Love On A Wave

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Love on a Wave


This week marks 10 years married to my husband.

For me, this is a big deal. In my upbringing I didn't see a lot of marriages last. My own mother was married 4 times, and none of them to my father.

Marriage is hard. It is really hard. Getting married at 19 to someone you've just fallen in love with months before could be described as foolish. I guess we were lovedrunk. I know we didn't take forever into account, I don't really do well with long term plans. Always one to go with the flow, maybe that's why I love the ocean so much.


We did it though. Threw a big bash in our rented house with all of our roommates and college class mates, and random people we didn't know. Our families weren't invited, it wasn't that kind of a party.

In our dining room surrounded by who knows who we exchanged our vows and were pronounced husband and wife by an alarmed looking Justice of the Peace. We exchanged corner-store rings and
a passionate embrace for all to see.

We celebrated and danced all night, so happy and so in love.

As the years went by we had some horrible times. What can you really expect from two silly kids. I don't think many couples would stick together through what we put each other though. There were times were we weren't together, or together but hating each other, or just disinterested.


We always came back to each other and with deeper love and forgiveness.

I believe that when I married this man he became my family, and I don't give up on family when times are hard. I believe in working though problems together and accepting that like any relationship with a family member there will be hard times to overcome.

We grew from children into adults together. Had a baby, a miscarriage, another baby. Moved provinces and shitty apartments, bought our first car and our first home. Learned and grew and adapted.


We are both completely different people than the ones we fell in love with.

And that's okay. Life is ever changing. Nothing stays the same.

At times it's still a lot of work and I don't know how long we'll last. Other times I look at him and I know deep within me that this is the man I am going to grow old with.


My love took me on a surprise getaway to White Point Beach Resort on the weekend, just the two of us. We walked on the beach for hours, it was freezing due to high winds but those winds made the ocean display the most beautiful waves for us to delight in. The dining room and lounge of the resort look over the ocean and the three amazing meals we had were enjoyed gazing upon those waves as well.


Duncan and I are a team. We support each other and take care of one another in our own ways, one's strengths complementing the others weaknesses. It's quite the journey but I don't think I would have it any other way. I love my family and feel so fortunate every day for the life we are creating together.
I love you DPG!


Take Care,

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Happy Anniversary to both of you!!!
And thank you for giving us all a glimpse into your private life!

I wish you both years and years of happiness and love!

Thank you @goldendawne!
Yes I seem to be an open book these days ♡

Ok...darling now you made me cry. So Happy Anniversary to you both. Now who better understands a story than someone with a story. 42 years and counting and I thought you were using a lot of my words. Up and down and around the world I have been with this man. Through some of the ugliest shit. I was 16 when I met him and barely 21 going on 12 when I married him and what did we know about love. Here we still are through all kinds of weather. I always ask myself this question. Is it harder to leave, or harder to stick it out. Know this..the grass on the other side is not greener, its still grass. There is something delightful and honorable in growing old with someone, so much history and so much understanding. Just keep the lines of communication open. Much love to you both xxx

Thank you Marion! I love this response, I love hearing of strong relationships that got through all the tough stuff and have so many memories and a deep understanding of real love to show for it. The grass on the other side is still grass, thank you for such a good reminder! ♡♡♡

You got better with age :P

You were soooo thin!

Yeah I think I was 90-95lbs around this time, I had a lot of mental issues regarding food. So glad that chapter of my mental illness finished!

I am not married but for everything I have read and heard it is not easy to take it, but if you can, it depends on both of you, congratulations to you

Thank you yesslife, sure it's not always easy but that's life right? ♡

Exactly what that is about, we just have to do things as well as possible

Happy anniversary! Good things are always worth it, but often not easy!

Thank you!
So true! Not easy, but look at having kids, we don't give up on them and they are extremely difficult at times...

Beautiful, heartwarming, and chilly (brrr wind) at the same time. Being a strong team is no cakewalk, that's for sure. Keep it up :) Happy 10 years anniversary!

Thank you Eon! I didn't even mind the cold, it was sooo beautiful with those windy waves. Strong teams for the win ♡

Happy Anniversary and here's to 10...20...30 more!

Thank you Steve! It's Steve right? ♡

It is Steve, yes :)

Wow I was like reading a love story from a book, I admire your story, I am inspired, jealous even.. 10 years is long for a relationship now a days and keeping it that long is just amazing. I wish your family all the best.
Happy Anniversary!💚

Thank you madsquash! I'm pretty proud of us not giving up on each other, it seems so easy for people.

Others just don't see the value of it.. More more anniversaries to come to you both. Cheers!

Wow, congratulations! <3 My wife and I are up to 24 years as of October.

That's amazing! Love hearing of love conquering all and staying strong throughout the ages♡

Such love Amy! I know that you both deserve a good break. Happy ten years to you and Duncan! I love the pic that you share. Happy love day. ^^

Thank you Dawn♡♡ Yes the break was lovely, so fun, though by morning I couldn't wait to get back to my babies ♡

♥ I'm glad you had a good break! More ♥♥♥ for you...

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