
in #life7 years ago

I overthink. I overthink big time. When I start to overthink I get major anxiety. And anxiety is not a fun thing. Seriously. It's a horrible thing. I've had anxiety for years, I've had it since I was 16. I get anxiety often...too often. I wish it would go away. I wish I could stop overthinking about everything. It hurts my mind, my chest, and its weakening. I've had it where I had to lay down because it weakens me.
I remember this one time when I really overthought and from that I got a panic attack. I cried, my hands shook, and my chest hurt.

Anxiety is so stupid and it makes me really mad! I get mad because I hate how it affects me so easily! There was a short period when I didn't have it. When I didn't overthink. When I didn't get nervous and my chest didn't hurt. But then there's one thing that someone says in a tone I don't like and I began to overthink again. So then I get anxiety again. And this time its worse than ever. I absolutely hated it! I had anxiety the minute I woke up and I had anxiety to the minute I went to sleep, and in between. But, it's not like that anymore. I am better. Much better.

I get anxiety for many, many dumb reasons. And I have examples lol.

  1. When I get nervous, and I get nervous all the freaking time!
  2. Driving! Ugh! I get major anxiety about that! That's why I haven't gotten my license yet! I am too afraid! I'm sure I'll get it someday though.
  3. I used to have it big time when I talked to people, especially when people ask me questions and generally talk to me lol. But I have gotten better. I think, lol.
  4. When a public place is really loud and crowded, it makes me so nervous. It's horrible. I am thinking the whole time how I wish it was quiet and peaceful.
  5. When I'm not comfortable, I just leave lol.

Oh, and I care way to freaking much of what others think! Ugh, I wish I didn't. I need to get better at that, I have to get better at that! If I don't, I'll be living my life trying to please others. I need to learn how to be free of care. Because it f*****g sucks!!

Even though I really struggle at it, I am trying to get better at it.


I used to have anxiety in the past, and I noticed at one point that my anxiety was directly influenced to how excited/active the mind was at any particular time.

So, I began to look into ways of getting a hold of my overactive mind, which eventually led me to various meditation practices. What I came to learn over several years or study and practice, is that that the mind and the breathing rhythms of the body and linked.

If your breathing is obstructed and not flowing properly, the mind enters a type of perpetual agitated state, where every little thing/event becomes an irritant or causes anxiety and restlessness.

Control and regulation of the breath is the key to getting control of your anxiety!

I loved your pics, but I especially appreciated your writing.....(I felt like you were talking about me...!.). , it's encoraging to know that many more people than we think battle this very real problem...funny thing's mostly ALL in our heads!....what helped me IMMENSELY is I started running , every releases the endorphins and calms me down...also the time taken helps to give me perspective ....I've also found "Mindfulness" to be very helpful....hope you manage to turn your tormented mind off from time to time....thanks again for sharing

A good friend once told me "Anxiety comes from living in your future, and depression comes from living in your past." I love that, any time I feel either, I try to remind myself to quit time traveling, and come back to the present moment.

Here I am safe and secure.


Loved this comment....will try to remember it...thanks

Write it on a card and keep it in your wallet- call it your get out of brain-jail free card!💕

I used to have it big time when I talked to people, especially when people ask me questions and generally talk to me lol.

This has greatly improved, imo. Keep your head up, this too shall pass!

I'm glad lol.


wish you a happy time, your picture refer to you get over that.
happy new year.

Excellent perfect photography

Beautifully written post about something that everyone goes through at some point in their life! This was very brave, and I am SO glad you shared this. You truly are an amazing woman and I am still blown away that I am fortunate enough to call you my wife. I love you! ❤

Aw you're so sweet! Thank you, my love! ❤❤


Excelent nigthy photography ....don't be anxietious...

I know, it's hard! I have the same problem! :/..Hopefully one day it goes away!

Wow, this is such a brave and bold post @alovelymess. I'm so proud of you for sharing it. I just want you to know that we ALL have anxiety. Some more than others, but we all struggle with caring what others think. I'm inspired by you today and you're vulnerability. I want to be better at sharing personal things like this because I think we can all benefit so much by understanding what someone else is going through.

Oh, and you should just know that your talent for photography is insane and inspires me every single day!

Thank you! I'm glad I could inspire you. :)

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