hear hard truth and real opinions.
Money has a way of doing this with human beings.

"Money does not change people, it reveals them" - Henry Ford.

I find this to be so true.
In other words, imagine you suddenly won a lot of money, if you were a nice person before then you would stay a nice person after you won.
However, if you are a nasty person, then this is usually kept hidden, but then if you had money that nasty secret is usually let out.
I have seen this a lot on this platform and it comforts me to see that it is on the hole the genuine people who flourish.
This is why I knew you would do well here on Steemit.
Your honest personality shines out like sunshine.

I know there are problems on Steemit at the moment but dont be too concerned. People have forgot that we are still in beta (still testing)
Steemit is so new and so unique, that no one really knew what would happen when they started it. As time has gone by certain things have come up that have revealed that the system is not quite working as we thought. The whales are trying to address this and this tells me that they actually care about the platform. It would be far worse if they did not care.

As regards to you looking for utopia as I feel we all are in our own way, if you will allow me to give my opinion?
I think it is simply that you have a natural sociable personality who likes to share her inner joy. When we share things it multiplies it.
Therefore, if you feel happy, and then you share that happiness with ten others, then you feel ten times happier.
By blogging and sharing your poems you feel fulfilled due to sharing.
It is a kind of spiritual communication as well as being emotional therapy at the same time.
Nice to hear from you!

Thank you so much for your very kind words. So many warm emotions are activated in me due to your comments. Makes me smile.

Quote: "When I visit my friends at a social dinner party I never talk about the subjects/topics I do with my FB friends. If I did they would soon stop inviting me"

Nailed it.

People are pretty much fake as far as the masses go. Fake people, fake friends, fake dreams and goals.... etc.

I think this will be one of the best posts of the day and I hope a ton of people read even half of what you took time on today, to post.

We have an ADD in the economy of our times-- everything has to be done in under 140 characters or use a meme, also things you covered.

Great post AA.

Thank you so much my good friend.
That means a lot to me to hear such praise from someone I admire and and have a great deal of respect for.
I did not really plan to do the post actually, it was more that it just sort of came out.
I was thinking about some of these experiences and I started writing them down. to see if they made more sense.
In the end I thought I would just post it and see if anyone related to any of what I was saying.
Thanks again Barry!

It will sound funny.... but when you posted first on here, and I noticed you, it was for your art.

It was not long after that now when I see your name or your posts, I really have learned so much more from you and about you.... art is actually NOT what first comes to mind about you, with so many things we have discussed and your articulation on so many things.

I know what you DO is art...... but you have become so much more than that to me and I appreciate it all.

Artsy people may not take that as a compliment..... but I honestly kinda mean it as one..... there are so many layers to you man.

I guess.....in a way, that is what good art is about too. Like an onion.

I do not exactly know how to respond to that other than I must take it as the huge compliment in which it is given and so I thank you for it sincerely.
Barry you humble me.

Your reward for being in Promoted is an upvote and 0.008 SBD extra promotion.
Good job, keep your contents promoted! :)

Everyone is searching for Utopia on the web but we keep getting let down

Actually, not everyone. Your expectations were simply too high. But your stories are very useful and informative. Big upvote.

Yeah you make a good point there. Of course it is impossible that "everyone" can be doing the same thing. And I also this term is used too easily/loosly.
If I am honest, the post was a bit of a knee jerk reaction.
I was lying in bed waking up and some memories of these experiences were floating around in my head.
I was trying to make sense of them and so I just started writing them down to see if that helped.
And then I just thought to myself - I wonder if anyone can relate to any of this. I guess I did not think carefully enough about the title. And I totally agree with you on that point. In fact I an usually someone who picks up on such points myself.
All I can say is I think I was perhaps a little emotional when I wrote it.
I hope you can forgive me for that but in any case I appreciate your honesty.
With regards to have high expectations you are right on the button there too. I guess I do have high expectations for the human race it has always been a weakness of mine.
Thanks for the feedback @lighteye

I do not feel your expectations are too high. I say keep your expectations high. If you aim too low, you will never know greatness because you will never have tried.

Excellent point, well said.

PS if you get time to link me to that podcast and approx. time we discussed, it would be nice for me.

TY my friend

No worries, I have it firmly in my mind.
I will let you know as soon as it comes out.

I always enjoy reading your posts , they are well written. Can people handle the reality of Utopia? It seems a nice idea, but things go a bit 'Lord of the Flies' and turn dystopian.

Yes exactly. <
It seems so sad that this always seems to happen.
Perhaps one day we can find a good balance.
I have not given up hope on Steemit though.
It still is in Beta after all and it is the only social media platform ever created where our opinion matters.
Thanks @ophelia, always nice to get a comment from you.

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