LIFE WITHIN: Steemit Pride!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

pride: a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.source


What it does to us, steemians?

When we start to compare our own post to another, then we conclude that there post is not of quality and only throwing shits and we biasly conclude that our own post is great and should earn huge rewards, then that is Steemit pride.

We try to find justice within the system. We then start calling steemit unfair. That there should be done to change it. That there is no justice here. I tried my best in every post, and work with it about two hours but only gain few rewards comparing to shitpost that earn more. But wait,Who judge a post wither it is great content or just a shitpost?

Too much about ourselves!

Steemit is not about ourselves. That is the reality. When we start talking about our self only then shitpost exist. Why? because we start claiming what should we get from steemit instead of what we can give to steemit.

  • What did I do to give back to steemit?

The most basic why we are here in steemit is to enjoy the company of the community. Knowing it is the community and the friends we have here in steemit will rewards us and of our work. We can't please everyone. So better keep moving and keep sharing what is on your mind, the passion you like to share and don't stop on believing,.

If you think they post shitty thins, don't go after them or do what they did. Remember, success is the product of multiple failure. To quit is not an option otherwise you ended up a loser.

Instead of self justification, why not start appreciation!
Pride will make us dry to keep on steeming. Getting few rewards will keep us away to steem. We must remember, there will always rainbow after the rain!

Keep steeming not of the rewards but the passion of sharing what you may have!

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"Redfish is the first rank in steemit, next will be minnow, dolphin, orca and the last whales"

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