Do you have Dream Questions? I'll answer/interpret in the comments section!

in #life7 years ago

Hey Steemit Friends, I want to try something new!

Some of you know that I'm a dream interpreter. Some may not know I recently decided to go full steam ahead (pun intended) to turn it into a business. It's a stepping stone to other services I will eventually offer but do not yet. So I had an idea...

What if I become the Steemit Dream Analyst!?! That means you guys can give me your dreams right here on steemit and I'll interpret them, right here on steemit! It's an experiment that could serve all of us well, so why not!! Let's try it!!


Dreams will showcase and give advice for your life purpose, health, relationships, career and more. It's the highest guidance there is and I use the Michael Sheridan Method of Dream Interpretation (and some channeling) to unlock the meaning of each dream.

🙂Wanna see a nice testimonial a co-worker/friend wrote for me? 🙂

"I was skeptical about dream interpretation. I'm not a woo-woo type. April very gently educated me on dream interpretation, what it is and what it is not. It is NOT woo woo magic. It's simply our subconscious, our inner self, talking to us. Still I would be lying if I said I was 100% convinced.

So I decided to test her talent.

I gave her a dream from five years ago (when I kept a detailed dream journal), but didn't tell her it was from the past.

No need to go into all the details, but there are two which showcase her talent. She told me to go to the doctor something was very wrong with my health. Again, she didn't know the dream was from 5 years before. A year after that dream journal entry I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer! Had it been a real time interpretation, I might have discovered the cancer sooner.

Second, she said my dream indicated I was struggling with my faith. This point made me feel almost violated. Why? Because she was right, but that information was a secret in the inner sanctum of my heart, both at the time and since. Not a single person on this planet knew of my struggle. Just me and God.

April is thorough, compassionate, and best of all confidential! I can't stress enough how having a dream interpreted well is so much like letting someone peek into your secret places. Places you work long and hard to build walls around, or even places you don't know you have.

Try it. You will NOT be disappointed!"

So there you have it. I'm pretty good at this. 😉

I'm excited to see how interested the community is in doing this with me. I'm aware that this might not be the best platform for confidentiality, if that is a concern for any reader, but if your dream is of a highly sensitive nature I would ask you for a private email to which I could send the interpretation in private.


Please feel free to RESTEEM this post so other people know that this is an option and can join in! I might make this a weekly feature if it seems well received.

So, ask questions! Post full dreams! Sky's the limit.


This is one I wrote down, and I'll tell you why after you give me your interpretation. I felt it very important that I write it down.

I'm in a pocket universe of some sort, which only contains a house and a yard that can be seen out the windows. There is no one living in the house. It's kind of an old-fashioned clapboard house, but it has modern amenities. I'm in the living room alone, looking out the window at the yard, and it's pretty, with bright green grass and a few trees, but it's impossible to see beyond the yard, because that is the edge of that particular universe.

I hear a noise behind me, as I'm kneeling on the red couch, looking out the window glass to the yard (which has a couple of headstones in it, incidentally), and I turn to see a transparent black cat walk across the room and disappear into the wall on the opposite end of the room from me. At this point, I'm feeling kind of isolated in this strange place, and I call out to my companion, a man named Sam. Now, I don't know anyone named Sam in real life. I DID fall asleep watching Quantum Leap that night, where the main character's name is Sam, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Anyway, I'm calling out for Sam, and he calls back to me, saying he's down the hall. I leave the living room and walk down the narrow hall, with a few closed doors on either side of it. The one open door is to a bathroom, and I go in, where I find Sam taking a bath. I kneel down beside him, and he smiles at me. He tells me we are safe where we are for the time being, but will have to leave eventually, because in time, "they" will find us. Apparently, there are bad forces looking for us. I ask him if he loves me, and he says yes. I tell him I love him. And, in that moment, I feel incredibly loved. A tremendous, deep feeling of pure love permeates the dream (I have dreams with this intense feeling of perfect love in them quite often, actually, and I never want to wake up and leave that feeling when I do. It's so intense and perfect as to be challenging to describe.)

That's the gist of the dream, except for one thing. Sam is an angel. I didn't know it until I saw him in the bathtub, but in that moment, I realized I always knew, and he was my companion and the one who kept me safe, almost like a boyfriend, but maybe not quite that.

Anyway, it was a pretty amazing dream.

Your thoughts?

🌟I'll work on this one. 🌟

This is an amazing dream and worthy of a separate interpretation post!

Oh my! I am VERY curious to hear your interpretation.

@aprilangel is the expert, tends to be right on with these thought, especially with that much info.

I'll be watching for the interpretation. I'm very curious as to what it means. It was incredibly vivid, and stayed with me afterward for a long time, and I wrote it down because I thought it might be important.

Okay, Steph - This is what I got:

The first rule of dream analysis is that everything in the dream is you or some aspect of yourself so that is the how we’ll be interpreting these symbols. The small universe that only affords you a view of the house and the yard was your soul's perspective upon being born on Earth. Your expanded awareness was shrunk down and, as we see, this isn’t the first symbol that suggests a feeling or view that you were alone or had a limited viewpoint (Where were the neighbors, why is this all that there is, why can’t you see past the yard? Because you are limited to the experience of your body “house”.). The old-fashioned nature of the house is another indicator that we are looking into your past. The fact that it was empty suggests that you aren’t always present in your body and the headstones may be a pun suggesting that you are in your head instead.

The living room and bright green grass represents your heart and emotions and here we see that you were alone (or felt alone in the past). This dream is now going to be focusing on heart and how it was affected by your past feelings of isolation and abandonment. The red couch is a symbol that represents joy, passion and sexuality and is the color of the base chakra. The base chakra is also the first one to be developed in infancy. A healthy root chakra will allow us to feel safe in our bodies and on this planet. Feeling alone and abandoned (by mother usually) will affect the development of this chakra and the imbalance will follow us into adulthood and adolescence. Feeling like we aren’t safe or having many scarcity fears is a symptom of this.

Looking out of the “window glass” indicates that you have a strong connection to your higher self. You have a good intuition and can get good inner guidance. Many times our connection to the deepest and highest parts of ourself can be hindered by issues with the heart or other chakras and so dreams will be encouraging us to heal ourselves so we can strengthen our connection.

Cats can represent guilt or the stomach and often the two can be connected. The black color shows that fear and anxiety has a negative effect on your stomach and digestion. The wall represents the walls you have built around your heart to keep others out (and yourself “safe” within). Being that this is all connected to early childhood I can see that you developed a pattern of suppressing your feelings back then. Chances are that you may not even know you aren’t feeling all of the feelings you could, should you choose to be open and vulnerable with your feelings life would feel totally different.

Sam, you are right, is your guide/guardian angel. How beautiful that you were able to connect to him this way. The fact that he was in the bathroom and in the tub was symbolically showing you that you need to cleanse and eliminate these patterns (right/wrong thinking and suppressing feelings). He was showing you by example what you need to do - cleanse. The feeling of bad forces coming for you is simply the anxiety you picked up in childhood where you never knew when you would be corrected or reprimanded for something you “should” or “shouldn’t” have done. This is what needs cleansed/eliminated. Sam, by giving you love, was showing you how loved you truly are on the soul level (by him and all) and also this was healing for your spirit. This feeling of unconditional love was not present on a normal basis when you were young and this dream was giving you a little bit of healing energy to help you move forward and learn to love yourself. When you love yourself completely, life feels joyful and you have passion and we trust ourselves and have confidence and self esteem. I bet you woke up feeling wonderful after that, because you truly did receive healing. But Sam is right - you can’t stay in this old, outdated way of viewing yourself and the world much longer. You’re going to have to start addressing these issues and reinstate your worthiness to yourself.

Wow. That is really amazing. There are definitely some spot-on things there. I've always been tight with my mom and brother, but when I was really little, my mom would take me to stay at my great-grandmother's house pretty regularly, and I never wanted to go home (this was before my brother was born). It wasn't because of her, it was because my dad was there, and I didn't trust him from a young age. He was mean, and liked to do things to make me scream or cry because he thought it was funny, and I didn't like how he treated my mom, either (emotionally abusive). My mom always said she couldn't do anything to protect me from his emotional abuse toward me because he was bigger and stronger than her, and she had no money of her own to leave. I stayed at my great-grandma's for two weeks once, because my mom wanted to see how long it would be until I asked to come home, and I never asked, so she eventually made me come back. I think I was four or five years old at the time. Everyone in my family loved staying at my great-grandmother's house. We all talk about how her house is still our collective "happy place" in our minds, because it was a place of unconditional love. One of my cousins used to hide when her dad came to pick her up from my great-grandma's house, because she didn't want to leave. No one did.

As for anxiety, I definitely have that. I was developing OCD when I was seven, and had it full-blown when I was eleven, had my first panic attack when I was twenty-five, and have been on medication for it for the past eight years. But, I'm not the only one. My brother also has OCD, but less severe than me, and my grandmother and my mother both have also been on anxiety medication for years. My grandmother was on it for about thirty-five years until she died in 2012, and my mom and I are still on it....all three of us have tried to get off, but it's so hard, I don't know how anyone does it. The withdrawal symptoms are worse than what they put you on the medication for in the first place.

I soothe myself to sleep most nights lately by imagining taking my cats, driving as far as two or three tanks of gas will take me, and starting a new life under a new name there. I'm in a marriage I feel trapped in, partly for financial reasons, partly because he has mental issues and needs someone to take care of him, and partly because we're in the middle of adopting a kid together, and since I can't have kids naturally because of autoimmune issues, this may be my only chance at a kid (though, now that we're actually only a few weeks away from finalizing it, he's acting like he wants to back's easy for him, because he already has four grown kids and five grandkids). He's older than me by a bit....he's like a ball and chain around my ankle. I've wanted to leave him for years, just like my mom wanted to leave my dad. She finally did after nearly twenty-four years of marriage. I've been married for twenty-one. We both married young to men significantly older than us. The only difference was my dad didn't have any other kids when he married my mom, and my husband did.

I do have these dreams of feeling such pure, unconditional love often, and they seem more real than this world and this life, and I always want to stay in them, and just be in that love all the time.

Okay, now, a good thing I did with this dream, which I had about three years ago, but wrote down in all its detail....I've wanted to be a novelist since high school. My writing was nurtured from the time I was in elementary school, and I won numerous awards or my writing in school, and even a creative writing scholarship. But, I started writing so many novels over the years, and gave up on them halfway though or sooner, usually because I didn't feel like I was connecting with the characters. I didn't feel them for who they really were.

Well, when I had this dream about Sam in the pocket universe, it inspired me, more than anything ever has, and I WROTE A NOVEL based on that dream. I wrote an entire novel of nearly 100,000 words and published it. The male main character in it is an angel named Sam, and the female main character is a human named Lucy, who is really an avatar for me, except she has superpowers. Then, I wrote a sequel, even longer than the first book. And, right now, I'm working on the third book in that series, and writing a time travel novel at the same time. That dream inspired me to actually get off my ass and write that novel I've been trying to write since high school, and I've written more than one since then, and I've just kept going. Once I finished the first one, finishing a whole novel didn't seem as daunting as it used to. The dream is actually slated to be a scene in the third book in the series.

The first two books are called Earth Angel, and Angel on My Shoulder. The third one I'm working on now is called Angels in Flight.

While I've still got personal issues I need to deal with, that dream inspired me, and helped me finally achieve my long-time ambition, and become what I've known I wanted to be since high school....a published novelist.

Thank you so much for the interpretation. You are awesome. I appreciate it so much. Blessings.

Okay, so I was a little off then and should have attributed the issues that were presented in your dream to father. To be honest, since the only other 'human' in the dream was a man I was very tempted to - safety, protection and acceptance are what we need from our fathers in early childhood - but heart issues (unconditional love) are usually attributed to mother since she is meant to model that for us. Here, we see that you couldn't trust dad or mom to protect you. Ouch.

Dad definitely wasn't the protector and mom felt powerless. Since this was modeled to you in childhood this is what you are meant to 'break though' now. The dream is saying that anxiety itself isn't exactly hereditary (meaning, it's not something you just have to live with). The anxiety came from not feeling safe in your own home and carrying that fear with you instead of leaving it in childhood when you grew up and became "empowered". There is a belief pattern ingrained in you from your parents which now must be unwritten. You'll have to be stronger than your mother and shake your nervous system from the influence of your father.

I can't give you advice in your marriage but I identify with almost everything in your dream and also your feelings of being trapped in a relationship (been there too). This is a very un-elivening feeling (how wonderful that you've been writing!!). Sometimes our fate is not to stay unhappy forever. Sometimes the situation is bad so that we WILL choose to leave and honor ourselves (Earth is designed for learning by contrast. We develop courage by feeling fear. Self-love from isolation etc). In fact, most of life's lessons revolve around learning self-love, self-trust and honoring ones heart. The heart will want one thing, but the head will tell us all of the reasons it's a terrible idea. A good male/female, head/heart balance within will see the heart have a desire...and then the head will figure out how to move forward with that desire (instead of shooting it down - something we learn to do to ourselves in childhood).

I'm glad that analysis was helpful. Your books sound fascinating! Writing is a spiritual gift that often shows up in dreams (many times if people SHOULD be using their gift but aren't). I'm happy to hear that you are in touch with yours.

Maybe someday you'll write a memoir? :)

Maybe I will. :) Thank you so much for your interpretation, and your follow-up post. It all makes so much sense to me, and the powers that be also used that dream to finally push me into doing what I should have been doing all along....writing novels.

I get divine inspiration in dreams sometimes. While working on my third book in the Angel series, I'm concurrently writing another novel in the time travel genre that was also inspired by a dream.

Sometimes, I write entire songs in my dreams, and wake up still hearing the music and lyrics, which are completely original, though since I don't know how to write down the music, I never get the songs on paper before I forget them. I suppose I could sing into the recorder on my phone to at least capture the melody.

There is a lot of diving inspiration and communication in dreams, and visits with loved ones who have crossed over. I've had some really good visits in dreams.

A psychic told me once that I astrally travel when I'm sleeping, and I believe it. The places I go often seem more real than this world, and I go so deeply into them, I often don't hear things in this world like phones ringing next to me, fire alarms going off, and cats meowing at me.

A few days ago, my mom called me while I was still asleep, and I was so far away, I actually saw a tunnel with swirling red and blue lights that I was being pulled through back into my body so I could wake up and answer the phone. It's a wild metaphysical world out there, and I love it.

Great post, keep this up.

Sounds great ! amazing idea!! Only problem is I usually don't have any dreams :( you think there is a meaning behind that ? I will follow you for sure ! keep on doing the great job!! STEEM ON !!

Do you get enough sleep? That is a major reason most people don't remember their dreams.

When I haven't remembered a dream for a while I will set an intention or say a little prayer-type-thing where I let the universe (and my higher self) know that I want to remember a dream and even if they have to make it a nightmare that wakes me at 2am, they should do it. Just make sure I wake up remembering something. Works more often than it doesn't. 🙂

Yeah Believe I have enough sleep :) thanks for your advise, will try it out tonight !! :D Hopefully it works :) !

I hope so too! Let me know. :)

Will do for sure, thanks for all your help!!

Unfortunately no dream tonight:(. Guess it's a hard nut to crack,but you will be the first to know when I do have one !! I do like to read about the dreams of other and your interpretation, so definitely keep on doing the good work! Thanks again for the effort trying to help me !

Bummer! Thanks for the feedback though and keep setting the intention to remember. I've also placed stones/crystals in my pillow case to help me remember. Herkimer Diamond and Blue Kyanite are good for dreams but a google search for dream crystals/stones and choosing what your drawn to is even better. It'll happen eventually. Even if it's a tiny memory of a lake or something, write it down or send it to me. It shows yourself your serious about dreaming and value interpretation (that matters, believe it or not).

Thanks foe you kindness, will take a look at it :)

Would like to say something nice and appreciative about your work, but I don't know what exactly. It's probably not easy to get through stigma.

Wish you all the luck in your endeavor!

Right!? Stimga galore. The trick is to believe in yourself and what you do more than other peoples opinions of it. :)

Very nice! I might hit you up for some dream analysis, I have pretty wild/lucid dreams sometimes lol

Do it! :)

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