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RE: Waiting on the Moment

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Thanks, brother! Glad to hear it.

If you don't mind, would you saying a prayer for me sometime. I had to put one of my four legged best friends down yesterday in one of the toughest decisions of my life and am taking it quite hard. The grief is real.

Been dealing with a lot of guilt on how I could have changed things but I must remind myself that God is sovereign over all.

Perhaps, when we pass through what our mind conceives as a big trouble now that it is God delivering us from a much bigger trouble later on.

In a way it kind of relates, people may be concerned especially who bought at ATHs that they have lost something and perhaps they did in a sense but I would say that the only time you truly lose completely is when you don't learn something from it.

In that sense, the trouble we go through today may be the graces of tomorrow.


Hello anthonyadavisii... not wanting to step forward out of place, but with your permission I’d also be willing to hold you in prayers well. I know we’ve never met, but with your permission I’d do so... it’s kind of how I’m trying to move within this Steemit community. Peace to you and may God hold you in tender hands. @genxrev

By all means, I am in a bad way right now and could use all the grace I can get.

I'm very sorry to hear that. I will hold you in my personal prayers... but here and now...

Gracious Lover of broken hearts and grieving souls, I pray for Anthony and his family for the hard choices they needed to make to release his dear friend. The sorrow is real and the wounds just hurt. Hold him... let your love for him serve as a balm and may he feel your embrace. Grant him peace this night and comfort in these next days as he walks through this valley where Death's shadow feels all too real. Remind Anthony that you will serve as his strength and comforter every step of the way.

I had to put one of my four legged best friends down yesterday in one of the toughest decisions of my life and am taking it quite hard.

I hear you, brother. My wife went through a similar period of grief when we had to put down one of our beloved horses recently - it is not easy.

Praying that The Great Comforter fills you with His presence, and that you rest in His plan. He is enough.

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