Ever wondered why…?

in #life6 years ago

We came to this earth? Just to experience earth life? Is it to learn something? And prove our worth? What?


`Consider the lilies of the field’:

We are forever learning something: 

  • Ever since babyhood, we’ve been watching and learning things. Little things at first. Like how to drink, eat, walk and talk. Things we now consider unimportant because they’re things that come so naturally. Unconsciously we do them. So what, you may ask?! 
  • All that time as a small child, we were on a learning curve. The world was one big adventure. So many things to seek out. Touch and play with. Such fun wasn’t it? Other things were painful though. Hurt or burnt if you touched them! You learnt so much through each experience, even by making mistakes. Isn’t that so? 

Creation’s profoundness!

I remember as a pre-school child, about four years old, looking out at the wilds of Africa’s nature. We had just moved home out into the country. As I looked around at the surrounding bush, I was astounded by the intricate filigree assembly and configurations of flora and fauna.  

Tiny birds that sang so beautifully! Butterflies that hovered so gracefully… They could stay up in the air, un-supported by anything or anyone! Amazing to any small child… 

It was then that I realized, my dear mother couldn’t make all that. Yes she could cook my food, make and tuck me in my bed, etc.  

But... the complexity and vastness out there in the bush?! Nooo…! There must have been someone much more able and far more intelligent to have created all that!! 

Earthly experience:

God’s power is so great. Considering how he created the whole world and the universe. The treasures of the earth he provided for our benefit. We just have to learn how to use it properly. 

  • We left our heavenly home and were sent here, like we were sent out to boarding school! 
  • Step by step, precept by precept, we can gather information. Some of us learning quicker than others, because they’re excited and eager about learning new stuff. 

Been excited about learning:

When God sees our efforts, He is only too pleased to help us with more, by sowing more seeds of knowledge and truth in our hearts. Seed by seed, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little! 

It’s what you’re doing with it that counts!

Knowledge on its own… is of no use… unless it’s used! 

        It’s like the talent story in the scriptures:  Matthew 15:14-30. 

What we learn helps to build our talents, if we work at improving our skills and willing to share our knowledge. 

  • You can’t profit from something, unless you’re building upon a strong formation of knowledge. 
  • If you hold tightly to things it soon poisons you with pride, meanness and selfishness.  

Just as… 

A tree can’t grow and give fruit, unless it is cultivated and watered regularly. 

And if you have a lot of fruit, you can’t eat it all by yourself! You have to give some of your fruit away. 

  • When we gratefully give and share our `talent wealth’, that’s when God blesses us with more and more talent seeds.  

The more you give, the more you receive. That is how the universal law of giving and receiving works. 

And how the internet works too… The more you help others, make them laugh, etc., the more your website and blogs trend. 


Very touching! A great gift of God and must be grateful. Nature is a great source of learning and offers tremendous benefits to those who understand it.

I think, nature is home. And, home can be anywhere as long as we feel comfortable and grateful.

Nature always offers goodness like food that spans across the universe and we can learn a lot from this one God's grace.

I love what you said. As an artist I learnt a lot more from Nature than from art books.
First the difference of green tints and shades of colour. Then, especially the haloes and rim-lights created by back lighting. Not just silhouettes at sunset, but also the darkening of sky colour within foliage pinholes, as trees stand against the brightness of the sky.
And while painting out on location doing fieldwork, enjoying the call and twitter of birds, pretty butterflies fluttering by and bees humming happily from flower to wild flower. Things like that... so good for the soul.

Dear Madam,
The Art Guru, you are not only an Art Guru but a mentor of Life and it's values, every stanza has a magnificent message of God's Power.
A complete story of a little bud to it's journey of becoming a flower and every aspect you touched dear it's the beauty of your mastery which is in your heart and mind and all the experience we witness is very beautiful.
We are here for a special work and it's a gift of God that we are here to learn and play our role.
Thank you dear Mam.

Yes. Ever since I was a young child I felt I had a mission to work out in this life. Never knew what it was. Then after my children grew up, I realize just been a mother is a very important job. I may be challenging at times, but now I see what my children have become. That makes me very proud of them.
So no matter how small the part you play in this life, it does count.

Very good evening dear Mam, your thoughts and expression of feelings are so amazing.

Sorry my blog was posted so late today. The electricity was out again today!

I agree with you, we must keep learning to be better.
Thanks @artguru

Even old people these days have to learn new things, because technology is advancing so quickly.

Nice writings. I bet you can right a book on this topic. The world's a place full of knowledge and we are here to learn. The process of learning starts when we are born and then continues till our departure from the world. We can live here by learning new things and sharing the knowledge with others. We should be following the conduct of giving and taking. Loved the article.

We coming to earth to make better future for the next generation

But do the next generation really learn anything from their forefathers?

Yes 100 % , Learning from where doesn't matter , But learning yes , from the people who are not alive but their words oscillates and keep on increasing the parameter of our brain. The whole consciousness is developed in this way (by learning from old soul). Technology is byproduct of consciousness state. Newton was enough aware so that he could develop the wonder gravitational theory and many people like him . They have proved technology or innovation is byproduct of awareness.

Learning forever.:-)

Why are we here?
It's really an interesting question!
If we just see ourselves, we are just here for us, we are working hard to get some money for us, we are working hard to earn money to buy a house, car, food etc!
But in my point of view, This is not the real purpose of our life,
The real purpose of our life is to help other,
No matter how small, You Never know your small help will do the bigger thing for others who are in need of your help.
Never hurt anyone, Anyone, remains down to earth personality, nowadays we are not talking to those who are poor in a good manner, I'm not talking about everyone, but there are some people whom I know are not with the poor people. Hopefully, you are understanding what i'm trying to say, live your life for other :)
Thank you @artguru


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Of course, you are right. I appreciate you. Thanks, @artguru

Nature has so much to teach us. It pays to be more observant and listen careful to whats happening around us.

Very well written Article @artguru. Brilliant writing and creativity. You are very much right,we are in aprocess of learning. Everyday we lesrn something new and innovative. The world is an adventure and eveey day we experience something from it. Well the law of living as you said is sharing. Giving a hand and taking a hand. Thats how it goes. Thanks for the article.love your views.

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