A How To [Magick 101]: Casting a Circle/Create a Sacred Space

in #life8 years ago

As I stated in my introduction post, I plan to post about magick and esoterica as often as possible. Today's post explains a few short and simple ways to establish a sacred space to conduct magick rites or to hold meditations.

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Create a sacred space to work in


Optional- Athame
Optional- Sacred wood/herb/etc for purifying

Some magick orders call for casting a circle in order to purify a space for magickal operations, such as the Gardnerian Wiccan sect. One way that this is done is by holding one arm outstretched (whichever hand One may feel to be most powerful)(or using an athame/sacred wood) and point to the edge of the circle.

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Visualize a brilliant white (White is used to cleanse and energize an object, person, or space) light emanating from one's palm.

Rotate clockwise three times, mentally marking out the circle with the white light. Though, casting a circle is not necessary.

One may sanctify their area by visualizing a vivid white light radiating from the center of their Being. Allow this light to expand, completely encompassing the area surrounding one's Self. One may choose to continue expounding upon this light until it envelops the town, the state, the country, and completely inundating the planet.

Once the location has been sanctified, one may begin the rites.

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Very interesting. I like to have a broad spectrum with anything light and dark (or what the majority interpret them as)..having had a few sets of parents, yeah sounds weird but true, there has been a few different beliefs and practises, so it has made some interesting times.. look forward to more stuff!!

I am doing my best through my studies to create a very complete system, slowly creating an entirely unique school of thought, and the only way that I have found that to be successful thus far has been through taking the time to go through as many different schools of thought as possible. I have many years ahead of me still, but balance in everything is absolutely necessary. It sounds as though you've garnered much from your experience with multiple sets of parents. :)

Interesting post! Looks like another series to follow.

Thank you, definitely stay tuned!

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