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RE: How I faced my demons and fought back!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I am so glad that you finally wrote this article! :) I remember seeing your update and talking to you just a few days after your accident and how positive you were even then. Just smiling and laughing about what had happened, you surprised me by your attitude towards the whole situation and yes as you mentioned above, it had a great impact on my perception of things. The way you narrated the entire incident while cursing those people was just hilarious! :D
You have been really really strong in these past few months, despite so many issues and still are and I really admire your spirit @firepower :) I am so glad I sent you the portrait without any second thoughts and I was double happy to know that you liked it <3
As I have said you before also, that knowing you has been really really great and you have been an amazing friend to me whom I can look upto :) Another amazing thing is that you got to know how awesome of a person I am ! :P :P ( Okay, kidding...? )
Looking forward to lots of Great times ahead!!!!!! Stay Awesome! "FIREPOWERRRRRRRRR"

  • R. Babe :D

Haha! Awesome! Really it's been a tough but incredible last few months! I'm just grateful to have some incredibly positive people around me which is making a big difference! Thanks for being there and such a great friend all around!

Yes! Always here and appreciate your support too :)

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