28 Years Ago

in #life6 years ago (edited)

It was early morning, Tuesday, July 24th, just like today, but it was 28 years ago.

I ran through the main entrance of the local hospital. The doorkeeper tried to stop me but didn't have a chance. I was in a hurry, and I knew where I have to go.

I turned into the hallway to the right. Although I had 20 kilos more, and with heavy thick legs full of water on which I hardly put some very light shoes wearing them like flip-flops, all of which turned my graceful walking style into banging like a duck, I was still way faster than the doorkeeper who managed to caught me somewhere in the middle of that long hallway.

He wanted me to sit in the hospital wheelchair and take me where I was heading anyway.
- Are you crazy, man?! - I asked him almost furiously.
- Do you want to force me to sit on my baby's head??? No way!!! - I was determined.

I left him entirely discombobulated, came to the end of the hallway and turned left in another long one. I was already halfway through that second one when I heard the voices behind me. It was very early in the morning, and the hospital was empty, what makes the echo of the sounds even louder.

I heard the doorkeeper saying to someone, "The crazy woman just walked down that hall!"
I supposed he must have been talking to my husband who most likely managed to find the parking lot somewhere around after I jumped out of the car and ran away.

I was right. With the small suitcase that I packed almost a month before in his hands, my husband managed to catch me at the end of the second hallway, in front of some semi-cargo elevator. But, I decided to take the stairs.
- Honey, don't you want to take the elevator? - he asked, thinking it might be easier for me.
- Are you nuts?! - I replied. Throwing him a look, I continued to climb the stairs.
- I don't have time for this old elevator, to wait five minutes just for the door to open.- I tried to explain.

In the middle of the staircase between the ground floor and the first floor where the maternity clinic was, I had to stop because of the hard pain caused by contractions. Watching me like that, my husband asked.
- Do you want me to carry you over? -

I couldn't reply to him anything. The pain was too intense. I just threw him another significant look and when the pain lowered down continued to climb in the attempt to reach the maternity clinic entrance door before the next wave of contractions hit me again. Finally there, I pressed the bell vigorously.

Only and literally 15 minutes later my beautiful baby girl was here.


Happy birthday my dear Baby-Girl!!!

Photos source:
The photo in this article is from the own family album.

Posted on Tuesday, July 24, 2018

SteemitBoard Ana-Maria Personal Badges


Do you want to force me to sit on my baby's head??? No way!!!

lololol, pregnant talk is sometimes hilarious! :D She looks gorgeous, I am sending my birthday wishes too 💚

hahaha - Yeah! With my first child (for many different reasons), at some point, I was even thinking to run away from the hospital thinking if I just manage to get through that door out the pain would vanish. After second thought, considering the same idea, I had to laugh at myself thinking: "Ana, are you really that crazy to think that the pain exists only in this room?" So, I brought myself to some senses saying to myself: "Come on silly girl, the pain is within you and wherever you go it goes with you. So, stay here and get this done!"

After that, I called the doctor and forced him to break my amnion and give me so-called DRIP (a glucose drip that speeds up the birth process), as after countless hours of being into labour I was really afraid I would be too exhausted when the time comes, and especially if I would have to wait an additional several hours while having contractions. I was even crazy enough to promise him I would give birth in an hour if he does what I was asking him.
At first, he wasn't thrilled with my idea at all, but I was persistent and stubbornly determined, so he finally gave up and thank God did it what I was asking for.
Do I have to say, that I kept my promise and really gave a birth to my oldest son exactly one hour later?! 😜

But, despite the fact that at the end everything went well, I learned two main lessons from it.

  1. Never again go to the maternity clinic that early as they would glue you up to the bed for no reason.
  2. Never ever again use the drip as the contractions pain are way harder and stronger than the natural ones.

Never the less, thank you for stopping by again and leaving a comment, and especially for the wishes sent to my daughter! 😊

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-Do you want to force me to sit on my baby's head??? No way!!!

HAHAHA Only an expectant mother thinks this way. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!

WOW Merej, you are back! You have been away for quite some time, and unfortunately, I didn't notice when you returned. To be honest, I was even a bit worried about what happened to you.
However, I'm glad to see that you are back and I hope whatever took you away has been settled by now!

Never the less, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment and especially for the greetings to my daughter! 🙂

Thank you! I've been all over the internet, busy with everyone else's social media that my own fell to the wayside. I'm carving back some of my time. Funny you mention being worried about people who "disappear." If I actually die, I've got a book of instructions for my family. Top of the list is contacting my social media peeps to let them know - then shut down the accounts. You know what this means? I ain't dead yet. LOL

Oh my, oh my - I wasn't that drastically worried. I still have some hope and faith.

The thing is that I "lost you" (I think it was) about a year ago when hurricane Irma was approaching. You made some post about your preparations and wait for it. I was watching the news and things didn't look nice either in Florida or in Texas. And there was not a single sign of you for quite some time. No posts, no comments left - anything.

At first, I thought, if Irma just scratched the area where you live it might be very likely that you have a problem not only with the Internet but even with electricity what would explain your absence. But when over a month past I started to worry. I didn't think that you die, but it crossed my mind that your home is maybe devasted or something, and you are fighting with some big real issues to put your regular life back in shape, and what understandably keep you away from Steemit.

If that's so, I thought, maybe the community here might help you to get out of that trouble faster. And in fact, I was thinking about raising some funds for you or whatever we can do to help you out.
On the other hand, without any proof from your side, it might look like some potential fraud initiative from my side (going around the network and asking people to help and support the cause), if at the end turns out there was nothing like that.

Therefore, I left you the message (comment) under your "Irma post," as it was the last that you have written at the time, to leave us some sign that you are all right, hoping you would (at some point) manage to take at least some shortest peek on your Steemit account.

As I check the replies regularly, I was sure I'll see when you return, as you would see my comment and surely reply on it. How this, for some reason didn't happen, your return slips from my attention. All of it even more because I didn't notice your posts in my feed as well, very likely because we are different time zones and when I am online they are probably pushed deeper down by newer created ones of other members that I follow.

So, now you know how it looks from my side and what I was thinking exactly. 🙂

But never the less, this book with instructions (for the worse case scenario) sounds like a very good idea and plan. And I think I'm going to copy it. 😉😊

Hurricane Irma was probably the biggest disappointment of my life. LOL I know that sounds strange but when I shuttered the place, I really thought it was the last time I was going to see it. I was fully prepared to let go of everything that was left in it - and good riddance!
The damned trailer survived. It even made it through a micro tornado that left about 20-30 trees laying in the yard. I was mentally prepared to live in a shelter or some kind of FEMA housing until we found another place to go. LOL Like I said, major disappointment!.

I say that, and so many people really did lose everything. I come from the perspective that I've lost everything at least twice that loss doesn't feel so terrible anymore! As long as we've got our health and our loved ones, it's all good.

Anyway, so from there it was clean up, find work, save, take on more work, and finally we were able to get into a new home with enough space to feel creative again. My workload hasn't gotten any lighter but I have to carve back some time for me. This is where I'm passionate and free to be myself (at least online). It's hard making Steemit a daily habit since I've been away for so long, but I'm trying. Thank you for caring. ❤️

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Happy birthday to your beautiful girl! I couldn't say I understand your feelings 28 years ago because all three of my girls are caesarean delivery. I was in the labour room for more than half a day for my second one. And she seemed to be enjoying herself too much inside me and didn't wanna come out. Then the doctor said couldn't wait any longer, must go to OT as the heartbeat didn't look good.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for the greetings to my daughter! 😊

Thank God, I didn't have to go through cesarean delivery with any of my kids, but I know what does it mean to be into labour laying in the delivery room for ages as that's exactly what happened to me with my first child (my oldest son). I have been into labour for several hours before I arrived at the clinic and additional 19 hours in the clinic where they didn't allow me to walk around or even stand next to the bed (what would be easier for me to bear the pain). Unfortunately, they forced me to lie down for the whole time of those long and exhausting 19 hours.
And that's exactly why for my second delivery (being pregnant with my daughter) I decided to arrive there the last minute. And I did it! 😜 😂

@ana-maria You really did it! Just right on time!

Wow adorable.
How lucky you are to get a beautiful daughter like this?
Happy birthday.
Long live Baby-girl. Make your mother happy.

Thank you very much! 🙂

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