At what cost can dreams be achieved?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This has been a troubling question of the young minds. Growing up you meet people with great dreams especially when been asked by their tutors. You find them saying what they want to be when the grow up.
With so much energy they mention professions life doctors, Engineers and barristers etc.

Being young has a positive effect on once life, it gives you hope of being successful. I remember when I was much younger I always wanted to be a Doctor even when I never knew what was required to accomplish the task. But seeing doctors on the white made me happy because I always said I'll get the someday. But life has a way of unveiling it self.

Most of the shattered dreams of young minds are because of so many factors and most time when hit by this factors its hard to bounce back.

Bad company:



Bad company plays a major role just like drugs in the life of so many youths. Most youth when asked how they came to do drugs it always from their friends. Bad company has destroyed many lives of late. The company you keep determines so many things in your life. From the way you thinks down to how you present your self.

Drugs and alcohol:



This has been the most popular of all in this generation. It really hard to see a youth who is not into drugs or alcohol this days regardless of the preaching of the side effects by medical professionals. They see it as a way of life and indulge into an act that will lead them to their early grave. Drugs has been the major cause of most of the internal faillure of human tissues which inturn lead to death.




Gambling is fast growing this days with so many betting sites and betshops scattered everywhere. Its a common thing this days. Even when its risky they don't mind. Most of them go as far as gambling with tuition fees. This is really bad because of seen so many guys drop out of school because of this factor. Gambling affects every aspect of your life.

Expensive lifestyle:


This is another harmful factor. Everyone is trying to look rich this days some go as far as getting mobile phones that are worth landed properties. Thos has destroyed many youth because it tends to stretch you more than your reach but all for what! Just to look rich?
Being rich is good but riches comes with good effort being dedicated to a field.


Dreams are what keeps us bubbling. I dont see any reason why anyone should throw that away. Doing drugs is not the right way neither is gambling or trying to look rich. Good life is a well planned.
Set your priority and work towards it. We are getting closer to our graves everyday. So there is no need to speed up the process with harmful chemicals.
Detach your self from bad company and mingle with great minds especially those that will motivate you and challenge you to be better.



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