in #life6 years ago

Picture it, a man believing that he deserves to have his free supermarket plastic bags so much that he threatens to pushes his trolley full of groceries to his SUV. He has been saying this for so long that he did it! To the amazement of fellow shoppers in the carpark they witnessed this fellow pick up the trolley with the groceries and put them in the back of his SUV .

Yes it is true, a fair dinkum story ridgy didge! I believed it anyway because it was told by a most reliable middle-aged worker at the green grocer's shop in the Kawana Shopping Centre. It is not unusual to see the dumped trolley in a park etc. If you are asking how this great chat started? It was as easy as handing over my bags to the shop assistant and chatting at the same time. I am a talker and somehow or other I always have other people chatting. Interesting conversations just flow effortlessly. Amazing what I hear!

I get to hear the most scintillating stories and best of all I can share them. Make for good yarns. It would have been hoot to see this fellow taking his groceries and shopping trolley. I might have been able to snap a pic of the man in action! If only.

Of course he was motivated by his belief that he was entitled to keep getting free plastic bags and obviously so annoyed that he was going to show them. And he did. I wonder where that trolley is now?

Hopefully not sitting in an environment like this.



Ha! I bet he has that cart on display in his living room, and he tells everyone that visits him about that time he showed that grocery store a thing or two.

I think you might be right and it makes me giggle.

ha! howdy there angiemitchell! I don't get it. what was unusual about him pushing his cart out to the vehicle?

Oops janton, I did not make myself clear enough, sorry. Yes, we do push our trolley to the car but this fellow actually drove away with the groceries still in the trolley.

what?? why would he do that? I don't get it, was he protesting against their bag policy?

Yes janton, I think he was protesting big time at the bag ban policy. I am not sure of his logic though.

haha! that guy was determined to get attention for his cause and I guess he did that even though it makes no sense!

He probably dumps his rubbish in other peoples rubbish bin or leaves it by the side of the road.

Yep, and he really missed the reason behind the bag ban policy big time!

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