Watch out for the creepy guy on the pink inflatable bed

in #life6 years ago

You would think that a tourist hot-spot is an awesome place to meet people. There are thousands of people of all ages here at present, the issue is that hardly any of them are staying - just soaking up the sun, drinking the local booze, and then heading back home until next year. What generally happens is a series of short conversations that include stuff like:

Where are you from? How long are you here for? What are you doing here?

The last one being towards me, and I've tried a few responses. If I'm not that keen on furthering the conversation in the direction of Steem, I'll just say that I 'work online'. That's still enough to confuse some people. 'Ahh it's a different world these days, we're too old for that'. A bit of a clue towards the ages of the people I speak to the most :)

When I do go for the 'I write blogs.... sometimes vlog like youtube, and use my IT background to produce analysis content', this sets up a fair few questions such as:

Who do you work for? Is there any money in that? You're a lucky ba5tard living here aren't ya?

And this is when it gets a bit tougher, at least for the first two questions. The last one I can just give a cheesy grin to and say 'yeah' :D

A photo from Cala Fornells - Mallorca

I've found that it's pretty much pointless mentioning 'blockchain', 'cryptocurrency', and even 'blogging' doesn't seem to be much of a hit. Comparing dtube to Youtube has seemingly sparked the most interest. Explaining that content and not popularity or views is enough to get one started gives some traction to the conversation. I'll ask if they sing, play an instrument, like pranking their friends, play video games - I should probably ask for a number at some point too... soon :p Without this number or other contact details, I'm pretty certain they didn't make it to Steem. That's fine though, one day they'll hear about it, hopefully.

The workers are here all year of course, but that's what they are here for. To work the hours that cater to the tourists - 18 hours a day if their managers had their way. It's good to get to know them though, the occasional discounts on food and drink are a nice bonus, and in a few places I pay the 'local tariff'. But yeah, many work some crazy hours, and they are happy with that as it's 6 months off in Winter and a monthly paycheck from the Spanish government for working all summer.

So where does that leave a guy with no planned hours of work, who occasionally does feel that own age group company would be 'good' for him? Well I did meet a couple of gay guys in 'Bananas' the other weekend (I should probably make clear this is not a gay bar), so perhaps it's happening, just not how I'd planned it. I mean, they were cool and all, and respected my sexual preference, we bought beers, had a laugh, but yeah... something missing... for want of some better words...

Chatting to the going home next week, or the 'I go Argentina for the winter' - it's a bit, empty. This is the downside of being around thousands of new faces each week, and at the same time living in a beautiful part of the world. So many people you think you could share it with, but for the most part, it seems like just an illusion.

Still, there is a bright side. It's pretty beautiful around these parts, and if you like it hot, the Spanish summertime will sort you out. I cycled past a pharmacy with the electronic sign on the outside giving you the time and temperature - 1:30pm, 43c. That's some toasty business!

I've been watching some of these 'social experiments' on Youtube recently too. Personally, I think that 'experiment' is used too lightly in most cases, but they are still fun to watch. See the 'whatever', 'almostepic', 'angrypicnic' channels for ideas :)

Most of the action on these videos is in major cities, or on University campus, but I've been wondering if a holiday resort is a good place to try something out. So much so, that I took my li-lo (inflatable bed) to the sea today with my go-pro, with the best intentions to float around and ask people 'how they were doing?', or 'do you float here often', or 'hey can I have your number?', or maybe 'float that way I've just seen a poop!'.

Well, I did the floating around so that's my tan topped up, but I chickened out of approaching anyone with the video rolling. Awkward, creepy? Probably. What do you think?

And should I go for the pink or blue li-lo?




Funny how much I "felt myself" in your post; throwing up memories to a time gone by.

You see, I spent my teen years till age almost 21 in a different tourist area of Spain: The Costa del Sol. Mind you, it was a lot of years ago, and there was no Internet. But the conversations and encounters were the same. As a teenager, there were other teens, but they were visitors. They had to "go back" a week later, maybe two. The local expats were typically older... heck, so were most of the visitors, in the late 1970s. The locals? They mostly didn't mix much with the extranjeros, even it you lived there permanently.

I think it was those eight years that largely shaped my adult tendency to seek solitude, most of the time. Sure, I'm married and settled now (in another tourist town... now in the US), but I still feel myself having "drifterish" tendencies.

Enjoyed this; a candid glimpse into your daily world.

Well indeed! I didn't expect a reply like this one, but it is most welcome. From the sounds of it not much has changed. This area mostly attracts families and kids, where other parts of the island are more geared for those with a party every night in mind.

Solitude I do enjoy for the most part, and a drifter feel has felt a part of me for a long time. I think part of my low feelings in the UK were down to the 'requirement' to surpress this - I'm on top of all that though even if I may sound a little withdrawn in the above. You know what I mean though, for sure.

Thanks for this comment @denmarkguy, I'm glad I wrote the post now 😊

You can take any color you like, but with those two gays still on the island I would let the pink one at home if I were you ...


One was a local and I've seen him since on his bicycle. We went to the only club later that evening, I had my backup bike locked up near by and when i returned it had been tampered with but was still there. Almost had two stolen in the space of 2 weeks - it doesn't come with me after dark any more.

I was thinking that the pink one would allow me to approach dangerous waters more easily, the go-pro though (these guys on the channels above have someone else film and a hidden mic) will surely = rejected more often than not :)

I could not stop laughing reading your post. 😂 Definitely, the pink is more creepy and the most suitable for your experiment. I will follow you closely so as not to miss anything.😜

Haha, oh great! I'm glad I made you laugh! I guess I should have a go at this then?!

I need to be as less creepy as possible, the go-pro will ensure that the creepy levels I high - so I guess that's a vote for the Blue one 😁

I would prefer to see the experiment with the pink one but it is certainly less chilling the blue li-lo 😄

I have a feeling it's going to fail badly whichever I choose! One for the pink! 😁

A bit of a clue towards the ages of the people I speak to the most :)

Maybe it is more of a clue to what kinds of people feel comfortable talking to you. Birds of a feather as they say...


I'm saving the one about the German girls for another day!

I guess there are different ways to look at this. You could choose to feel the empty and lonely part of it, or you could just embrace the idea that a lot of the folks you'll find you'd really rather not have to run into regularly. :) Now, I come at it from the standpoint of most likely having a companion with me, my wife, should we ever end up living in a touristy area. So, I feel for you there. However, no regular attachments with neighbors or people you see on the way to or at the beach isn't always a bad thing.

And for you, I would say, blue. Pink is creepy. :)

a lot of the folks you'll find you'd really rather not have to run into regularly :)

This is a plus point for attempting such as the above!

The pink is creepier than the blue? I could ask 'hey, wanna swap li-lo's?' I'll tally up the pinks and blues and see if i can muster up more courage tomorrow :)

If you manage to pull this off tomorrow, it will immediately be one of the most entertaining things I've seen on any platform by default. Just in the attempt, regardless of the outcome. How's that for no pressure whatsoever? :)

It's just the sort of encouragement I need! :D Thanks Glen!

Amazing Post

Hey, @huriya. I think you meant to comment on the post rather than on my comment. Thought I'd let you know in case you did. If you decide to, you might actually tell abh12345 what you liked the post, or how you identify or connect with it. I'm sure he'd really prefer to hear about what you found interesting about it because "amazing post" is nice, but it doesn't really provide information as to why you think that is. People like opinions that lead to further engagement. Hope that's helpful.

Very sound advice here Glen, I have a couple below who could do with reading this!

I watch angrypicnic, dude is hilarious. Him, thatwasepic, and bigdawstv are pretty much my favorite prank youtubers.

What you don't get to see is how many 'get lost creep' they get. It seems that they get a huge success rate.

'Hey, I'm lost........ can I get your number' - surely that cant work as often as portrayed?!

Entertaining though - is anyone doing this on dtube/dlive do you know?

Yes, of course it's hardwork, they'd cut off those parts. They work hard for the money :)

You know Steemit seems to love travel blogs. You seem to meet a lot of travelers. I guess turning into a walking infomercial would somewhat defeat your purpose though. But that sounds like a great way to approach that conversation you seem to keep having. Give the a place to profit from all those selfies. Even older folks do selfies right?
Seriously though sounds like winter is the best time to make friends. Everybody too busy grinding for income during the season. I bet they are all bored silly during off season.

A lot tend to disappear during the off-season, back to home countries.

The place is a ghost town, and I think I might do the same, or perhaps go further a field. (STEEM needs to go up a few $'s though!)

Well if Steem don't rise look at the bright side. You have a great place to perfect those videos before having to deal with the peoples reaction. Just switch the theme to abandoned places.

I think I'd want a wetsuit to be in the sea during the off-season. Man with a pink li-lo and go-pro, wearing a wetsuit...... :D

Well I must say if you are planning to launch a new video series you are doing a great job at promo.
I will for sure be there to see that.

Cool, you can come and hold the camera :D

Well like you say that would require a significant raise in Steem prices. 🐳

Well @abh12345 one great post. I just don't have any genuine comment (yet). Just wanted to let you know that I did read it!

Recent feedback suggested it was time for a 'life' type post.

I'd like to know what you think about the idea and choice of li-lo colour :)

As a straight heterosexual man, let me first google the color!
Okay found it!
I won’t suit me but that color makes you happy go for it!
Always have inlenght discussion with a niece of my wife about the color ... appleblueseegreen!
What do you think about that color. Never see a blue apple or a green see. Applegreenseeblue I could live that but the other way around!
What’s your opinion about that?

The English translation of applebleseagreen must be one of the funniest words around. I used it a couple of times before, and people are always like "Eh...?". So funny.
Don't worry, @abh12345, it'scompareable to turquoise.

I'd definitely go for the pink one. I am so fond of social experiments, so I really hope you will have the guts to make this one happen. Maybe put on a unicorn suit, for the extra shock-effect, lol.

Oh it's a real colour?! I missed that 😊

Still not got enough bottle together yet 😳

I even find it hard to understand in Dutch!
Just give it a name which can’t confuse males. We understand green, red, blue and some colors in between!
Nothing more nothing less 😂
A real man has the guys to wear pink. I suddenly wonder why I don’t have anything pink! 🤔

You're right: a real man can handle pink. 😂

I just looked it up and apparently the English translation is 'cyan'.

From what I can find online, the word 'appelblauwzeegroen' was originally used in the Antwerp dialect to name a color that was undefinable. It was only later that it became an 'official' color.
I have no trouble believing this could be true. Sounds very typical for us, people from Antwerp 😂😂

Thanks for the clarification!
Yep sounds like something people from Antwerp could come up with. Hoping that the people who are living on the parking couldn’t understand it 😁

I do love the fact that SteemIt is so international, but the fact that there are people from your own country are around is a very nice extra when it comes tomaking inside jokes, hahaha

I think that is a colour of li-lo that I don't own!


The pink one is yours then?

Well not originally but I got 2 options right now 😁

pink and speedos

That video would have been very good, although not everyone has the courage to do those things, besides risking bad answers or just being ignored, but even that would have been funny.

Yeah, a combination of shyness and just coming across hella creepy put me off today. Still, there's always tomorrow :)

so its tomorrow now @abh12345 and I came to your blog just to see if you posted a video. Darn, it ain't here.

Nope, still debating it though.

'Can you save me, my li-lo has a puncture?' 😁

Awkward, creepy?

Yep. Both of those @abh12345.

Why did you chose Majorca Asher? Did you think there would be some young expats there? From what I've heard they're all in Thailand! 😢


I bought a shop here originally, and am now staying at my mums apartment while she lives with her man 😁

Interesting @abh12345.

What sort of shop was it? Did you sell lilos? Hence ending up with a pink one! 😂

haha :) I wish we did, we might still be in business!

It was a jewelry shop - a shame 3/4 others appeared in the close season!

Well that's a surprise. I would never have guessed jewelry @abh12345. If I make it to Krakow I will be being very nosy about how all that came about. Just so you know. 😂

Sure thing :)

It will likely be quicker than scrolling through my posts for the last year or so to find out!

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