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RE: Mindfulness

in #life7 years ago

Yes mindfulness. I have noticed when completely in the moment, things physically look different to me.
I like to think of it as meeting the moment, the way you meet a new person. Yeah you have met people before, but not this person. You might have been in a similar situation, but not this exact situation. The conditions have never been exactly as they are now. That thought alone makes me more open to all that is around me.
Things get easier. You start to see yourself more.

As far as the technology goes, it is a tool like anything else. How it is used says more about the user than the tool. It has the potential for great learning or time burning. It's the users choice.


It is amazing how much more there is to the world, us our lives when we are being mindful. Yes, things do become easier, when we become aware of how often we are blocking ourselves.

Yes, tools are great servants, but terrible masters.

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