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RE: Musician Arrested, Strip Searched, Thrown in Jail for Singing Without A License

in #liberty7 years ago (edited)

Just keep being a beacon PLEASE!!! I was so INFURIATED when I learned that the U.S. Government is a freaking corporation and sold our "birth certyificates" as us being dead hah, just learned that 3 weeks ago, at first I wanted to head to D.C LOL, now I understand this is worldwide slavery and control system so the best route I believe is doing just what you are doing, people are wakijng up,l I did lol and I was DEAD asleep! Peace!

Oh and this is DISGUSTING, highimpactflix did a video on a cop who was abusing peoples rights in CA and a TON of people called and SHAMED the police (of course the police do not give a shit hah) anyway we will get there

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