Half taped, half naked

in #life6 years ago

Have you ever had that kid in your class that always run out of it when it was vaccines time? I had, and it wasn't me, if you were thinking like that. I was pretty brave to vaccines back then, even when having no testosterone running wild, but I am not that brave when it comes to dentists, even now when not a kid anymore. I hate going to the dentist and avoid that as much as possible. Nothing against the doctor, but when I enter the medical office and sit on that chair I start sweating and holding everything tight like I'm in some kind of roller-coaster.

Today, I finally had the dentist appointment that I am postponing for months. Nothing fancy, nothing too painful, but my nailed fear of dentists made me delay the visit for such a long period. While on the chair with the mouth open and that tube in it to suck out the saliva and tools buzzing in my mouth I could only point my eyes to one direction: the TV. Yes, my dentist has a TV in her medical office and it was on some kind of music channel tuned in.

Without having something better to focus my attention on I just had to watch some videos until the doctor finished her job and one of them got my attention really bad and also made me wonder and think at something other than what was happening with myself. It was some video with 5 dancing chicks and a midget singing the trumpet that made the clip pretty weird, in my opinion. A dumb video of course, as many others, but what got my attention entirely was one chick. Not the midget of course. It was one that had a transparent t-shirt wearing, with just some black round band on her nipples, "to censor" her beauty. So, I asked my self: why would they do that. I don't get the point. Either you see the breasts entirely or you don't see them at all, my mind screamed.


It's like I can either conceive nudity or non-nudity and this kind of semi-nudity has no purpose...for me. Thus I googled "the censored nipples" to see what's the thing with them and why are they censored after all. Some reason that I found was that they're sexually arousing and that's why they need to be covered. Now, that may be a strong argument for some and I don't protest against it, but then comes the next question: why are men's nipples censored either as they might be sexually arousing for women the same way women nipples are for men. Ins't it?

Unfortunately, couldn't find a valid explanation, but hope to hear yours, if you have one, in the comments section. Maybe you "know better". From the point of view of a spectator I have to admit that watching that video was like wearing sunglasses through rain. You don't get to see too good with them and they don't protect you from anything either. Neither sun, nhore rain drops. However, for about twenty minutes, as I was just a viewer with some medical tools buzzing in his mouth I can say that I was privileged to see censored nipples in the doctor's office.

I have to admit though that I appreciate the doctor's idea of installing a TV in the medical office. Not only that it kept my attention away from pain and noise, but it also fueled my neurons to almost compose this post in there, on that chair while squashing a napkin in my hand. Next time I get there hope to see some news about Bitcoin on that screen, claiming that McAfee's one million price prediction for it has just been hit and there's nothing to stop it. Or, why not, see people in TV shows from my country talking about Steem, which would be another great thing to happen. Finger crossed.

Thanks for your attention,


“...Like wearing sunglasses through rain.” 😂😂😂 that’s a good example for the futility of female nipple-only censoring.

Oh boy. This issue...I can literally feel my heart beat harder and my blood pressure rise when you mentioned this scenario. I’m not very detached on this topic. It’s triggering for me.

Most women try to approach the female nipple censoring topic with an argument to de-sexualize it. As in, “it’s just a nipple. Can’t you guys just see it as a neutral part of my body?! I breast feed my child with this sacred object, so stop being a perv and getting aroused by it. It’s only a big deal because you guys ruin everything by making everything about sex. Hmmmph! 🤬”

Female breasts/nipples are at the pokey epicenter of a conflict we have with female sexuality. The breast is both a super common sexual arousal trigger AND one of major symbols of motherhood via nursing. We don’t like to mix up our sex and mothering. It generally makes us uncomfortable. We try and keep those 2 things as far apart from each other as possible and never let the 2 aspects collide. How can we maintain our unsullied holy mother image if we tolerate others reminding us of the inherent beauty and sexuality of our breasts?! How dare they! Men don’t have this mother/whore archetypal conflict to deal with. They are generally harassed and shamed for always wanting sex, but they don’t have the conflict about it like women do.

The vilification of sex is the root issue. Nothing is ultimately good or bad…you know this my friend @acesontop . Only our resistance to what IS causes good vs bad and then the trouble really starts. And sex just IS a part of life. Our desire for sex is as hardwired into our biology as our desire food, shelter, and water. We don’t survive as a species unless we are all a little fixated with sex.

But sex is the elephant in the room. (Do you know this saying?) it’s the big, obvious, awkward thing smack dab in the middle of everything that NO ONE wants to acknowledge or discuss. And so there it stays uncomfortably…awkward, contentious, our motives and desires around the topic of sex unexamined, unexpressed because we can’t bring ourselves to be the first one in this theoretical room to be honest about our interest in it.

There is every kind of kink/turn on out there that you can imagine. But Men’s nipples aren’t as common of an arousal trigger as women’s nipples and breasts, so that’s partially why this isn’t an issue with male nipples…plus the maternal/sexual conflict with the female breast. And the irony is that it’s really the rounded female breast WITH the nipple that is generally the big turn on. (think about it...fewer folks seek totally flat chested women. We augment our selves all the time to have fuller more voluptuous breasts. We rarely seek to change our nipples.) What if they did the partial censoring by covering the roundness but left the nipples peaking out? Nipples are the universal element that both men and women have. That would make much more logical sense to sensor the breast tissue vs the common nipple, but I admit I think I would find that even more arousing!

I digress…

I’m a mother, I’m very interested in sex, and I’m bisexual, so I have a lot of opinions and involvement in this topic. I would like to be able to more clearly and succinctly express myself here, but thanks for letting me at least practice speaking my mind on what is a powerful topic for me.

Hey and I’m glad the show was a pleasant enough distraction that got you through your dreaded dentist appointment 😂 and fueled a ponderous post. 👌🏼

What if they did the partial censoring by covering the roundness but left the nipples peaking out?

That would be something.

On the comment, entirely, I can only say that at least doubled my post's value so thanks for your effort.

For the ones that are into censoring women nipples, if any of them ever reads this post, I recommend them to get a bit into Tantra. At least theoretically... It's a powerful sexual perspective changer that hasn't outdated for millenniums.

But yeah, that black tape took the pain away and made that buzz just a whisper :)

I think that's a very US thing, it's somewhat considered harmful to see those nipples, so they are always censored? Still, I believe many of those music videos are appealing to the men's sexual instinct more than their musical taste, hence if there was any logic, the whole video should be censored and not only the nipples.

Anyway, you should probably be grateful that someone is protecting you from getting a hard one in the dentist's office, the dentist could probably misunderstand that.

Her husband is the assistant. And he's huge. Couldn't get a hard one even if I wanted 😁. Good point though.

I’m coming back to comment on this. Big issue here for me...

It's not getting anywhere and I am really waiting your point of view. I have the feeling you have something to say about it :).

@acesontop Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

We see a repeat of this topic from time to time. The determination of what is 'indecent and should be covered' is definitely a cultural issue.

We have to remember that up until the mid-1930s men were REQUIRED to wear shirts that covered their nipples too (USA), even at the beach men needed to wear shirts. It was the famous Coney Island protests by men willing to get arrested to make the point it was 'ok' to show their chests in public that finally got a ruling in NY to start the ball rolling nationwide.

So here we are 80 years later with women fighting the same battle. Did we forget women's ankles used to have to be covered, then allowed as long as those pesky sexual knees were covered, now it's up to thongs and X over nipples. It's hard to fight multi-billion dollar industries profiting off of covering and or 'teasing' out boobs and nipples. [ Victoria's Secret]. So the world continues to shame them to be covered.

There is a difference between nudity and sexuality. Anything can be come sexual in context if you want it to be, once that mindset is activated, then sexual desire/thrill follows.

It is what it is. :-)

There is a difference between nudity and sexuality

Totally agree with you, but in most of the cases nudity arouses sexual attraction and ignites desire. However, I don't think that we will ever see the women's body being exposed in the media as well as men's. Women will always have to have something to uncover and yeah Victoria's Secret something to sell.

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