12 Strategies for Improving your Diet

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Make and shop from a list.
Instead of aimlessly wandering around the grocery store trying to figure out what you may want or need, take some time to prepare. Keep a list going. Write down when you run out of the things you regularly use. Plan what meals you will prepare. Shopping from a list leads to less waste in time, food, and money. Buy only the items on your list.

Image by mcstudio79 from Pixabay

Examine your food choices.
Categorize your shopping list in order to raise your awareness of your food choices. Are you planning meals according to the fuel your body needs? Are there enough vegetables, fruits, complex carbs, proteins, etc. in your diet? Keep your diet exciting by introducing variety.

Never shop when you are tired or hungry.
Shopping while tired can lead you to choose more prepared foods and snack foods. Shopping while hungry may lead you to choose more calorie-rich foods. Shop when you are rested and after you have eaten.

Don't buy food that you don't want to eat.
This goes for food you dislike and junk food. Try to buy things that are nutritionally valuable. Try to buy food that you will actually eat. Try and work with yourself, with your likes, and preferences.

Swap out foods.
Choose healthier alternatives. For example, instead of white bread choose whole wheat. Instead of white rice choose brown or wild rice. Instead of pasta, make fresh zucchini "noodles" instead. There are lots of healthier alternatives which you could try.

Make a little extra.
Maybe you can have leftovers for lunch the next day. Maybe you can pop some into the freezer for a rainy day. It is not a lot of extra work to make a little more, but it can save you a lot of time by having ready-made meals on hand.

Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Plan ahead.
Cook when you have energy. Make food preparation a priority. If you wait until you are tired, you may make poor choices. You may opt for something quick that may not necessarily be healthy. Batch cooking can be a great option for those with busy schedules. Even just preparing raw ingredients ahead of time can be a great help later on. Create a schedule for meal preparation.

Add healthy ingredients to existing recipes and dishes.
Try and sneak some extra healthy ingredients into everything you make. Adding a vegetable or two will often not undermine or overwhelm a dish. This effort can add up and make a difference.

Eat from a smaller plate.
We can encourage ourselves to control portion sizes by eating from smaller plates. Many foods are calorie dense and we don't require large portions. Don't forget to accompany your meal with something to drink.

Drink from a reusable bottle.
It's easier to monitor how much you drink when you use a measured container. Bottles also hold more so you will not have to refill them as often. Plus, they are easy to take along with you and don't spill as easily.

Eat regularly.
If you miss meals, you may feel unwell, or depleted, which can impact your performance and productivity. On the other hand gorging, yourself can make you tired and hungrier later on. Pack a small healthy snack with you in case you get stuck somewhere.

Celebrate your victories.
Build yourself up instead of tearing yourself down. Recognizing your victories will empower you to make more positive choices. Be forgiving of yourself.

Image by Shad0wfall from Pixabay

Remember, it takes time, repetition, and a lot of patience to build new habits and a new lifestyle. Any goal is made easier by being broken down into smaller workable steps. Make changes little by little. All those little efforts and steps will add up.

Focus on what you can do right now, on whatever decision you have in front of you right now. Take it one moment, one decision at a time. Keep making those changes!

Educate yourself. Encourage yourself. Success will be found in balancing knowledge and understanding with self-discipline and perseverance. Keep in mind that what works for one may not work for another. You must find what works for you, as an individual. What will motivate you, what will you inspire you to keep going? How can you learn to work with yourself?

What tips and strategies can you think of that help you to make better food choices? Please share them below.

Let's encourage each other towards healthier lifestyles!

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