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RE: Facebook’s Libra + Bitcoin + Trump + Israel = 666 Orwellian Dystopia

in #libra5 years ago (edited)

@anonymous wrote:

I understand Christianity pretty well, but I have trouble getting over things such as the lack of historical evidence for Jesus:
You could respond to that "in the open" if you'd like.

Jesus came to preach against the corruption of statism. Why do you expect to find the truth about the evidence of his existence from a gatekeeper wikipedia clone ostensibly infiltrated by the powers-that-be?

Also realize that the fundamental truth and thesis of Christianity (which I explained in my blog) is only a very few (144,000?) will seek and propagate the truth, because most humans prefer an earthly King to guide them in horrific Babylonian end games. So of course the vast majority prefer to be “politically correct” than truthful. The cost of truthfulness is isolation, persecution, etc.. For example, let’s observe how I recently relented to social pressure and my own empiricism by not blindly accepting @barncat’s assertion:

Jesus lived. Performed miracles. Died on a cross. Rose from the dead.

I wasn’t there so I do not know that for sure. Were you? Do you personally know anyone who observed these claims?

Literary metaphor to make a philosophical point doesn’t depend on the archaeological record.

Let’s compare what cites about the Dead Sea Scrolls (and note the confirmation-biased vitriol they cited from) to the truth they are hiding from us:


But then Professor Puech surprised me. He said that “dove” was the natural translation of the Hebrew/Aramaic word “Yonah”, which appears in the text, but he preferred to translate it as “agitator” because, after all, the “dove” in early Christianity refers to Jesus. In other words, by his own admission, Puech purposely fudged the translation so that the reference to Jesus would be lost. Why did he do this? According to Father Puech, by definition, “The Dead Sea text can’t be referring to Jesus.”

So what are we left with? We are left with a text where some scholars are leaving out the “cross/crucifixion” word altogether, while others are substituting “nighthawk” for “nail”. At least one scholar substituted “agitator” for “dove”, based on his preconceived ideas about the content of The Dead Sea Scrolls.

The final stop in my investigation was at the offices of Dr. Robert Deutsch. When it comes to ancient texts, he is considered by many the number one Aramaic and Hebrew epigrapher in the world. What does this text say, I asked? Without hesitating, Dr. Deutsch answered; “It seems that this is a text written by the followers of Jesus after the crucifixion. They are telling each other not to focus on the ‘nail’ and the ‘crucifixion’ as ‘their enemy’ does, and not to overly ‘mourn’ their loss but, rather, to focus on the ‘eternal light’,” mentioned at the end of the fragment.

Also interesting is how the Jews propagandized (lied about) Jesus’ legacy:

Tying this back into Facebook’s Libra plans, Libra was the name for the standard weight for measuring money in Caesar’s Roman empire.

Jesus came to preach against the corruption of statism at both the State and Church level. Two applicable scriptures are 1 Samuel 8 and Matthew 6:5.

Christianity is a philosophy of decentralized (i.e. individual free will) selflessness (i.e. unconditional love) which is the only possible way for us humans to live without destroying ourselves.

When we idol earthly organization (e.g. Church and/or State, even if separated) we fall into the woodchipper because pooling of resources is always a management power vacuum which attracts the flies who have an incentive to get people to idolize earthly King-shit to give up everything to them. And people do. They follow the government and/or the church and go along with all the insane shit. They may claim they are politically against Trump or Obama or who or whatever, but the fact is they are all just going along with the disease (aka Prisoner dilemma and tragedy-of-the-commons) which is any form of “collectivized plans of mice and men”.

The reason to love Jesus in your heart is because he represents absolute, unconditional love through ultimate sacrifice of selflessness. And to commune with others who respect and love Jesus by living their life with absolute, unconditional love through ultimate sacrifice of selflessness, means a world absent of darkness and evil. A world we can all be thankful for.

The alternative is nothingness. Nothing to live for. You live and then you die back to dirt. No ideals. No legacy at all. The only legacy is the destructive, evil result of human organization in Babylonian-esque governments and churches.

Please I call out to his people. Where are you? Make yourselves known. Now is the time we must do great works in his name our Father who sent his Son to represent a brother or uncle for us to love, commune with, and attempt to emulate so as to glorify our heavenly Father. Why do you fear? Why do you lay low hoping to be not seen? Do you not really believe in the power of unconditional love and truth? Constantine was so afraid of us, that he co-opted Christianity by combining Rome with the Church in Catholicism. And so many fools then fell away from Jesus and into this fake “Christianity”.

Not stupid shit that Eric Raymond fears. Do not let your mind be polluted by all the pagan rituals of these corrupted churches (all of them!). Nor fall prey to churches which do not teach the essential truth of Jesus (i.e. who misinterpret Romans 13 and tell us to obey the government because the church wants more followers and more money!). Santa is Satan for example (just move the letters around), as I explained in this blog.

You do not need a church to do Jesus’ bidding. Just do it. Live your life for making a better world through your own effort. Not through the organization of any government nor any church.

Commune with those who love Jesus. Feel the love. The true love, not the delusions and mind numbing pagan bullshit that Jesus came here to defeat with his sword.

Remember Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar that which is his, and render unto God that which is God’s.” Do not give to Caesar (which signifies both governments and churches) what is not his. Don’t give Caesar your heart. Don’t fall into the abyss of nothingness. Come out of this Great Harlot system. Satan is trying to pull you away from the simple truth of Jesus.

Every Christian has a duty to bear arms to resist Caesar’s attempts to take what is God’s. A person who abrogates this responsibility and panders to the government and/or church is not a true Christian. Do not fall prey to these infidels by emulating them.

Most people have no heart. They are unwilling to sacrifice as necessary. They want the easy way. They want the government to steal for them to give “loving” gifts to the needy. Lol. These people have depraved minds.

Re-read this blog again more carefully and try to understand what I am trying to teach.

I was asked:

Do you think getting Facebook Libra is buying into satanic 666? Should I not invest in Facebook Libra when it is launched ?

Should I buy more bitcoin at its current price and move to the wallet that starts with 1 as u suggested or will the real bitcoin drop down in value?

I believe love is really only expressed by our own individual selflessness and deeds thereof, not by way of paying taxes, not some nebulous feeling or for example helping others apply for govt welfare benefits. Jesus clearly stated to not give to Caesar what is God’s. Caesar is insatiable and will take everything even the attention and hearts of all.

Libra is just more of the Caesar’s system unfolding. We Christians per Romans 13 can participate in government to the extent it is doing good. For example Libra may help many unbanked people have access to financial services. But Libra intends to accomplish this by empowering a consortium of corporations to have control over everything we can do with a ubiquitous medium-of-exchange and unit-of-account. So thus I think Christians must clearly not participate in Libra being that it is the Great Harlot which gives us money to whor(e)ship the Beast’s one world enslavement plans.

So although you could accept payments in Libra, I think Christians should try their best to exchange their Libra as they receive it, for tokens in a fully decentralized money system.

I will not advise you on decisions about Bitcoin, other than what I have already written in public (which is just my opinion and not to be construed as professional advice) and to add that I think it’s not evil for Christians to hodl Bitcoin (i.e. in 1 addresses), because it is decentralized.

@Traxo wrote to me:

Churches do not have a king as far as I am aware, they have a pastor, a preacher

And they push their (or their church’s) interpretation of scripture onto their indolent and obedient flock, which is as I explained in my blog is what Eric S. Raymond fears because the minds of people can be influenced to do great evil. For example, I cited in my blog how nearly every so called “Christian” church in the U.S.A. has made a pact with the devil by accepting 501(c) tax-exempt status as quoted below:

[…] Most “Christian” sects aren’t much better because for example they teach their followers to (←click that link!) disobey 1 Samuel 8, misinterpret Romans 13, […]

A church with a pastor is a collective (i.e. the flock) being manipulated by the center (the pastor) analogous to a government. It’s analogous to a King or idol in terms of effect. The patrons of the church idol the church, its culture and even its extravagant building (which they wasted a lot of money on that could have been better utilized to serve the poor in Africa … those who think Africans are not God’s children also evil). Churches of any form easily slip into that role of controlling the minds of their flock via peer pressure for example.

We do not need another man to interpret the scripture for each us. We can interpret scripture for ourselves so we are not indoctrinated with the corruption that invariably results when people become indolent and expect to be spoon-fed propaganda like obedient zombies akin to watching television. Mind programming. Propaganda. Lies. Etc.

Let’s draw a distinction between a church and a congregation. Christians could and should congregate to share their ideas about scripture and their love. This means everyone participating and interacting, not some master orating a speech. Maybe some individuals will become respected they often present solid ideas and explanations, but never should they be elevated to a role where the entire congregation just sits there indolent and absorbs a speech.

Church tends to be slippery slope of man’s natural inclination towards hierarchies.

Point me to a scripture in which God is just against ANY form of church.

I already did Matthew 6. Jesus clearly states that we should pray in our closet or room. The reason is because as Jesus explains, we humans are easily corrupted by socialization because we are creatures which evolved from tribalism and hierarchies. Humans often need hierarchies to make accomplishments, so we need a lack of hierarchies in religion for two reasons:

  1. So we have a counter-balance to the hierarchies we form in every other aspect of civilization including governance, business, sports, etc..

  2. To prevent against the horrific outcomes of religion that Eric S. Raymond cited and explained.

God’s spirit is present in the church, and God is speaking by the spirit to the churches.

Shudder. 😱 That’s exactly the sort of propensity to mind programming via emotional attachment and cultural manipulation that Eric S. Raymond is citing as the insanity of religion. You’re not helping me by affirming his point.

John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; — Revelation 1:4 KJV

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. — Hebrews 10:24–25 NIV

Do not take those out-of-context. Revelation is giving a warning to the “churches” because their flocks have mostly failed to live up to Jesus’ standard. And the church is this context is a metaphor for a taxonomy of attitudes, not for a synagogue, building or particular sect.

Hebrews 10 is referring to decentralized congregation not the type of activity that Jesus admonished in Matthew 6. The earlier verses in Hebrews 10 are criticizing all the crap that goes on in synagogues such as burnt offerings, etc..

This is why you need to congregate with wise people who can comprehend the scripture well. But we should not rely on one designated pastor. A congregation should be open to all peer reviews in an open participation setting. Seek truth.

Why would God command women to keep silence in churches if He is against churches? :P

We are told that women are just a rib of man and we know they lack discipline, are governed by their uncontrollable hypergamy and their parochial concerns, but that doesn’t mean that woman can’t be guided by virtuous men so that they can also be somewhat selfless and virtuous. But there are many weak men also, so blaming females and Africans for our own inability to understand is really a huge inkblot.


Great post. This is a very interesting narrative of history, with chapters chronicling the life of Jesus as it appears within the context of broader history...

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