Pictures of honoring Islam for women

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Pictures of honoring Islam for women

Women in Islam are the sisters of men, and the best of the people is best for their family. The Muslim woman in her childhood has the right to breastfeed, care, and charity of education, which is then the eye of the eye, and the fruit of the heart to her parents and brothers.
If she grows up, she is the protector of the mukkah, whose guardian is jealous of her and protects her with his care.
If she married, that was the word of Allaah, and his great covenant, so that she would be in the house of the husband in the most beloved neighborhood, and forbid Dhamar, and the duty of her husband to honor her, and to do charity to her.
And if the mother was righteousness coupled with the right of God - the Almighty - and disobedience and abuse of it coupled with polytheism God, and corruption in the land.
And if it is a sister, it is the one who ordered the Muslim to be righteous, to be respectful, and to be jealous of her.
If the aunt was like the mother in the land and the link.
If she is older or older, her value is increased by her children, grandchildren and all her relatives.
And if it is far from the human being is not ruled by a relative or neighbor, he has the right of general Islam to stop harm, blindness and so on.
Muslim communities continue to take care of these rights in the right to care, which has made women valuable and non-existent in non-Muslim communities.

Furthermore, women in Islam have the right to own property, to rent, to sell, to purchase, to other contracts, and to have the right to learn and to teach in a way that does not violate their religion. Rather, it is knowledge of what is the imposition of a sinful eye that leaves a male or female.
Rather, they have what men have, except for what is reserved for them without men, or with respect to the rights and provisions that are appropriate to each other, as detailed in their positions.

It is an honor for women to respect their religion, protect their dignity, and protect them from obscene tongues, treacherous eyes, and bare hands. He ordered them to wear veils and cloaks, and to refrain from tafrjj, and to mix with foreign men, and all that leads to their sedition.

It is the honor of Islam to her: that the husband's order to spend on it, and Ihsan Maashrtha, and caution against injustice, and abuse.

It is also a privilege to allow a couple to separate if they do not have an agreement and can not live a happy life. The husband is permitted to divorce her after all attempts at reform have failed and when their lives become unbearable.
It is permissible for a wife to leave the husband if he is unjust to her, bad in her marriage.

It is one of the pictures of honoring Islam for a woman to forbid the husband to beat his wife without justification and to give her the full right to complain to her guardian or to raise the ruler's command; because she is a generous person in his saying: "We have honored the sons of Adam and carried them on land and on the sea. Of the good ones and preferred them to many of us who created a preference (70) Isra.
It is not a good thing to do, but it is obligatory.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Do not one of you scold your wife with the skin of a slave, then he will prostrate it." Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim.
This talk is one of the most telling of what can be said about cheating women. How is it appropriate for a man to make his wife - as himself - as humiliating as insulting his slave so that he hits her with his whip, knowing that he must meet and communicate with her?
It is not understood from the past to object to the legality of beating the wife with his controls, and does not mean that the beatings are always condemned.
No, this is not the case; there is no objection to the legality of beatings except from the ignorance of Hidayat al-Din, and the wisdom of his legislation against the enemies of Islam and their hosts who grew up in the field of the West.
Those who demonstrate the sanctification of women and defend their rights; they challenge this rule, and they are ashamed of it, and make it an insult to women.
We do not know who insulted women? O Lord, the Merciful, the Merciful who knows who created the gentle expert?
Or the people who want it to be a commodity that is abused and insulted?
These people are objecting to the legitimacy of disciplining the women who are waging, and they do not object to the woman being shaken, and she rises up on her husband, so he makes him - the head of the house - subordinate, insisting on her noses, and walking in her glamor.
See how they deal with this Nashooz? And do they point to husbands to treat wives if they run?

Yes, he found women - and in the West in particular - who beat her husband once after a time, and the husband mute his order, when he can no longer tolerate it divorced, then regretted the woman, and said: I reason; I was beating, and was ashamed of the news, and when he ran out of patience You divorced me!
She said that woman guardian: I regret what I did, and advice that the wives should not hit their husbands!
Islam has authorized the beating of the wife as in the saying - the Almighty -: (and those who are afraid Nshozhn Vajohn and abandoned them in bed and hit them) Women: 34.
As in the saying - peace be upon him - in the farewell argument: (and you do not reassure your brushes anyone hate him, if they do so hit them badly beaten).
But Islam, when he authorized the beating of the wife, did not authorize the severe beating, which is meant to cure, revenge, torture, and insulting women and forcing them to live that they do not accept.
But it is a hit for need and discipline, accompanied by the passion of the educator and polite; it is not for the husband to beat his wife Bhawah, and it is not beaten to harden them; Islam authorized beating conditions, including:
A - The wife insists on disobedience even after graduation with her.
(B) Punishment should be commensurate with the type of default; he should not be tempted to leave the moor in a matter that is only deserving of preaching and guidance, and he does not initiate beatings, and he does not try to abandon it.
C - to evoke that the intention of the beating treatment and discipline and the stoning is nothing else; it takes care to alleviate the best faces; the strike is achieved Balkzp, or toothpicks and the like.
(D) To avoid places such as head, abdomen and face.
(E) He should not break a great one, and he should not disgrace a member, and he should not destroy it, and he should not repeat the plague in one place.
F) not to continue with the punishment in word or deed if she is deterred and left Nashuz.
The beating - then - for the interest not insulting, even if the wife died because of the beating of the husband for the duty and expiation if the beating is not authorized discipline.
But if the damage with the correct discipline is not guaranteed, this is the doctrine of Ahmad and Malik.
Al-Shaafa'i and Abu Haneefah see this as a guarantee, and al-Qurtubi agreed, and he is the owner.
Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in the hadeeth of the hadeeth of the hadeeth of farewell, the former: "In this hadeeth, it is permissible for a man to beat his wife to be disciplined.
Hence, it is clear that beatings are a medicine that should take into account its time, type, quality, quantity and shopability, but those who are ignorant of the guidance of Islam turn the matter upside down and wear the truth with falsehood.
Then the disciplinary beating is not all that prescribed by Islam from the treatment, it is the latest treatments with it from unpleasantness; If you find a woman cacophonous abused ten of her husband, and installed her head, and followed the footsteps of the devil, and did not Andja with preaching and Abandonment-what makes the man in such The case?
Is it his dignity to hurry to claim his wife all that we have? Does a woman accept that, and her news will spread, so that she will be an object of blame and prone to blame?
The beating with toothpicks, and the like is less harmful to the woman herself than her divorce, which is the result of the majority to be followed in Nzuzha, if divorced cracked the structure of the family, and dispersed, and scattered parts.
If the lesser damage was measured by the greater harm, the lesser offense was well done, as was said:
When blindness is mentioned, it is preferable for the awrah.
The strike is one of the methods of treatment that works with some souls that do not understand the most beautiful, and does not benefit with Gemayel, does not agree argument, and not led to persuasion.
Then if one of the Muslims made a mistake of wisdom, he hit his wife and she did not deserve, or hit her severely - the religion is innocent of the consequences of these shortcomings, but followed them to the owners.
Psychological studies have shown that some women are not comfortable with themselves unless they are subjected to harshness and severe beatings, but may be impressed by the man's cruelty, severity, and violence; if a woman of this kind, it is not only ordered by beating.
The evidence actually psychological observations on some types of deviation says that this method may be the most appropriate means to satisfy the deviation of a given myself, and the reform of its owner's behavior, and please him at the same time; perhaps it was women who do not feel the man who likes to be the mainstay them only when Aiqarha intramuscularly power .
This is not the nature of every woman, but this type of woman is present, who needs this last stage; to be evaluated on the way.

And those who drink in the West, and bow their faces, tell us that the women of the West enjoy great happiness with their husbands
But the truth is otherwise: go and see statistics that show the brutality of others who brutally murder Muslims.
A-Time magazine reported that six million wives in the United States are victims of accidents by the husband each year, that between two thousand and four thousand women are beaten to death, and that police spend one-third of their time to respond to calls to incidents of domestic violence. See the role of Muslim women Preparation of the First Women's Conference Committee, p.
B. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported in 1979 that 40% of women killed were caused by family problems and that 25% of wives' suicide attempts were preceded by family conflict. See the role of Muslim women in society p.
C - American study conducted in 1407 H-1987 pointed out that 79% are beating women, especially if they are married to them.
The study was based on a survey conducted by Dr. John Prier, an associate professor of psychology at the University of South Carolina, among a number of his students.
The study indicated that the willingness of men to beat their wives is very high, if this is among the university students, how about those who are not educated?
In a study prepared by the US National Bureau of Mental Health, 17% of women entering the emergency rooms were victims of beatings of husbands or friends, and 83% were admitted to hospitals at least once for treatment for injuries and bruises they suffered as a result of beatings.
"The beating of women in America may have been the most common cause of injuries to women, and they outweigh the harm caused by car accidents, theft and rape combined," said Evan Stark, author of the study, which examined 1360 women's records.
Janice Moore, a coordinator for the Washington-based National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, said: "This horrific tragedy has come to an end. Couples beat their women all over the United States, bringing dozens of them to hospitals for treatment.
She added that the quality of the injuries ranged from black bruises around the eyes, fractures of bones, burns and wounds, knife stabbing, gunshot wounds, and other blows to chairs, knives, and heated rods.
She pointed out that the dreadful thing is that there are more women injured and hurt by their husbands, but they do not go to the hospital for treatment, but they heal their wounds at home.
"We estimate that the number of women beaten at home each year is six million," said Janis Moore. "We collected information from FBI files and from hundreds of shelters that provide shelter for women fleeing violence and beating their husbands.
See for real editing pp16-21 and see the Naked Society documents and figures pp. 56-57.
E - The book of what they want from the women of Abdulsalam al-Bassiouni p. 36-66 reads:

  • The beating of wives in Japan is the second reason for divorce.
  • 772 women were murdered by their husbands in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo alone in 1980.
  • Between three and four million Americans are subjected to various insults from their husbands and lovers every year.
  • A quarter of women - more than 8 million women - are abused every year, according to a Canadian social study.
  • In London, London police alone receive 100,000 calls a year from women beaten by their husbands over the past 15 years.
  • A woman is abused in America every eight seconds.
  • One hundred thousand Germans beaten by their husbands annually, and a million French.
    -60% of phone calls received by police in Paris during the night - are calls for distress from women abused.
    After that we need to mention those statistics; knowing that it is not yet infidelity sin.
    However, there are many of our members who do not have evidence of their position unless they are related to the West and what happened to them. This is the West whose cries are louder than the injustice of women.

If one does not have a correct eye *** it is not too strange to be suspicious and the wailing is impure

One of the pictures of honoring Islam for women is to save them from the hands of those who despise their place, and to take them to the grave in their mornings. He decided on her rights to ensure her comfort, and alerted her to the height of her status.
And the witness to this saying - the Almighty -: (and you like those who have good and men have degrees) Cow: 228.
The verse makes women rights as well as men; and if the family is not only ordered by the president of the guide and Vdhakm Balrayas is the man who would spend on them, and the ability to defend harm.
This is what is deserved by the degree referred to in the verse - the Almighty -: and men have a degree and say: (men are based on women) Women: 34.
Indeed, God - the Almighty - has distinguished the man with many characteristics that qualify him to carry out this important task.
These characteristics include:
A - He made the origin, and made the branch of women, as - Almighty -: (and created her husband) Women: 1.
B - It was created from the rib of the crooked, as stated in the words - peace be upon him: - Istsua women; the woman was created from the rib of a crooked, and if a crooked thing in the rib above; if you go to assess him broke, and left him is still crooked; ).
C - that women are lacking in mind and religion, as he - peace be upon him -: (I did not see the lack of mind and religion go to the man who is firm than you).
A woman said: O Messenger of God, and what lack of reason and religion? He said: (The lack of reason, the testimony of two women modify the testimony of a man, and stay nights what you pray, and break in Ramadan;
This situation can not be controlled by action.
D - lack of strength, do not fight and contribute to it.
(E) What a woman experiences from the natural symptoms of pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation and puerperation, which distracts her from the task of strict guardianship.
And - that it is half of the man in the certificate - as passed - and in the diyah, inheritance, Aqeeqah, and freedom.
These are some of the characteristics that characterize men about women.
Shaykh Muhammad Rashid Rida (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: "There is no dispute about God's preference for men over women in the system of instinct, but ignorant or arrogant. It is the largest, the broadest mind, the greater the preparation for science,
And after we have discovered the great thing about Qawamah, and it is ordered by the Sharia, and approved by normal instinct, and the right minds - this is a mention of some of the Westerners of the book and others regarding the commandment; Unless it is issued by the West.
A - Glenda Jackson, the Oscar carrier awarded by the Queen of England and one of the highest medals of the state, which won the British Academy Award, and the Montreal International Prize, says: "Instinct made man the most powerful and dominant based on his strengths make him in the first place God has given him the power to move life, and the extraction of its goods, it is a place of self-man who automatically qualify him to face the burdens of life and development, and more in the areas of life).
B - The leader of the American women (Fleisch Shalafi) called on women to pay attention to the husband and children before attention to the job, and must be the husband is the head of the family and the leader of its leadership.
In a recent book on the life of famous English writer Agatha Christie, she said: "Modern women are fooled because their position in society gets worse day by day. We women act foolishly because we have made the effort over the past years to get Right to work and equality in working with men.
The men are not stupid; they encouraged us to do so, declaring that there is absolutely no objection to the wife working and doubling the husband's income.
Sadly, we find that after we proved to women that we are the gentle and weak sex we are returning today to equal effort and race that was the lot of men alone.
D - An American psychologist says: (Any woman said: I am confident myself, and went out without a censor or Hasib she kills herself and her chastity).
This is what the wise people say from these people. What does modern science say in that regard?
Modern science has recently proved the attempts at equality between men and women, and women can not play the role of men. The doctor (Dr Roger Spray), the Nobel laureate in medicine, has found differences between the brain of men and women, It can not be equal in feelings and reactions, and do the same roles.
The neuroscientist at Bell University in the United States conducted a brief study of brain movement in men and women when writing a particular topic or solving a particular problem. He found that men generally use the left side of the brain, while the woman uses both sides.
And in this evidence - as the professor of the University of Bel - that half the brain of the man doing a work that can not be the brain of the woman except Bastia.
This confirms that man's abilities are greater than women's ability to think, solve problems.
This is what Professor Richard Lin of the Department of Psychology at the University of Ulster has discovered. "A number of studies have shown that men's brain weighs more than four ounces," said Professor Richard Lynne of the Department of Psychology at the University of Ulster.
"The reality is that the male brain is larger than the female brain, and this size is linked to intelligence," Lin said.
He said: (The superiority of intelligence in males explains why men in Britain twice as much as women get the first degree marks).
And whether they said what they said or not true, God - the Almighty - told us in his book the difference between the sex in general, said - Almighty -: (not male as female) Al - Imran: 36.
Every facilitator of what was created for him, and all works like him.
It is not understood through the past that the weakness of women and their moral deficiency is one of the disadvantages, but it is one of the greatest beauties.
Shaykh Muhammad al-Amin al-Shanqeeti (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Do you not see that the moral weakness and impotence of the infidelity in the quarrel are deficient in men, although it is among the beauties of women who attract the hearts?
Jarir said: The eyes on the edge of Hor *** killed us and then did not kill us
He persists with the pulp so as not to move it *** and weakened the creation of God Arcana

Ibn al-Damainah said:

Myself and my family, if they offered him some harm, he did not know how to answer
He did not apologize for the excuse of innocence and did not remove *** with a stroke until it is said suspicious

The first is to treat them with weakness of their corners, and the second is their inability to identify in the dispute, as the Almighty says (interpretation of the meaning):
This difference in perfection and strength between the two types is true from the Prophet - peace be upon him - (curse on those who resemble each other).
And he said - may God have mercy on him - after mentioning some evidence of the virtue of male on the female: (If you know from this femininity lack of moral, natural weakness - know that the right mind, which recognizes the rule and secrets that the weak and weak creation and nature must be under the eyes of the full. He created him, strong by nature, to bring to him what he could not bring of good, and pay for what he could not pay from the evil).

It is permissible to marry two or three, or four, and not to exceed four, provided that they are remunerated in alimony, clothing, and overnight, and if the husband is limited to one, he has the right to marry two or three. .
There is a great deal of pluralism, and many interests are not recognized by those who challenge Islam, and they ignore the wisdom of its legislation, and proves the wisdom of the legitimacy of pluralism as follows:
1 - Islam forbade adultery, and stressed in the prohibition; because of the great evils that exceed the enumeration, which include: mixing genealogy, killing modesty, and go honor and dignity of the girl; adultery Vksoha shame does not stop at the then, but beyond to her family and relatives.
It is harmful to adultery: it is a felony on the fetus that comes from adultery;
And its damage: resulting in mental and physical diseases are difficult to treat, and may even killed the adulterer Kalsilan, syphilis, Herpes, AIDS, and others.
And Islam when he forbade zina and stressed in his prohibition to open a legitimate door in which man finds comfort, housing, and tranquility, namely marriage, where marriage began, and allowed polygamy in the past.
There is no doubt that preventing polygamy is wrong for men and women; preventing it may lead to adultery because the number of women exceeds the number of men at all times and places. This is reflected in the days of war. Marriage is limited to one that leads to the survival of a large number of women without marriage, , And distress, and dispersion, and perhaps led them to sell the offer, the spread of adultery, and loss of offspring.
2 - Marriage is not only physical pleasure: it is comfort, housing, and - also - the blessing of the child, and the child in Islam is not like other land systems; his parents have the greatest right; if the woman had children, What is better for women: to enjoy the shadow of a man who protects them, protects them, and sponsors them, and provide for them children who, if they are well-educated and reconciled were the eye of her? Or to live a single prey Thrown here and there? .

  1. The view of Islam is just and balanced: Islam views all women fairly, and the just view that all women must be seen with justice.
    If so, what is the fault of the women who have no husbands? Why not look sympathetic and compassionate to her husband died at the age of her? Why do not many women who are confined without marriage be seen?
    Which is better for women: to enjoy the shadow of a husband with another wife, reassuring themselves, and calm Balala, and find those who sponsor them, and provide children because of it, or to sit without marriage at all?
    Which is better for societies: to enumerate some men and to give the community the consequences of spinsterhood? Or not to enumerate one, Vtstli societies fire of corruption ?.
    Which is better: to have two or three or four wives? Or to have one wife and ten mistresses, or more or less ?.
    4 - Multiplicity is not obligatory: many Muslim couples do not enumerate; as long as the woman is enough, or that he is unable to justice, there is no need for him in plural.
    5 - The nature of women is different from the nature of men: in terms of readiness to cohabitation; it is not ready to cohabitation at all times, in the menstrual cycle may be up to ten days, or two weeks every month.
    In the case of puberty, it is also forbidden - and it is usually forty days, and intercourse in these two periods is forbidden in sharee'ah because of the harm that is not concealed.
    In the case of pregnancy may weaken the willingness of women to cohabitation, and so on.
    The man is ready for one during the month, and the year; some men, if prevented from polygamy may lead to illegal behavior.
    6 - The wife may be sterile does not give birth: deprives the husband of the blessing of the child, instead of divorce, keep them, and marry another and love.
    It may be said: If the husband is sterile and wife and child; is the right of women to separate ?.
    The answer is: Yes, she has it if she wants to.
    7 - The wife may get sick a chronic illness, such as paralytic and other, can not do the service of the husband; instead of divorce, keep them, and marry another.
    8 - The behavior of the wife may be bad: she may be fierce, bad behavior does not take care of her husband 's right; instead of divorce, the husband keeps her and marries another; to meet the wife, and to preserve the right of her family.
  2. Men's reproductive capacity is far greater than that of women: a man can reproduce beyond the age of sixty, and perhaps even more than a hundred in his activity and reproductive capacity.
    As for women, they are more likely to give birth in the 40s, or to increase them a little; preventing polygamy from depriving the nation of the offspring.
    10 - In marriage is a second comfort for the first: the first wife to relax a little or much of the burdens of marriage; there is someone who appoints and takes a share of the burdens of the husband.
    Therefore, some rationales if she grew older and was unable to do the right of the husband pointed to polygamy.
  3. Seeking remuneration: A man may marry a poor woman with no breadwinner, no shepherd, and they will marry her with the intention of making her a widow
    This is the status of women in Islam. Where are the earthly systems of heavenly, just systems of Islam? Ground systems do not care for women's dignity. The father disowns his daughter when she reaches the age of 18 or less; It was at the expense of honor, and noble morality.
    Where is the honor of Islam for women, and make them a human being honored by the systems prepared by the source of sin, and rob them of their right to ownership and responsibility, and make them live in humiliation and contempt, and prepare a creature unclean?
    Where is the honor of Islam for women who make women a commodity that trade in the body in advertisements and advertisements ?.
    And where is the honor of Islam of the systems that prepare marriage marriage transaction in which the wife moves; to be a property of the husband? So that some of their assemblies were held; to consider the reality of women and their spirit, whether human or not? .
    Thus, we see that the Muslim woman is happy in her world with her family and her parents, and caring for her husband, and her children, whether in her childhood, youth, pyramid, poverty, wealth, health or illness.
    If there is a deficiency in the rights of women in some Muslim countries or some of the members of Islam - it is because of the shortcomings and ignorance, and away from the application of the laws of religion, and the loser in that of the mistake of religion and ignorance of the liability of those shortcomings.
    The remedy for this error is to refer to the guidance of Islam and its teachings to remedy the error.
    This is the status of women in Islam as a whole: chastity, maintenance, affection, mercy, care, and other beautiful meanings.
    The modern civilization hardly knows any of these meanings, but looks at the woman purely physical look, you see that her veil and chastity backward and retrograde, and it must be a doll tampering with each fallen; that is the secret of happiness.
    And they knew that the defilement and punishment of women was the cause of their misery and torment.
    Otherwise, what is the relationship between evolution and education by pretense and mixing and showing charms, and the appearance of adornment, and revealed chests, and thighs, and what is the most? .
    Is it a means of education and culture to wear tight, transparent and short clothes ?!
    And then any dignity when the images of beauties are placed in advertisements and advertisements ?!
    And why not promote them only beautiful Belle, if exhausted years beauty and adornment neglected and thrown like any machine expired? .
    What is the chance of the ugly one in this civilisation? What is the share of the elderly mother, grandmother, and old?
    Their share at best is in the shelters, the homes of the elderly and the elderly, where they do not visit or ask about them.
    And may have a share of retirement pension, or about it, and eat it until you die; there is no womb there, no link, no intimate guardian.
    As for the woman in Islam, the older her age, the greater her respect, the greater her right, and the competition of her children and her relatives over her righteousness - as before - because she did what she did, and remained with her children, grandchildren, family and community.
    The claim that chastity and concealment is backward and retroactive is false. Rather, the finery is the misery, the torment, and the backwardness. If you want evidence that the finery is backwardness, look at the degeneration of the characteristics of the human race in the nude barbarians living in the mazes and jungles, They do not take their way in the runways of civilization until they have been exhausted.
    The observer of their situation in their development can notice that the more they progress in civilization, the greater the proportion of the physical area of ​​their bodies. It is also noted that Western civilization in its relapse returns in this regressive way to the point of complete nudity in the nudist cities that spread after the First World War, And has been growing in recent years.
    Thus, the greatness of the status of women in Islam, and the extent of their loss and their displacement if it distanced itself from Islam.
    This is a brief overview, and brief illustrations of Islam's honoring of women.

BY :Sheikh Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al-Hamad (General Supervisor of the site of calling Islam)


Thank you, Islam is the greatest that can be offered to this lost and misguided humanity

Thank you

This is a very nice peace of writing, thanks to the offer. While I admire all religions, to call Islam the greatest that can be offered in this lost and misguided humanity shows that you lack much knowledge about your religion and the religion of others.

I really do admire some parts of Islam, but like all the other Monotheist religions, it has many issues including contradiction and violence. The problem here is that people fail to address these issues. They will paint the goodand ignore the bad like it doesn't exist.

The best I have read today, has exhausted many of the bright facts about the tolerance of Islam and the protection of women's rights
Which you will not find in any of the statutes

Thank you for your interaction

.. and this is how it looks in reality:


I have submitted Islamic texts and facts
Do you judge this scene that Islam does not honor women, or is this teacher ignorant and does not apply Islam and the tolerance of Islam and the treatment of women in which is better.
And if you look at the publication, you will find statistics from the country of freedom that has no forehead ... from America, England and ..... and from
The beating of wives in Japan is the second reason for divorce.
772 women were murdered by their husbands in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo alone in 1980.
Between three and four million Americans are subjected to various insults from their husbands and lovers every year.
A quarter of women - more than 8 million women - are abused every year, according to a Canadian social study.
In London, London police alone receive 100,000 calls a year from women beaten by their husbands over the past 15 years.
A woman is abused in America every eight seconds.
One hundred thousand Germans beaten by their husbands annually, and a million French.
-60% of phone calls received by police in Paris during the night - are calls for distress from women abused.
After that we need to mention those statistics; knowing that it is not yet infidelity sin.
However, there are many of our members who do not have evidence of their position unless they are related to the West and what happened to them. This is the West whose cries are louder than the injustice of women.

If one does not have a correct eye *** it is not too strange to be suspicious and the wailing is impure

the difference between Islam and Japanese or Western culture is that it is strictly forbidden to beat woman (or anyone for that matter) and it is also socially in unacceptable whereas Islam demands husbands to beat their wifes under certain circumstances and women who are not Muslims can be taken as sex slaves. That is despicable beyond comprehension and you are absolutely violating the feelings of every civilized secular or non-muslim person in the world that you have the audacity to compare Islam with their cultures and then even conclude that Islam is better to women.

No it isn't. Islam is cancer and it is terror cancer to women.

You insist on incorrect information about Islam, and the truth
If you believe in God as a Creator and a single worshiper,
This is his last teaching and approval for all humanity
And if you do not believe in God as a Creator and a single worshiper,
You are free, but if you want to rule on Islam, you should study it from the correct references and do not rely on what is promoted in the media and sites that fight Islam and set up his hostility either ignorance or cunning, to keep humanity lost and a summit for those who take advantage of the misguidance of humanity

And here is an example of defending the bad in monotheist religions which I mentioned above in one of my comments.

Under no circumstances should women be beaten by their husbands. Their should be no exceptions. While such a religion talks about respecting women, it also talks about disrespecting them thus proving its contradictive which I also mentioned above. Why defend something which is clearly stated, in order to suit your narrative or paint a pretty picture?

For example, I was brought up as a Christian but after years of reading the Bible, I started to notice some serious contradictions and finally had to free myself from religious biasness. Christianity is the most tolerant monotheist religion and while Christians continue to paint a perfect picture, I could not ignore the fact that this religion was built on a foundation of violence and intolerance which modern christians now clearly ignore.. and the common excuse which they give to the clear violent nature of The Old Testament is : "Well it wasn't in our time, it was needed before but time has changed" .

Sugar coating an issue does not solve the problem. Acknowledging the ills and shortcomings of religion and condemning it will yield a more fruitful and positive result.

There is no doubt that preventing polygamy is wrong for men and women; preventing it may lead to adultery because the number of women exceeds the number of men at all times and places.

I agree that preventing polygamy is wrong but it has nothingvto do with the number of women being>number of men. This can clearly change in the future.

The monogamous law is not a humanitarian law but one based on or inspired by Cristian doctrines. People should be free to choose whichever is suitable to them. For example some women may be ok with it while others would absolutely not stand for the idea. It depends on the nature of the persons involved.

As I told you in previous comments: Islam is free from the practices of some ignorant with its correct teachings.
And you start from a concept of religion and your practice of Christianity and search in the book Bible: It is unfortunate that you found yourself looking at the contradictions of the Bible because it is multi-writings of the Christian clergy, you are excused.
Because you came out with illogical conclusions about religion -
But if God would allow you to look at the Islamic religion and its correct sources. Its first source is the Qur'an, which is the Word of God
Which ensured its preservation
Unlike "other religions" written by her followers
And for your knowledge that the religion of God is one and is Islam, and that is what Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and all the prophets have all the best prayer and delivery from God
And that the so-called "other religions" other than the Islamic religion, they are laws sent down by God for a certain time and specific and certain people.
And I am here to ask you to give yourself time out thinking after reference to the correct sources of Islam and looking again, you will not find contradictions
As found in the sources of Christianity,
And that what you see and appear to be contradictions in Islam, see to your lack of knowledge and your inaccurate study because you picked it up from the enemies of humanity who exploit the ignorance of people.
As for your saying that we should leave all religion aside for the reasons that have been established,
I am with you in this view
Except the only religion compatible with the human nature is Islam
This is not fanaticism,
But after knowledge and certainty and practice of pure Islam of impurities and fabrications without knowledge

And for your knowledge that the religion of God is one and is Islam, and that is what Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and all the prophets have all the best prayer and delivery from God
And that the so-called "other religions" other than the Islamic religion, they are laws sent down by God for a certain time and specific and certain people.

The other religions existed before Islam. If you are saying that they were specific for times (past), would you accept it if another religion were to immerge in the future for that time.

And I am here to ask you to give yourself time out thinking after reference to the correct sources of Islam and looking again, you will not find contradictions

Religiously bias persons are the ones who do not see the contradictions. I can clearly quote them for you, but ofcourse, you already know where to find them.

And that what you see and appear to be contradictions in Islam, see to your lack of knowledge and your inaccurate study because you picked it up from the enemies of humanity who exploit the ignorance of people.

No, I can clearly read and understand. The contradictions are way to clear to miss it. In other to see the contradictions you have to be religiously free so that you do not defend what you have believed in from birth, that your religion is the true religion and everthing else is false. This how religious wars were waged against innocent people who had separate beliefs. Monotheist religions always try to seek dominance instead of just cohabiting peaceful among each other. Ofcourse, we are in a different time, we are smarter, more open minded and so, over time our religion will change to reflect our mentality. It is not our religion which but we ourselves.

This is not fanaticism,
But after knowledge and certainty and practice of pure Islam of impurities and fabrications without knowledge

You have chosen to practice the good of your religion while ignoring the bad. What you have done is levitate towards goodness as you are in a nature a good person. If everyone choose the good, it is not the religion which is pure but they themselves. With time , religion will reflect the collective mentality of the people.

Except the only religion compatible with the human nature is Islam

Islam is not the worst religion out there and it is not as bad as the people who do not try to understand it make it out to be. But you need to read about other religions before you make that conclusion. For example buddhism is more compatible with nature than any other religion I have come across.

I appreciate the showing of the good in any religion but what I fear is that people will continue to uphold and make use of the controversial and violent doctrines which can prove to be very dangerous. Religious extremists can easily use those doctrines to recruit more members. It is evident and can not be ignored. We are living in a real world, we need to reason without preference. It is only like this we can find complete solutions!

Islam is a great religion with its good teachings, and evidence of its great spread in the world, thank you for publication my friend

Yes, Islam is the true religion that humankind can still be happy with if it is applied correctly

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Amazing Photoshot, Love it..

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