Balancing act- Steem, Money, Wife, Family, Activism

in #life7 years ago

Balancing a family isn't easy. I've been married since I was 23. My wife was barely legal drinking age at the time. We're from New England... this isn't normal up here. I literally saw my wife from across the room and knew "that's the girl I'm going to marry." I was done after that.

Anyway, fast forward and we've had good times and bad times

We've had some good years, and some bad. We both did a bunch of school and earned grad degrees. It's good times. We've had some heart ache through deaths, arguments, and I've burdened my spouse with a bunch of EtOH challenges.


Over the years I've stayed extremely risk confidant. I'm still under 40, have a PhD, my skills are in demand, and I'm really good at what I do. I'm never worried about having a job. I'm really never all that worried about money, even in the lean times. So, as part of this I put all our money into crypto. It's gone down some, but I'm not nervous. I'm actually more confidant than I was when I put it in. Shit's gonna go up, and big up.

That said, there's more than one person in this marriage and in this family. So, I'm faced with two choices. Pull some back out when the crypto is down or go work for a bit. I don't actually think that I have to do either of these. I can wait, but again, I'm not the only person trying to make this family work.

I don't want to get rid of my steem. If anything I'm looking to grow my account. I've been powering down, but that's not to have some massive cash out. It's to make sure that I can have liquid steem when the mega rush happens (which I think is about 3-4 weeks from now). When that happens I think a few things will happen. Steem will spike, Steem will crash, and Steem will recover all within 1-2 weeks. I want to be there with liquid steem when that happens. If it goes according to plan I'll temporarily stash into tether, buy back in at a low, and then possibly cash out a little for comfort money, but still have more than when I started. That's the game plan.

Next step

I think I'm going to do some higher ed sales work again. I'm rather enjoying not having full time employment, but I think the risk is adding undue stress to my marriage. Changing this working is the most important thing for me to do, but it's based on a number of factors. One of them being my wife's happiness and sanity. So, I think I have to trade a little of my ultimate freedom and risk tolerance for a slightly more balanced work/life/steady income kinda thing. I don't plan on that being my long term. My long term is fullfilling the mission of the Minnow Support Project: Spread the values of Peace, Abundance, and Liberty, help Steem grow, and train and retain minnows on the platform.

The world is broken. It's run by criminal bankers who constantly cause harm. It's not going to end with protest we need alternatives to government, government currencies, media, education, and many others. I think what Steem is building is one of the most important changes in an entire system of governance in our lives. To work on that and have freedom to operate I need a happy marriage, and that means a little more financial stability and a little more fiat/terrestial world for now. I doubt it'll last forever, but I think starting in May when my non-compete runs out I'll take on some terrestial work and settle my family down a bit.

what it entails

Actually the gig is super easy for me. There are sales reps, they feed me demos, and I deliver them. I'll have between 4-6 a day. I won't have a commute. I won't travel all that much as far as I can tell. The company I'm gonna work for has 5 reps. I'm betting each can score maybe 1-2 demos a day so that's an average of 6. Many take an hour, but I bet I can push some of the lower revenue ones down to 30 min.

Pal Studios

As part of this compromise instead of pushing to have an external Pal studios I'm pushing to have an internal one. I'm going to take over part of my basement and setup shop there. It cuts down on cost and makes it more convenient to film and get that going. So, hopefully the media project I've been putting off while the price of BTC and steem are taking a hit can get going now that I don't have to worry about the long term financial costs of this.

So, what changes now?

Nothing for now. It's not even certain, but it looks like in May I'll have some demos to give while I'm Steeming throughout my day.


My 2c--which I believe I have photos of chucking on you--is to make yourself happy. You can't control other people's happiness. At the end of the day have to do that themselves.

Hmm... This is is probably why I'm not married.

G'day bruthaman @aggroed!
It was really nice to read this and get more insight into your life.
I resonate with your chart/charter. Seems like the most sensible hierarchy of priorities to live by.
You were also talking of your Steem plan overthe next few weeks or so. I'd love to pick your brain on that kind of stuff sometime so I can get a clearer understanding of how things work with crypto investing as well as starting initiatives through disocrd, etc..
I'd like to make this blockchain platform really work for me (personally) so that I can really catapult some important messages out there (the kind that my song Silence (Waves of Life) addresses), and start some helpful and important initiatives for supporting the community, just like you have with PAL.
Inspiring stuff!
Anyway, thanks for this and all you do, mate!
I look forward to hearing your voice on the airwaves soon, as well as having more cryptic philosophical chats, my friend.
cheers and good vibes to you!

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I am struggling w similar things just at a different scale. I am a single mom so its just me and my son, and my income is tiny and my steem account is mini. But other than that I am having similar pressures trying to balance my home life with finding work with posting and interacting here. I am super confused about the Steem prediction you made, and so I was wondering if you have time to explain a little more? You state :

when the mega rush happens (which I think is about 3-4 weeks from now). When that happens I think a few things will happen. Steem will spike, Steem will crash, and Steem will recover all within 1-2 weeks. I want to be there with liquid steem when that happens. If it goes according to plan I'll temporarily stash into tether, buy back in at a low, and then possibly cash out a little for comfort money, but still have more than when I started. That's the game plan.

What is this mega rush and how do you know its happening in 3 - 4 weeks?

Why do you know it will spike , crash, recover? I have listened to you talk about this a lot but I still only partly get it. I think its just that the swarm of activity will make everyone jump in and get active, then the rise in price will make people rush to cash out , and then it will crash again and restabilize?

But then this part, I want to emulate this in my tiny minnow way if it is a strategy that can help me grow... the part where you "temporarily stash it in tether" , buy it back at a low, and then somehow that makes it be more money??

Maybe I am just tired or have a hard time with some crypto trading lingo still, but if you can explain that would be awesome. I know you cant tell me exact financial advice, i just want to understand this strategy enough to confidently decide if I should emulate or not.

Thanks!! Take care and I hope things start feeling better on the home front.

Sounds really respectable, friend. I love that the story with your wife is what it is--uncommon these days, and really beautiful to hear! And it's a big deal when a man is willing to make sacrifices for those he loves and has promised to take care of! Zero shame. Lots of respect from me.

Thanks for being an example for the community of virtue and loyalty and responsibilty. We need more of that here, especially if we think we want to find better ways to run things than they are currently being run--most people have no clue how ugly they'd get if given power, happily deluded into thinking they are not capable of really awful things merely because the circumstances haven't yet presented to them. Simple, local virtue and love goes a long way.

(Also.. VERY happy to hear you think there will be a spike soon. One more good spike would change the trajectory of my year and likely my career, as every penny matters for this artist!)

Your game plan really got me confused though.. I'll have to re read again and again to absorb. Some of these terms are bit new to me.

Also. I think managing your outside life is very difficult. At times, I don't have time for family. Especially when I have to make that post. I commend your ability of combining all. Kudos to you

I have a plan which is to have Time for family and also steem more. That's the plan I understand. I'll plan like you when I understand some of those your terms About market coming down and going up.

Regards to your family

You got this. Adulting is one of the hardest things to do but truly the most rewarding. I empathize with your struggle here as well, and also being in New England; the weather isn't helping anyone's mood nor is the USD currency inflation helping anyone's pockets. I literally spent $100 on 2 bags of groceries the other day. Ridiculous. This is food, not even a utility or something one can go without. SMH.

The world needs alternatives to EVERYTHING and the pressure is on. I just think about how the USD isn't worth crap and then crypto is relatively low as well; most of it dependent on it's ability to be cashed into the failing USD. Things need to happen. The fact you're willing to devote your time to helping those stuck in the mud is more than admirable.

What's more important though, is YOU and YOUR FAMILY first. Anyone who cares about you will be patient and understanding of that.

Personally I'm very happy to have found another local on Steemit and it makes me feel like I'm not alone here. From my family to yours, please extend your wife our gratitude. If it were not for reading many of your posts, I'd not have gotten up to speed or had the motivation to. I'm getting to teach my kids about crypto in a way they can understand. And it's a great service. So, thank you.

You are scaring me with his post @aggroed.
What will happen in May that will affect steem price to crash or spike?
Why are you cashing out?

Whole point is not cashing out. April is when the resistance line meets the support line. I have faith support will win.

Does she like silver? I've found diversifying into metals is a nice way to re-assure the Mrs that what we're doing is real, and important.
There's something direct about feeling the weight of a 10oz bar in your hand :)

she owns some gold. I'll put this on the list.

If it's gold, then just one 10oz bar will probably be enough :)

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