Perfectionism in Our Lives. Does it Help or Quite the Opposite? 🤔

in #life7 years ago

Do you also belong to the number of people who want to perform the task at the highest quality level possible and it is not so important what kind of task - be it work work, building relationships, looking good or doing some repairs in the bathroom?

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/Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash/

My best friend is a perfectionist at her core. She always aspires the best result, even in those moments when it is not need. She always tried to do everything as well as possible. Throughout my teenage years, I looked at her and wondered, I thought how she got it and, to admit, I always wanted to have this character trait. Therefore, waking up on an early winter morning, I firmly decided that I would educate inside myself a small perfectionist. In the course of work over the set goal (which took a long time) I've learnt a lot and understood a lot.

First, I managed to improve my discipline. I already wrote about the fact that I do not believe in motivation as many understand it, but I believe in discipline and willpower with all the fibres of the soul. I still remember the feeling when I seem to have done the right thing, but I understand that I can do better. After this understanding, I stood and thought: "Should I leave it that way, because I have other important tasks to do, or should I do better on this one even if I do not have much free time?" Usually, after this thought I inhaled deeply, then exhaled and worked on my imperfect task to the best possible result. At first it was very difficult. My brain came up with a thousand and one reasons why now I can give up on my goal. I also succeeded in finding new "urgent" matters. It took me a lot of effort to explain to myself from time to time that I need to do this, because I want to raise the quality of my life. But literally in two or three months it became easier to finish things to the end, not redoing them again and again. This was clearly visible in sports. For example, when I set a goal to run five kilometres and ran, I realized that I could do one more. Then in my head the thoughts flashed through my mind: "But I'm already so tired", "But I set myself a bar for today 5 kilometers", "Well, today I run five, and tomorrow six kilometers" or "Well this is not the end of my training , I still have power-training ahead." Bringing up perfectionism, I learnt to do my work qualitatively, "even if it was so good already."

Secondly, I realized that perfectionism is not as good as I thought and understood that it hampers me very much. After six months of "doing the maximum", I realized that I was spending too much time trying to overpower myself, although this is not always necessary. Simply there are deeds or goals that really affect our lives, for example, related to work or sports (each of you will have your own different tasks and goals). And there are those to which you should not devote your 100%. Personally for me, these purposes were various tasks at the university. I believe that I need knowledge and skills that I can apply in life, and not everything that is offered at the university or at school suits my criteria.


Also, I realized that because of the desire to do everything one hundred percent, I can not release my product in any way. Because of the constant desire to correct, modify and modify, I trample on the spot, which does not lead me to the goal and does not bring me satisfaction. What was my surprise when I found out that IT products are produced in semi-cheating condition and only then polished when people use them already. I've read the phrase that changed my thinking:
"If you are considering whether to produce your product on the market because of its shortcomings, then you are already late."

Reflecting on new ideas, I realized that the whole point is that the modern world is racing very fast. There is no time to recheck and prepare. You just have to do it, and then we'll sort it out, as they say, solve problems as they come. At first this thought was very difficult to perceive and assimilate, because my mother always taught me that everything should be done well and very qualitatively - "check yourself before you wreck yourself". But in the modern world, not quality is needed. What is needed is a good idea and action.

Over time, I managed to find a middle ground. Of course it is important to stick to the good quality of what you're doing. Still, it's important to not overthink on this one and get forward at some point. And only you can decide what that point it. :)

I wish you to share with the World what you have! 🌟

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Nice article
@aleksandraz please upvote my post

Yeah I was once a perfectionist but I realised that there's no such thing as perfection. Trying my best and holding myself accountable when I fail helps :)

And how did you come to this idea?

Help. Lots of help. Colleagues and friends allowing my space to reflect on my mistakes and not judging me for them

Perfection isn't stagnation when God factor is involved.

Perfectionism is striving for perfection. In itself this desire is anything bad in itself does not carry: if mankind did not aspire to constant improvement, we could have stayed in development and, in the end, just disappeared. This desire and belief in progress is the "healthy perfectionism". However, you need to understand that the ideal and the ideal to be unattainable. Perfectionists who have a desire for the best becomes a mania, I believe that if you do not do something perfectly, that is of no use whatsoever for this thing to take. The obsessive desire to do things better all brings a lot of inconvenience. Perfectionism is not necessarily manifested in all spheres of human life. People, for example, can be a perfectionist at work, but at home it's chaos. An extreme manifestation of perfectionism can be considered a desire to ensure that everything was in place, according to a strict order, like at work, in your personal life and home.

Awesome thoughts, I really like the way how you think. Thank you!

Sometimes, its the idea that needs to be polished into perfection that leads into a perfect product.

But of course, there is really no 100% perfect as human always err even in the smallest possible way or chance.

Yes, I agree with you, great thoughts!

For me? Perfection is how you perform on anything you do. If you find is beautiful from inside and out, there's perfection. :)

Maybe you are right :)

Wonderful post @aleksandraz! You hit the nail on the head here. You know so many successful people are made through the discipline and habits they create over years of no successful or failure. That is what will create someone to become so powerful and keep them there.

I have read many stories on others that with whatever they did, they gave it there best. They gave it 100% no matter how small the job was and then when the right opportunities comes along, you will be implementing this at just the right time. You are swinging at life with the best accuracy in a way.

This does so much for you such as feeling accomplished always, progressing in anything you do, and have a strong work ethic to live a full life. I could talk a ton about this.. :)

You always make a very valid point to not overthink though or you can destroy yourself that way too. I am guilty of that one for sure.

Loved the post! Have a great day! :):)

Glad to hear it. Thank you @bitdollar!

Of course :)

To start with the idea that perfectionism can help you be successful; it isn't necessarily a bad thing to be eliminated altogether. Quite the opposite is true, in fact; your perfectionism might be one of your most valuable attributes and the source of your successes and self-esteem.

I am someone who loves making sure that even the smallest details of my work are right, and that the work I deliver lives up to my highest standards. I used to think that the opposite of perfectionism was doing sloppy work, so I tried that for a while, but it really didn't sit well with me.

Thank you for your thoughts! I appreciate it! And what about you, are you perfectionist?

I am not perfectionist.. but some things.. like arranging filenames in the computer.. i can be very detail on that.. but sometimes i salute OCD people.. because they are very clean people..

It's quite good, it can really help you in life!

very wise friend, this is the way we let it be better in the future. as you mentioned earlier, discipline should take precedence in any work. so everything we do has to be disciplined. thank you guys for your story today. I am very happy with you.

Thank you very much, my friend!

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